The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 12/10/2017

will's picture

Look at the flower that bloomed this morning.... Just near the flower there is a rock. By the evening, the flower will be gone but the rock will be there, because the flower is more alive and the rock is not so alive. The flower is dead by the evening. What do you want? - to be a rock-like phenomenon or a flower-like phenomenon? Why does the flower die so soon? - because it is so alive, so intensely alive that death comes quickly; it doesn't linger on. The flower was not dragging; it lived the moment, it lived totally - it danced under the sky, it enjoyed the sun, the breeze. For a moment it was eternity.

The flower laughed, the flower sang, the flower did whatsoever was to be done, and by the evening, the flower was ready to die - and without a single tear in her eyes, without weeping and crying.

Look at a dying flower - the petals have already fallen on the ground but you can never say that it is ugly - it is beautiful in death also. Then look at a man dying; he becomes ugly. Why? - because of the fear. Fear makes you ugly. If you are too afraid you will become more and more ugly. The flower is fulfilled; now the time to rest has come and the flower is going to rest, and when the rest is over the flower will come back.


GFP Newsletter - 12/9/2017

will's picture

You are self-conscious but not conscious of yourself; you are aware but there is an ego. You are aware of the total - the trees, the sun's rays, the breezes blowing, the birds singing, your activity - the digging of the hole, the mud coming out - you are aware of everything except yourself. If you became conscious of yourself, in that moment an orgasmic feeling would happen. It is like deep love, it is like sleep, it is like death. You will come out of it totally different and new.

If you don't move into a let-go, life cannot happen to you. It happens through that passage when you are not. When you are not standing in the way, then life happens to you, then you feel fulfilled.

When you are fulfilled there is no fear of death. When there is no fear of death, you become more and more capable of let-go.


GFP Newsletter - 12/7/2017

will's picture

Orgasm is the involvement of the total body: mind, body, soul, all together you vibrate, your whole being vibrates from the toes to the head. You are no longer in control; existence has taken possession of you and you don't know who you are. It is like a madness, it is like a sleep, it is like meditation, it is like death.




GFP Newsletter - 12/6/2017

will's picture

Four things are similar: death, love, sleep and meditation; their qualities are similar. And the basic similarity is that you have to dissolve - and people are afraid of all of them. If you are afraid of death you will be afraid of sleep, of love, of meditation.

Many come to me and they say: How to love? It is not a question of how, and when you ask 'how', you are trying to manipulate - you would like to remain in control, so whenever you want you can push the button on or off. You would like to remain the master of the whole thing.

But nobody can be in possession of love. Love possesses you, you cannot possess it. Love controls you, you cannot control it. Love means you are no longer there, something else has come. That's why love is so rejuvenating.


GFP Newsletter - 12/5/2017

will's picture

They are similar phenomena; sleep is a temporary death. After the day's labour, the work, you are exhausted - you need a death so that you can be reborn, so that in the morning you are again rejuvenated, fresh, young. And in sleep, death is exactly what happens.

Have you observed the fact that in sleep you are not the same person at all? You don't remember who you are, you don't remember whether you are rich or poor, you don't remember your own face, you don't remember who your father is and who your mother is; you don't remember anything that you have learned, anything that has been cultivated in you you drop everything at the door and you go to sleep. That's why it is so refreshing, because you get rid of yourself. You are like a burden - you leave it at the door and you fall into sleep.

Sleep opens a different dimension where identity, ego, nothing of this world exists. That's why it is so fresh, so refreshing in the morning you come back to life, a new day starts, a new life.


GFP Newsletter - 12/4/2017

will's picture

If you have lived, you have a fulfillment, a contentment, a deep gratitude. You have flowered - there is nothing more to achieve. Then you are not afraid of death; rather, you welcome it.

You have achieved: now death comes like a deep sleep after the day's labour - a whole day of achievement, of fulfillment, of reaching, of meeting, of encountering, of flowering, and then death comes like a deep sleep. You welcome it. When the tree has flowered, death is welcome; when the tree is still struggling to flower, there is fear.


GFP Newsletter - 12/3/2017

will's picture

Why are people so afraid of death? Is death really a phenomenon to be afraid of?

The first thing to remember is that you don't know death. You have not known it, so how can you be afraid of something that you don't know? That's impossible. You can be afraid of something you know, but of something that is totally unknown, absolutely unknown how can you be afraid? Fear needs an object to be afraid of.

You cannot really be afraid of death, you must be afraid of something else. That something else is an unfulfilled life - you have not been able to live, you have not been able to achieve a fulfillment, you have not been able to overflow, you have not been able to celebrate.


GFP Newsletter - 12/2/2017

will's picture

Don't allow any experience to go by without your learning something through it. Each single moment is valuable, learn something. When tomorrow comes and the sun rises, you should not be the same - you must have learned. These twenty-four hours are valuable, you must learn.

And by learning, I don't mean that you should know more; you should understand more. Even an ignorant person can be a very understanding person, ignorant in the sense that he is not educated, he doesn't know much. And a very educated person, an 'Oxford man', can be absolutely non-understanding, but he knows.

Can you feel the difference? Knowledge comes through memory, through mind. Understanding comes through experience, through existential experience, not through memory.


GFP Newsletter - 12/1/2017

will's picture

Awareness is fire.

When Heraclitus says that fire is the root of all existence, he is right. He knows something - fire is the root of all existence. Not the fire that you see; that fire is just one of the forms.

Understanding is like fire: it burns you completely; you as you are right now - the ego, the mind.

It gives you a different dimension: you become a cloud and you move in the sky. You have gained wings.


GFP Newsletter - 11/30/2017

will's picture

The word 'pyramid' means fire within. The whole human body is like a pyramid. If you move deeper, you will come to understand that near the navel, an energy shape exists which is triangular. And near the navel, just inside the triangle, in the middle, there exists a fire.

It is a very, very tiny flame right now. If you learn more, and your learning becomes understanding - you carry the essence of it - you will feel a heat growing near the navel.



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