
Message from the Galactic Federation 12/28/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


We are all souls who have traveled greatly to be here at this time. We are all souls who are here to accomplish a great task. This task has been acknowledged as important enough for so many souls from so many different parts of this, as well as other universes to have journeyed here. There are billions incarnated in your world today and there are millions more onboard spacecrafts in orbit around your planet. What has been deemed the most important project this universe has ever seen is the ascension of your planet and her people, as what happens here truly affects this entire universe. Many have journeyed here vast distances, and there are even beings who have journeyed here from your future. They have traveled back in time to be here, in service to humanity on our shared mission. This should give you some idea of just how important this project is in light of this information. Ask yourself what you can do to assist this effort. Helping to spread the word of what is transpiring here is a grassroots effort that is vital to our cause. Without sufficient numbers of those of your world aware of our purpose and their purpose as well, events must be delayed. We wish to proceed with the first contact mission as time is running short. The ascension of humanity and your host planet is the triumphant conclusion to other important events we wish to begin to commence as soon as is possible. Disclosure announcements and the replacement of your government officials who are mere puppets of the dark cabal is of primary importance, and the sooner these tasks can be accomplished the better for all of us.



Message from the Galactic Federation 12/27/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


Hello from all of us, your Galactic brothers and sisters. We would like to share with you at this time a little about what our lives are like, as many of you will soon be joining us on our continued mission to restore peace, love, and light to your world. We spent much of our day working at various workstations onboard our ships, monitoring various situations and facilitating operating procedures for functions our particular ship is designed for. We, the Galactic Federation, have many lightships each designed for a very specific purpose. We have ships that are capable of removing and purifying the poisonous gasses being deposited into your atmospheres through the spraying of what you may refer to as chemtrails.

We also have ships that engage in combat with opposing forces of the cabal, although our form of combat might differ from what you may envision. Our aim is to remove the space fighters from this quadrant of space, and we make every effort to see to it that no harm comes to the personnel within these crafts. The cabal has built, with profits derived from the labors of the people of Earth, quite a sizable fighting force with many secret bases on, in, and off your planet. Many of our advanced ships and much of our highly trained personnel are assigned to the task of removing these forces and placing them in quarantine from Earth and humanity throughout your ascension period. After your ascension they can no longer be any threat to you or your world.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/26/11

Greg_ Giles's picture



You can be heroes in your fight against the agents of the dark. There is a war at hand, there is no doubt of this. Removing these dark ones is a job we are well equipped for, but we need your assistance in finalizing the campaign set into motion long ago in your time. We push on in our front and move those still willing to fight for those who stand nowhere near the front lines. This has been their way for eons. They declare war, and then send someone else's children to the front lines to lose their lives for their own gain. There has never been a shortage of men and women willing to do their deeds. Without these fighting forces none of these actions we are taking would be necessary. For millennia, the citizenry has been tricked, conned, coerced, and forced to bare weapons against each other in the name of profit and power for the few. This game ends now; it has been decreed by your Creator. No more will this be allowed to transpire here. The light is winning the battle, the end of this struggle draws nearer every day. Soon, humanity will receive your true freedom, a light you have not seen in many eons. This day will come. There is no doubt of this now.


For every action there is a reaction and why we must support and surround ourselves with those of like mind.

World-Bridger's picture

Greetings all, Merry Christmas and may the year to come be one of exponential growth out of the dense dream consciousness of duality into to the reality of our true selves, may it be Blessed on all levels with the Highest Love and Divine understanding. So Be It! 


It has been a while since I last posted a message, I am not a channeler, with the exception of my Higherselves,  nor do I make a living or ever charge anything for anything having to do with Spirit. However as a community we must support eachother and spead the Love, not only with those within our community but everyone in need, it is also important for us to support those that devote all their time tirelessly to the great cause of Love and the Awakening of Love in the hearts of all, in aid of the Great Event that is at our doorstep. This is not an easy task for the "reals", it requires one to be totally honest with themselves and in their relationship with the SOURCE of All Life. In this density there is much resitance, it can be quite a struggle. Thus I get to the title of this post (For every action there is a reaction and why we must support and surround ourselves with those of like mind).


Oh my, the kids are freaking out right now and I have to go, however I will be back soon to finish up! Normaly I would just scrap the whole message, but I feel what was said, is legit enough by it's self. 


Love you all, may the Source of all Life Bless all those that spread the Love on all levels a thousand times ten thousand...Thank You, Thank you, Thank you. So Be It. Blessed Be! WOOHOO!!!! 

Happy Holidays from the Galactic Federation 12/25/11

Greg_ Giles's picture


These messages are intended to reach those of your world who are ready for a greater understanding of your planet and your universe. These messages are being read by numerous members of your public sector, as well as members of governments, militaries, and your scientific communities. We are prepared to go public with our announcements very shortly, and countless of your people who have never even pondered the question of intelligent life in space will now learn this answer. This will undoubtedly come as quite a shock to many, and it is the task of those who have made themselves more informed to see to it these souls are looked after and any fears they may have are calmed as much as possible. This is the task at hand in the coming days. Many other tasks will soon be thrust upon you in the coming days ahead.


The Akashic Records are the safekeeping of the entire history of your planet, as well as the history of each and every one of you. All planets, civilizations, and beings throughout this universe have their history stored in this manner. These records can be accessed once a being reaches an adequate state of being. Today on your planet there are those that can access these records and have done so on many occasions. We see a day when all of you will be able to easily access the wonderful memories and events safely hidden away, and we know you will all enjoy immensely the wonderment you will experience when all of the sacred history of this and even other universes are unveiled to you.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/24/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Of course, the hidden language of the esoteric and exopolitical fields is not hidden within our messages. These messages can act as keys to unlock hidden and dormant potential within the human vessel. Recognizing these keys is not always necessary to unlock this potential. What is necessary is taking in the energies of these themes with an open mind. Keeping an open mind is a primary prerequisite of learning any subject, and the exopolitical and esoteric fields are, of course, no different.

There is much going on in and off your world and you will learn so much more of this as the days pass. Soon, many of you will be working either directly or indirectly with us, the Galactic Federation, and as such you will learn much about our relationships with so many other groups throughout space and even throughout your planet. Keep in mind, we always wish to keep you informed as knowledge is of primary importance to the sovereign being. You will acquire vast amounts of knowledge once you are free from restrictive confines of the dark ones. This day is approaching rapidly. Their empire is collapsing and it will not be long now until humanity's freedom rings like a bell throughout all lands of Earth.

Christmas Message Holds True

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Christmas Message Holds True


A Christmas and New Year Message from Kamran Mofid*


This is the time of the year, when we need to stand back and ask:


“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”


Let us see where we stand. The clouds of destruction are gathering all over the world. The world today is facing a multitude of crises in politics, economics, finance, banking, energy, food, environment and education, amongst others, simultaneously, resulting in much uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Moreover, the rapid and unsustainable rise in consumerism and materialism, financed by debt has seriously destroyed the fabric of society, and has catastrophically weakened the ethical, moral and spiritual dimensions of our communities. It seems, there is little, but, “shop till you drop” left to bind us together. In short, the world is facing a crisis of values.


There is acute suffering in the world, starvation, untreated disease, and much war.  Also there are so many wandering in darkness while hungering for hope. In such a world let us go about giving love, compassion, kindness and generosity to all. Let us serve the poor and broken ones, serve our brothers and sisters, and serve birds and beasts and all creation in whom dwells the breath of life. A life so lived, is serving the essence of the common good. Moreover, let us not waste energy in obtuse and arcane questions and controversies; countless theories about who is right and who is wrong. Instead, let us light a few candles at the altar of a suffering humanity. We must come to that altar properly prepared, in a spirit of right understanding that all mankind is one. We are all each others’ keepers. 

Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Spirituality and Economics: A Call to Dialogue

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 Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Spirituality and Economics: A Call to Dialogue


Overcoming Greed, Dishonesty and Delusion:

Reclaiming the Moral and Spiritual Roots of Economics


Kamran Mofid*

A paper presented at


Into the Heart of the World

Sponsored by

International Association for Religious Freedom; with World Congress of Faiths & Religions for Peace

 Hosted at

London Central Mosque & The Islamic Cultural Centre      7 December 2011


Introduction and Abstract


The topic which I wish to address here is vast; all I can reasonably hope to do is paint a picture with very broad brushstrokes. I wish to argue that economic and business decisions impact many aspects of our lives, whilst they also raise important moral and ethical concerns which call into question what it is to be a human being. I will argue that decision-makers (contrary to what is mostly practised today) need also to concern themselves with the world of heart, mind and spirit.


Although self-interest is an important source of human motivation, driving the decisions we make in the marketplace every day, those decisions nevertheless have a moral, ethical and spiritual dimensions, because each decision we make affects not only ourselves but others too.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/22/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Hello beloveds, we are not here to discuss today ascension, but instead, your world and what is transpiring behind the scenes. Unreported and uninvestigated by your news media is a battle that rages on between the dark and the forces of light. This battle is taking place in space around your planet. We are very happy to report that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are winning this battle. We also wish you to know that the safety of humanity is our primary concern. We have many safeguards between you and our battle with the forces of darkness and we make great efforts to see to it that this battle does not interfere with humanity’s ascension. Although our attempt to rid this world and many others of this negative threat has been quite arduous at times, we have seen a steady and commanding advancement in our agenda to restore all worlds to their pristine conditions of love and light. Due to certain matters of intelligence and the need to maintain secrecy of particular areas of our campaign, much cannot be shared with you in regards to the total number of our ships versus their ships and of particular vectors that have been cleared of negative forces. Please know that the light will emerge victorious.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/22/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Hello beloveds, we are not here to discuss today ascension, but instead, your world and what is transpiring behind the scenes. Unreported and uninvestigated by your news media is a battle that rages on between the dark and the forces of light. This battle is taking place in space around your planet. We are very happy to report that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are winning this battle. We also wish you to know that the safety of humanity is our primary concern. We have many safeguards between you and our battle with the forces of darkness and we make great efforts to see to it that this battle does not interfere with humanity’s ascension. Although our attempt to rid this world and many others of this negative threat has been quite arduous at times, we have seen a steady and commanding advancement in our agenda to restore all worlds to their pristine conditions of love and light. Due to certain matters of intelligence and the need to maintain secrecy of particular areas of our campaign, much cannot be shared with you in regards to the total number of our ships versus their ships and of particular vectors that have been cleared of negative forces. Please know that the light will emerge victorious.


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