
Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

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A new study calls for humanity to prepare for an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence and examines the possible social consequences of such contact.


First of all, the consequences of first contact strongly depend on the way it takes place. The paper offers the view that first contact with alien life poses considerable risks for humanity. Additionally, a first contact event could also take place without being culturally recognized.


The intriguing new research paper is led by Andreas Anton of the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Germany.


Anton and colleagues serve up a set of scenarios:

The Major, Gigantic Leaps Coming for Humanity

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The Major, Gigantic Leaps Coming for Humanity ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to connect with humanity. 

You are taking consciousness where it has never been before, and yet, it feels at times like you are just trudging along, struggling, and barely getting by in your lives. Please know that all of that is a part of taking consciousness where it has never been before, and recognize yourselves for being the pioneers, for being the trailblazers, for being the ones who were brave enough to do it. There are lots of cushy positions and dimensions in this universe of ours. There are lots of places you could have gone and lots of lives you could have lived, and yet you chose yours. You’re doing it for the greater good. There is no suffering for the sake of suffering. There is always an expansion that occurs whenever someone experiences something that brings them to their knees. 


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