The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2018

will's picture

I don't know anybody personally, but I know everybody essentially, I know everybody spiritually.

Personality is a false thing. It is a mask: your name, your address, your profession, your photograph - passport size - your identity cards. What is your personality made of? Just these kind of things.

Otherwise you come into the world without any name, without any address, without any religion, without any nation, without any race. You come as just a tabula rasa - so clean, so clear, crystal clear. That is your essentiality. But that is the essentiality of everyone, so it does not matter whether I know you personally or not. All personalities are false. And the essential being within you is the same.

The day I came to know myself, I came to know you too.


GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2018

will's picture

I can give you only the taste, and once you have got the taste, then you will be in search of it. Then there is no way to prevent you. The most fundamental thing is a taste. You have heard words, beautiful words, but they have not driven you into a mad search. I want to give not only words to you, but some content. And that is possible only by giving you some taste.


GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2018

will's picture

Give me your dreams, and I can give you reality.

Reality is already with you; your dreams are like clouds, hiding it. Just give me your dreams. I ask nothing from my disciples except their dreams, their lies, their falsities.

And once they are without any falseness, they don't need anything from anybody. They have everything within themselves. They have brought it with their birth.


GFP Newsletter - 1/6/2018

will's picture

In every country, in every religion, people worship dead saints, because dead saints are very easy.

You tell them to lie down, they lie down. You tell them to sit up, they sit up. They are very obedient.

But a living saint, a living sage, is not going to be obedient to you.


GFP Newsletter - 1/5/2018

will's picture

Everyone deserves love, just as everyone deserves breathing. Everybody is worthy of love, just as everybody is worthy of living.

Love is the nourishment of your soul.

You can choose... but don't be saddened, in sorrow. If you want to just imagine things, then you can imagine anything. It is easy for millions of people in the world to pray to God because it is all imagination. If by chance it happens that they meet God, then there will be difficulty. Then immediately they will want to escape, and they will start finding a thousand and one complaints.

They will start laying many judgements upon God.

For example, if you meet God and he turns out to be Chinese, are you going to tolerate him - with five, six hairs in his beard, with long cheek bones? Or, who knows, maybe He is black. And maybe there is a possibility he is a woman... a black woman with a Chinese face!


GFP Newsletter - 1/4/2018

will's picture

Whenever love comes in, it cannot be a guest, because it comes in and never goes. It becomes your very being, your very song, your very dance.


GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2018

will's picture

In life, the only thing that one should not be afraid of is love.

But people are more afraid of love than anything else, because love is a kind of death. Your ego has to die. Only then will your heart be spacious enough for love to come in.


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2018

will's picture

This was one side of the game: the people who wanted to emphasize spirituality had to deny the reality of the world which surrounds you everywhere. And there have been people who have been denying the spiritual, saying, "Man has no soul. He is just a robot created by nature, and when he dies, everything dies. So don't be bothered about the inner world; there is no inner. All that is real is outside, and all the talk about the inner is unreal, illusory."

On the surface, you may think these two parties are against each other. But my own understanding is different: they are using the same argument. They belong to the same category, to the same mind: choose one half - which half you choose is not the point, both are against the whole.

My effort is to make you aware that both are real, both are together in deep harmony. And the idea of their opposition destroys your life. Hence I say, the moments when you come to know that the sacred and the mundane are one - the sacred is the inside of the mundane, and the mundane is the outside of the sacred - then you have a total conception of reality.


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2018

will's picture

Just the other day, I was informed that in the Soviet Union - atheism is their religion - every child has to be conditioned from the very beginning in atheism. It is not different, it is the same: somewhere it is the Catholic religion, somewhere it is Protestant, somewhere it is Hindu, somewhere it is Buddhist.

In the Soviet Union, it is atheist. Somewhere it is God, somewhere it is no God. But the society never leaves you anywhere to search for yourself. It gives you ready-made answers. And in life, ready- made answers are not only futile, not only poisonous, but almost murderous.


GFP Newsletter - 12/31/2017

will's picture

All the religions have been enemies of mankind for the simple reason that they have divided the mundane from the sacred. Rather than bridging them, they have been continuously conditioning the human mind that they are opposites, enemies, and you have to renounce one if you want to get the other.



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