Mike Quinsey

Channeled messages from SaLuSa and others.

SaLuSa 7~29~11

Lia's picture

  SaLuSa  7~29~11


For some people who are aware of the pending changes, their understanding does not embrace the idea of Ascension. That will therefore limit the extent of their experiences, but their level of consciousness can still expand. For them that is important, as they will continue their next lives at a similar level in duality. They will still have subconscious memories of the past, that will enable them to aspire to higher levels than before. When the cycles change, you do not lose the benefit of your experiences, and you will commence a new one with that advantage. Those of you who have decided upon Ascension, will go forward with full awareness of your experiences and also your consciousness levels will have substantially increased.


Lia's picture


SALUSA 7~27~11

As you might realise many of the events that you have awaited, have commenced due to the work of our allies. The plan has been laid down and bit-by-bit it progresses, and every now and again you will surely see the pattern that is emerging and recognise what is happening. You will by now have connected the worsening financial conditions in the West, with the coming changes that will take advantage of it to implement a totally new set up. It has been long promised and founded by St.Germain, who has always been behind it and still is of course working for its implementation. His dedication has been constant for hundreds of years, and he has worked for your interests to ensure completion as planned. Indeed under various identities, St. Germain has been guiding you for thousands of years.

SaLuSa ~ 20~July~2011~ TIMES UP FOR THE DARK~

Lia's picture



  SaLuSa  20~July~2011


Wherever you are rejoice, as the changes are about to go up another level. You can already sense what is occurring, and for the dark Ones the unthinkable is happening. They thought they were invincible but now find that they are falling apart in front of their very eyes, and so it will continue until their activities are fully brought to light. We already know the full stories and if necessary have evidence to prove what has been going on for a long, long time. The fruits of their endeavors are coming to haunt them, and there is no way that they can get out of their responsibilities. For the moment justice is not the main concern although that is inevitable. We want to see the way cleared sufficiently for old system to replaced, by all that has wrongly been denied to you. It is prepared and no time will be lost once we can commence.


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