Galactic Free Press Files

– Valentine All Year Round – 14 February 2012 by Lucas

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by Galactic Love Reporter Lucas

– Valentine All Year Round – 

Posted on February 14, 2012 by  




I never understood Valentine in the way it has been commercialized. If it was only a feast of Love then it would be great. But it has become spread as a feast you have to give a compulsory gift to your loved one ont that day. What about those who would express their love for friends and family without having a boyfriend of girlfriend or a wife or husband or partner? Lots have none or are widowers or are single due to lives choices.


Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

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Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

2012 February 14
Posted by BZ Riger


Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

by Love reporter Chris Hedges February 13, 2012

There is a recipe for breaking popular movements. I watched it play out over five years in the war in El Salvador. I now see these familiar patterns in the assault against the Occupy movement. It goes like this. Physically eradicate the insurgents’ logistical base of operations to disrupt communication and organization. Dry up financial and material support.

Create rival organizations—the group Stand for Oakland seems to be one of these attempts—to discredit and purge the rebel leadership. Infiltrate the movement to foster internal divisions and rivalries, a tactic carried out consciously, or perhaps unconsciously, by an anonymous West Coast group known as OLAASM—Occupy Los Angeles Anti Social Media.

Provoke the movement—or front groups acting in the name of the movement—to carry out actions such as vandalism and physical confrontations with the police that alienate the wider populace from the insurgency. Invent atrocities and repugnant acts supposedly carried out by the movement and plant these stories in the media.

How WonderFul IS Humanity

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How WonderFul IS Humanity...!


by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Member ANdReA




Can I embrace YOU? I mean, really... can I embrace ALL of YOU=US? 


Thank YOU!


That feels Really WonderFul... Lighting up the entire Planet with Love & Onness... 

Oh Dear, can you See how WonderFul each One IS? Can You Feel it deeply in your Heart? Because That IS the only Real thing that Really matters... the Love In Your Heart. That is the place where Everything IS NOW coming from. 

Prilon And God – An Update On Manifesting Ascension – The Power Of OM –Suzanne Poulson Spooner

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Prilon And God – An Update On Manifesting Ascension – The Power Of OM – 13 February 2012
ba Galactic Love Reporter Suzanne Poulson Spooner 
[Hi Prilon & God!] Hi Suzy, we would like to give an update on manifesting ascension for the planet and her inhabitants. [Sounds great, I am ready.]
Being in the Now is the prerequisite for ascension. This concept only needs to be imagined as morphing your future and your past with your present, all timelines occurring in a singular experience. This is how you will raise your vibration to ascend.
Universally you will be in the frequency of light and love when you are in the Now.


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