The Rays of Ascension

The Christed Ray: Today and Everyday, In Everyman

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The Story of Easter and The Christed Ray: What the Sweeping Winds Truly Bring


Just as rumor, suspicion and upheaval spread throughout Rome in March in the Year of One, so too have the energies been stirred up in March in the Year of 2013.

For what is the nature of a sweep but to clear all settled particles of dirt, debris, skin, and waste; the discarded of humanity? Yes, that has been the intensity of the energies this March.

In Roman times, rumor of Christ as a threat of power to the Church and state was such that conspiracies and plans were made amongst all ruling factions. What to do with such a threat to power? What to do with such an uprising of all that was once settled?

Even among Christ’s own circle, the unrest began, leading up to the last supper, a moment suspended in time when Christ’s disciples heard the news he had been betrayed. The reaction is in all the faces in the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Most telling of all being the face of Christ himself; calm, knowing, shining in his Ascended Mastery and knowing the script that would change everything forever—the reason for his walk on Earth fulfilled.

Yes such was the sweep of energy of the Ides of March, the setting of the stage, Act II, preparing the world for the greatest and final Act, The Physical Death and Resurrection of Christ into the Christed. Thus bringing to Earth the Christed energy, The Christed Ray, The Ray available to all inhabitants on Earth. The Ray and the Way for Man’s Ascension.

Yes, Christ and the Resurrection, the Easter Story, the greatest of change to sweep through. Still sweeping and still radiating the Glorius Christed Ray into all men and turning All Hearts into Golden Christed Rays.


Channeled by Giselle Koy


Calling the High Council of Radiance

Giselle Koy's picture


We, the Sisters of the High and Holy Court of Radiance do bear the light of the New Golden Age and usher in the energies pervading this domain.

We, the Sisters of this Light possess the qualities needed at this moment in time to escort, proclaim and herald the presence of the New Rays, the Rays of Ascension and the Radiant Fields of Light Frequencies now available here on Planet Earth.

We are laying the beautiful lace mantilla of finery and filigree on the Head of Mother Earth, Gaia in Her Crowning Moment, Gaia Crowned as her Royal and Ascended Self.

We, the Sisters of this Light carry the divine feminine codes and yet appear as the mothers, leaders, business women, daughters, sisters, creators, healers and professionals of this day and age. Savvy in technology, touched to the core by our higher selves and motivated by the self-less service of Mother Mary, do hereby commit ourselves to this destiny work for the Ascension of All.

We are not the obvious choices of such radical lightworking yet We Are The Divine Feminine right under all our noses. Yes, it is a new band of Torchbearers, Light Weavers and Ray Wielders.

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