TODAY's MESSAGE FROM THE UNITY RIDE: "We took a break at The Unity Ride. Thank you for your understanding. We are now bringing more managers on-board, so that the responsibility of running this page is shared. Pictured here is the The Antakarana, THE GOOD HEART. It is a Star Code & the Symbol of Unity in the EarthStar Peace Calendar--The Sacred Timekeeping Way of the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN. To activate the Code in your own life, draw it, and then circle it. Mitakuye Oyasin. We Are All Related. Let's Ride On in UNITY. #UNITY"
There’s a line from a Star Wars movie that *almost* encapsulated how I felt last night. It was a strange night.
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”
For the past few days I’ve been feeling rather strange. My heart has been beating like a bass drum. It was a strained, fiery type of beating but I never felt like I was in any danger. This same thing happened to me last summer and I was much less accustomed to it. There were some nights I was certain I was having a heart attack. I’m a little more enlightened now, and believe that these are the effects of solar flares.