grailheart magi's blog


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Seems to me that every concept I have held up to this moment regarding the phrase "unconditonal love" even in my own mind is regarding how I would ALLOW others to do their harm. I've been frustrated because my training and simply my "gut" told me "that's not quite it".   So every day for about a year now, I have been reviewing this overly used phrase which alway felt like it was a cover up for cowardice. I finally figured out MY BS ANSWER (I say it is BS because it has no value to another unless they make it their own).  That's the way it goes.; Anyway, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ALSO APPLIED TO MYSELF.... THAT WHAT I FEEL IN MY HEART TO BRING FORTH WHATEVER I WANT TO DO.... WHEN THINGS ARE SO UNJUST. TO AT LEAST ATTEMPT TO END THE CRUELTY. I MUST LOVE MYSELF TO TRUST MYSELF THAT THOSE FEELINGS ARE OF VALUE.


I want you to know... in this moment looking back on my life.... it has ALWAYS been that when I stuck my neck out the most... when I really couldn't hold myself back anymore... that a major change happened in a really great way.... so what are we doing here????


We are patting each other on the back going.... just love,,, it's all good..... unconditional love.... they will get it someday.... over and over and over.... and meanwhile we don't have enough cohesion and courage to get this show on the road. 


The Senior System - more

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When HEALTHY elderlies visit the bureaucracy to get "reviewed" and "informed" about Medicare, etc. they hear as they are leaving the door, ....... "at the time you get diabetes you will be checking in with us again".l  WHAT?? I TOLD THEM "NOT ME"!  AND THEY ANSWERED "OH, YES, EVERYBODY GETS IT SOONER OR LATER"


Looking at all life as a game, as I do, this part of the game - that everyone is doomed to get diabetes - is NOT GOOD!  JUST BECAUSE WE KNOW WE'RE PLAYING A GAME DOESN'T MEAN TO ACT DUMB! 



Balance - Healing on the Press - 2

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Healing on the Press - 2- What is Balance?


Balance is a term of a system of qualifying behaviors which keeps things “in check” - a design that dislikes extreme actions of an individual or group which would tend toward separation rather than unity. The need for balance shows up in every area of our lives from family relationships, labor relations, customer relations, sports activities, etc., anywhere there are people. At a higher level of understanding and consciousness, there is balance of all that is in nature and how everything relates.  There also is the balance within all parts of a human “unit” -  the body, mind, spirit, emotions, and etheric self. The following looks at balance between and among people.


Although seldom taught, the specifics of balance are necessary to the enlightened soul in order to create beautiful harmony. Awareness of one’s own abilities - being conscious that (s)he makes a difference is foundational as this individual understands the 4 directions of balance. (S)he then can choose to choose which direction is desirable both from  an appreciation of one’s own decision and a gratification that (s)he has contributed in a positive way. 


Healing on the Press - 1

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This press is an excellent tool for healing and clearing. Better than other sites - there is a lot of support here and we are allowed to express ourselves if it is "nice" or not.The process of healing can be something like an exorcism. Please understand me here.... I am NOT TRYING TO EXORCISE ANYONE OR ANYTHING.... but what I mean is there has to be total freedom to say, act or do anything in the process of the healing. Since we are not together in a workshop, those who offer loving support need to understand what is going on here because it is probably not like anything else you have ever done. When a person is going through the "process" of healing there MUST BE NO JUDGMENT. It is a process for healing. All the gentleness, kindness, tender words, LOVE will be shared afterwords. During the healing process it is not the time to provoke or distract the "seeker". Nor is it a time to "rescue" them, saying things like "oh, well, be kinder to her, she had a hard life".  This has no place in the healing process. In that type of situation, this woman seeker would heal those things that are keeping her entrapped in a "hard life".  Those of you who have participated in 12 step know what I am talking about. 

Healing on the Press - part 1

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This press is an excellent tool for healing and clearing. Better than other sites - there is a lot of support here and we are allowed to express ourselves if it is "nice" or not.The process of healing can be something like an exorcism. Please understand me here.... I am NOT TRYING TO EXORCISE ANYONE OR ANYTHING.... but what I mean is there has to be total freedom to say, act or do anything in the process of the healing. Since we are not together in a workshop, those who offer loving support need to understand what is going on here because it is probably not like anything else you have ever done. When a person is going through the "process" of healing there MUST BE NO JUDGMENT. It is a process for healing. All the gentleness, kindness, tender words, LOVE will be shared afterwords. During the healing process it is not the time to provoke or distract the "seeker". Nor is it a time to "rescue" them, saying things like "oh, well, be kinder to her, she had a hard life".  This has no place in the healing process. In that type of situation, this woman seeker would heal those things that are keeping her entrapped in a "hard life".  Those of you who have participated in 12 step know what I am talking about. 

The seeker needs to be a good "student" which means we cannot be the healer and the healee at the same time. So the healer doesn't accept any challenges. It takes finally trusting something outside of yourself. 


To be continued....

Wondering about Creation....

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I'll bet there are planets out there where everyone HAS to be funny!  I mean think of all the numbers - all those planets that solidify the skies if we could see them all at the same time. Understanding that creation is always coming up with new ideas... wow.... I think I would like that one!


Then I have another thought..... suppose... just suppose THIS planet was really THE planet of humor and everyone's lesson was to find that out!  Holy Smokes!  And then graduation is accomplished after we discovered that truth!   Suppose EVERYONE'S life was to be heyoka!  the sacred clown, the trickster, the coyote!   I am just thinking of all the years I have taken my life sooooo seriously!  


Listening to all the "you must do this and that"s... as REALITY! From everybody in a whole lifetime!    OH,   nonononononononono!


I, yes I, am the ONLY ONE who can say what is I. of the I AM!





LightLeaders! From lightworker to lightleader for everyone

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After absorbing and assimilating the light energy of the 5th, it is now necessary that each lightworker advance to the position of LightLeader. Below are ideas which can work in most areas affected in our world. The Preparation our Divine Mother was speaking about on the 2nd I am outlining to save you time and also to create a positive visualization of a smooth operation of the transference of power. 


By now, the word "power" should not scare you.  It is the power within to make whatever changes are necessary in a world based on light.  Now, in the process of being of service to families, community, world and universe, watch for all the synchronicities and help YOU will receive in the process. It is within this world of so called "magic" you have been creating by the processes of setting yourself free. 


It will feel so good!  To truly feel your purpose as a LightLeader. Not in the old ego way of "making things happen" by your own separate power for recognition, fame, glory or money. But it will be now that heart-centered acceptance that you truly are of a greater Light than ever before and the the universe will assist you through various methods. 


She reminds in this moment to always accept any help anyone else is offering. Stay away from any concept that you can do this singularly.  It will take  community efforts. 



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