The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2017

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A Master has to create situations for you to learn, to understand, to gather a momentum, a fire.

You must have seen pictures of pyramids. They were made by very, very secret schools in Egypt.

The word pyramid means 'fire within', and the pyramid is made in such a way that it accumulates energy. Just now scientists have become aware that the shape of a pyramid is a great accumulator of energy. Just the shape, just the triangular shape accumulates energy.


GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2017

will's picture

Try to learn from every experience - that is the only meditation. Don't allow any experience to just go down the drain - learn something. Learning will remain with you. The experience will go, but learning will remain with you. And when an accumulation of understanding comes to a certain degree, there is an explosion.

It is just like when water is heated up to a hundred degrees: the water disappears and becomes a totally different thing. The quality changes, it evaporates. Ordinarily water flows downwards, but when it evaporates it starts moving upwards - the dimension has changed.

You are like water. If you don't learn you will go on moving downwards. Learn! Learning is a heat, a seasoning, a maturity, a fire. Learn more and you create more fire within you; and then comes the moment of a hundred degrees - and a jump. Suddenly, the downward dimension disappears - you are moving upwards. You are moving higher and higher and higher, you have become a cloud.

This is possible only through experience; when experience becomes learning, and learning becomes understanding - understanding is the essence. It is not a memory, it is just the very essence of all that you have known. You cannot explain your understanding to anybody, no. It is not knowledge, it cannot be given.


GFP Newsletter - 11/27/2017

will's picture

When you are sensitive, only then can you help. If you are sentimental you create more mess. When a man understands, he becomes more and more sensitive - he helps, he cares. And he will never feel embarrassed. A sentimental man will always feel embarrassed, because something is wrong.

You also know when you are behaving in a foolish way, you also know.


GFP Newsletter - 11/26/2017

will's picture

A man of awareness is sensitive. 'Sensitive' means, if somebody is dying, he will serve. If somebody is dying and needs him, he will care. If somebody is dying he will share whatsoever he can share.

There is no point in crying and weeping because you don't help that way.

One man is weeping because he is hungry, and you sit by his side and you also weep because you feel very much for that man - this is sentimentality. Your weeping will not become bread for him, he will remain hungry. Instead of one man weeping in the world, now two men are weeping. You have doubled crying and weeping. It is not going to help. Do something!

A sensitive man will to something. A sentimental man will weep and cry, but a sentimental man will always be thought to be sensitive. A sensitive man will not look as sensitive, because he will be doing something. If someone is hungry he will try to find something for him to eat; if he is thirsty, he will go and fetch water. You will not see tears welling up, and you will not see him beating his chest, rolling on the ground saying: This man is hungry!

You will not be able to see he is sensitive because sensitivity is subtle. He cares - the difference is subtle and delicate. A Buddha will not weep because you are in misery, he will help - he will help you to come out of your misery. If you are in misery, a sentimental man becomes miserable himself.


GFP Newsletter - 11/25/2017

will's picture

Remember one thing: sentimentality, not sensitivity, belongs to the mind. Sensitivity doesn't belong to the mind, sentimentality belongs to the mind. A man who is aware is absolutely sensitive, but not sentimental. There is a vast difference, an absolute difference.


GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2017

will's picture

I have heard that a house was on fire and the owner was crying and weeping. He was going mad.

Then somebody said: "Why are you weeping and crying? I was present just yesterday and your son has sold the property. It is no longer yours." The man said: "Yes Is it so?" Tears simply disappeared, and he was enjoying the whole scene just like a spectator. Then somebody came and said: "Yes, it was talked about. There was talk of selling it, but nothing has been decided. Why are you laughing and enjoying? It is your property." Again tears welled up. He started beating his chest and he said: "I cannot live any more! This is my whole life, my whole life's effort."

And then the son came and he said: "Don't be bothered, everything is okay. The money has been given and the man is not aware at all. He lives in another town, he is not aware. The moment the house caught fire, I ran to the other town. Everything is finished; I have taken the money." Again the father began laughing and enjoying.

This is your world, this is how you are behaving - just thoughts; just thoughts and then you cry and weep, just thoughts and then you laugh and enjoy, just thoughts and you are happy, just thoughts and you are miserable. Somebody tells you: You are beautiful - and you are so happy; somebody says: You look ugly - and you are so unhappy. Just words! What are you doing?


GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2017

will's picture

That is the difference between belief and faith; A woman knows who the mother is - that is faith; and a father simply believes that he is the father but he doesn't know. There is no way of knowing it. Fatherhood is a belief, motherhood is a faith. Faith depends on knowing, belief depends on just believing. There is no base to it.


GFP Newsletter - 11/22/2017

will's picture

One night, a policeman saw Mulla Nasrudin. It was late, the whole city had gone to sleep. Mulla was passing, drunk, playing on a mouth-organ. He stopped Nasrudin and said: You are drunk again Nasrudin. You will have to accompany me. Nasrudin said; Sure thing! What you wanna sing?

'You will have to accompany me,' he had said, but when a drunken man listens, he interprets in his own way.

Once he was caught and brought to the police station. He was very angry and annoyed. He was shouting: Why have you brought me here? What do you think I am? - and many things, as drunken people do. Then the sergeant who was at the desk said: You have been brought here for drinking.

He said: Then it is okay - when do we start?


GFP Newsletter - 11/21/2017

will's picture

In the West humanity now feels as if man is a stranger, not at home. If you fight with reality you are bound to feel, some day or other, that you are a stranger - not only a stranger, but that the reality is against you.

In the East we have always felt that man is at home; reality is the mother, reality is the womb - we are not strangers, we are not enemies - reality loves us, that's why we are here. Reality creates us because reality loves us, and we are at home.

But you will not feel that 'at homeness' unless you try to learn one basic thing: drop your dreams.


GFP Newsletter - 11/20/2017

will's picture

Those who know, they have come to know that the reality cannot be changed; the only thing that can be changed is oneself. And if one changes, suddenly one can see: this is the wall and that is the door. Then there is no effort to pass through the wall; one moves through the door. Reality becomes a friend.



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