I have been contemplating my womb, mother earths womb, and all wombs all over the world.
Why? Because in most of our cultures, we don't revere, uphold, respect, honor, or pray to our wombs... And the more this sinks into me, the more I ask myself, Why?
We all came from the womb.... It is our first home. Yet, when I honestly ask myself what are the first adjectives I used in reference to my womb, it would be shame, suppression, hatred, & confusion.
I learned shame from my first religion.
I learned shame from culture & familia.
I learned shame from society and from the stories that were handed down to me.
I learned to look at my monthly cycle with shame from mainstream societies cruel jokes about our sacred menses, for example.
I started to hate my cycle and looked for ways to control it.
I learned suppression of my womb from so many examples around me. And as a result, I shut down and suppressed the essence of my true wisdom and power.
I now release confusion and allow forgiveness to enter me and move through me. I know now that many of the things that I learned or have been exposed to are not true. For this I am grateful.
My womb is home. It is my foundation. My womb is the heart of my power, my wisdom, and my strength. My womb is to be upholded, revered, respected, prayed for, and loved. And this womb loving starts with me and not any expectation that someone else has to do it for me. This womb loving starts with you. This womb loving starts with us. It is time for this shift. Now now now... ;-) I lovingly invite you to join us over on The Gratitude Movement on Facebook and share in the co-creation of womb love, healing, and empowerment.
Here's the womb love. Here's to womb truth.