Earth & Space Weather

Giant sheets of ice creep onto Minnesota shore, surge toward houses

Rain's picture

NBC News - Daniel Arkin, 5/12/13

Minnesotans saw scenes reminiscent of a Hollywood sci-fi spectacle this weekend when massive waves of ice surged out of the water and crept onto the shore like some fast-moving glacier.


Powerful gusts of wind drove giant sheets of ice toward townhouses hugging the southern lip of Lake Mille Lacs at the northwest end of the state.



~ Space Weather Update~ Early Morning~ FILAMENT ERUPTION:

Lia's picture

TRIPLE CONJUNCTION OF PLANETS: Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are converging for a beautiful sunset conjunction. The show begins on May 11th and climaxes two weeks later. Get the full story and a video from Science@NASA.

FILAMENT ERUPTION: An unstable filament of magnetism on the Earthside of the sun erupted during the early hours of May 12th. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast:



The erupting filament did not spark a significant solar flare (that is, there was no strong flash of X-radiation), but it did hurl part of itself into space. SOHO photographed a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site: movie. The CME could deliver a slight, glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 15th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

March Hailstorm in Miss. Leaves $25M in Damage

Rain's picture - Jeff Ayres, The Clarion-Ledger/AP

Pearl, Miss.

Lightning steaks across the sky behind the Young Meadows Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Ala., Monday, March 18, 2013. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)


PEARL, Miss. — The Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers Training Academy in Pearl isn't the most aesthetically appealing place to train officers these days, its director, Pat Cronin, concedes.

The March 18 hailstorms that struck metro Jackson destroyed 87 law enforcement and civilian vehicles parked at the academy when the storms hit, punched holes in roofing membrane above the gymnasium and smashed through more than 100 windows and skylights throughout the complex.



Storms Swipe Across New York Metro Saturday

Rain's picture - Jess Baker, 5/11/13

For the second time this week, severe storms hammered the New York City Metro area on Saturday.

Thunderstorms with heavy rain and lots of lightning moved in during the 3 p.m. hour. The Weather Channel's severe weather expert Dr. Greg Forbes counted more than 175 lightning strikes in 15 minutes.

Video and more:


Stunning Photos of Volcanic Lightning

Rain's picture - Martin Reitze, 3/14/13

Sakurajima Erupts in Japan

From our partners. Photo courtesy Martin Rietze.

German photographer Martin Rietze travels around the world every year to capture the most stunning, breathtaking places on Earth, from the peaks of the Swiss Alps to the deserts of Namibia.

Rietze's specialty lies in photographing volcanoes, especially those about to erupt or actively erupting. He has (literally) written the book on the subject -- he's the author of a German volume on what he calls "extreme photography," which detail how to photograph natural phenomena, and has also published a pair of books on the geological background of volcanoes.



Amazing Lightning Stories Recently

Rain's picture - Jon Erdman

Hourly rate of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes associated with twin thunderstorm clusters on the morning of May 10, 2013.


Recently, while severe thunderstorms have produced hail, high winds, a few tornadoes, and local flash flooding, one could argue the most compelling stories over the last week or so have been due to lightning.  Let's recount these factoids:

1) Incredible lightning rates

The map above is a screengrab of radar and lightning strikes from Friday morning, May 10, 2013.  You'll notice two main clusters of thunderstorms, one from western Alabama to Louisiana and a second in central Texas.

Videos and more:

Volcanic activity worldwide 10 May 2013: Popocatépetl

MomT's picture

Volcano Discovery Friday May 10, 2013 19:04 PM |

Satellite images of Popocatepetl volcano (c)Google Earth View

Satellite images of Popocatepetl volcano (c)Google Earth View


Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): On 9 May, 28 explosions were noted from the volcano, the largest were at 05:16 and 07:01 am. Incandescence was seen at night. Several periods of harmonic tremor were noted in the reporting period. A gas and steam plume drifted SE.


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