Mike Quinsey

Channeled messages from SaLuSa and others.

SaLuSa, December 17, 2012

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SaLuSa, December 17, 2012

You are getting used to the idea that duality such as you experienced it, is now consigned to the past. So you can now get on with the task of cleansing out all old personal energies, that you know will have no place in the higher dimension. You should find it easier now that you have been lifted into the higher frequency, as you will instinctively know what requires your attention. The turning point has been reached and there is no going back, and your sight should be firmly set upon the future. With the Ascension of Earth you will have truly entered the Golden Age, and can go ahead with the re-organization and cleansing, and the establishment of a Galactic Civilization.

We know that many of you who did not necessarily feel greatly uplifted by 12.12., have since noticed changes within yourself. This will continue as your body responds to the energies still reaching your Earth. Ascension still continues as does your spiritual evolution, but it will be a while before the next crucial point. The coming exciting times are going to allow you choice as to where your future lies. Great opportunities will be presented to you quite unlike those in your past, when your first consideration was to earn an income to survive. No such problems will exist in the very near future, and you will have all of your time to follow your hearts desire. Service to others will be most satisfying and rewarding, as you will be aware that it is the main purpose in your life.


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As days come and go 12.12. was a perfect success, how else could it be when it is beyond the control or interference of anyone upon Earth. Higher powers have ensured that you are prepared for your Ascension with Mother Earth. Now you count off the days to 12.21 that will be a most profound time, one that will be the experience of a lifetime, indeed many lifetimes. Through Ascension you will learn where your creative powers have placed you. The future is yours and in this lifetime in particular you have worked towards the ideal level that is consistent with your state of consciousness. You will all end up exactly where you are best suited to continue your experiences. Lightworkers will naturally find themselves with their own kind, in the most uplifting vibrations.

SALUSA ~ DECEMBER 10, 2012 Significance of the 12 ~12

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We hope you that every person that is aware of the significance of 12.12. is making preparations to bring the new energy in. It will affect everyone to some extent anyway, but it is far better if you take steps to partake of it knowingly. What you will be doing is not just to help your own upliftment, but ground the energies for others to benefit from including Mother Earth. With your awareness and focus upon the energies, you should feel the result of them passing into your body. Light headedness would be normal and a feeling of intense peace and calmness. Enjoy it and know that you have been lifted up to a new level of consciousness, that is one which should remain with you.

SaLuSa, December 7, 2012

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SaLuSa, December 7, 2012

We feel a calmness beginning to encircle the Earth, as those who are preparing for 12.12. are already relaxing and bringing a level of peace into their lives. Hitherto, there had been a degree of frustration and even impatience, at the delays being experienced. These have given way to the acceptance that your immediate Ascension is the most important event in your lives. What follows will be able to take place in a more settled atmosphere, and proceed unhindered or delayed by outside interference. These will be ideal conditions, and allow us to ensure that you are fully aware of what is planned. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they will be sensational times, when progress will go speeding ahead. Just to be released from the grip of the dark Ones, will create an immediate change of attitude between people.

Mike Quinsey ~SaLuSa 5~December~2012

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With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th. and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy. It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11.11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time.


SaLuSa – 12/3/2012

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SaLuSa – 12/3/2012

December 3, 2012 



Did you think that the 21st. December would ever come around, and now here it is on your doorstep? There are still empowerments to come before the special day, and each and every one of you planning to ascend should be perfectly ready. Have you yet realised the importance of your part in Ascension, and what an amazing occasion it is going to be? Can you comprehend what is taking place throughout the Universe, and the great changes of magnificent proportions? What powers can wield such command over the elements and all that is? Dear Ones it is no less than God who decreed that Ascension would take place at this time. The experiment of duality has run its course and you have experienced it, and come out of it with flying colours. You have not yet realised what a wonderful achievement you have made, yet in the end it was always known you would succeed.

SaLuSa 30~November~2012 You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey

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You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.

After Ascension you will soon forget the past difficulties and delays, as there will be so much to interest you. Learning about your life in the higher vibrations will be exciting and uplifting, and joy and freedom will draw people together as true Brothers and Sisters. It is your natural inclination to share your love with others, but you have been taught that many countries and their people are your enemies. The fact is that the majority would live in peace if only there were no barriers erected between them. As trust is restored so you will see a great change take place in peoples attitude to each other. Sharing and love for what each other represents, will become the new level at which other cultures will be accepted.

SaLuSa 28~November~2012

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As you are realising, very few of the long standing predictions for this year have come true and it has been very much a normal year. There is always much happening of a physical nature which goes largely unreported. So it is nice to report that little has happened, that could fulfil the expectations of those preparing for major upheavals and catastrophes. You can take much credit for the outcome, as the vibrations of the Earth have been considerably lifted to what the were just a few years ago. The amount of Light attracted to the Earth has lessened the need for more energetic cleansing. We of the Galactic Federation have also helped by also taking part in the cleansing, and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.


~Mike Quinsey ~ Salusa Ascension is a quantum leap in your vibration

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SaLuSa, November 26, 2012

Each day now may provide the first real evidence of what has been happening behind the scenes, that will convey to you the ongoing changes. The media will not handle the “good” news regrettably because it is still controlled. However, your Internet is so vast that you will have no problem in finding references to Disclosure and other anticipated events, and often from those who have a genuine source of information. Yet you still have to beware of some authentic looking websites and reports that are put out to confuse you. When the true announcements are made there will be no doubt in your minds as to their truthfulness. Disclosure is for example of world wide importance, and accordingly it will be down to your leaders to handle it.



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