Everyone deserves love, just as everyone deserves breathing. Everybody is worthy of love, just as everybody is worthy of living.
Love is the nourishment of your soul.
You can choose... but don't be saddened, in sorrow. If you want to just imagine things, then you can imagine anything. It is easy for millions of people in the world to pray to God because it is all imagination. If by chance it happens that they meet God, then there will be difficulty. Then immediately they will want to escape, and they will start finding a thousand and one complaints.
They will start laying many judgements upon God.
For example, if you meet God and he turns out to be Chinese, are you going to tolerate him - with five, six hairs in his beard, with long cheek bones? Or, who knows, maybe He is black. And maybe there is a possibility he is a woman... a black woman with a Chinese face!