Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! A few days ago, I have received a very interesting message and a Light Code Seal to go with it. The Seal itself, is something that most of us are already used to seeing, two intersecting angles forming one whole. One going up (as above) and one going down (so below).
But along with this seal I also received symbols that are part of it. An encoded message which reads “Through the seven spiritual guides of the womb, standing still in the healing waters of infinity, you shall be embraced by the light of the heavenly gates of eternal OM”.
When asked what this seal represents and means, I was told that it represents a gateway, a portal, into the Akash of your soul, a sacred walk, a journey of your soul on this planet. Where you, the soul, immersed into the material world, find your way into the spiritual realms, through balance of that which is above with that which is below, and recognition of your magnificence, power and might. Through your connectedness to all that is, and divinity which is directly linked to your ability to choose your experience in the present-day reality. Seven guides of the womb then stand for the 7 chakras of the human body through which one discovers the self, in order to obtain balance within.