The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 12/30/2017

will's picture

Silence gives space. Words, thoughts, are all disturbances.

Silence is an opening to the infinite.

You can expand to infinity - it all depends on your courage. And courage also comes as your experience grows, as you see that the more you expand, the more beautiful life becomes; the more you expand, the more love showers on you; the more you expand... everything takes on a new psychedelic dimension. It becomes more colorful, more alive, more dancing. The ordinary world suddenly starts changing into something extraordinary. The mundane becomes the sacred. And these are the most significant moments in life - when the mundane becomes sacred.


GFP Newsletter - 12/29/2017

will's picture

What is dissolving is not your reality; it is the unreal in which your reality has been repressed, covered. Once the unreal dissolves, the false disappears. Suddenly, you will have for the first time, an inner experience of sunrise - light all over the inner horizon of your sky.


GFP Newsletter - 12/28/2017

will's picture

All these people who have gathered here are in search of light, life, love, laughter; and all these divine qualities have been destroyed by centuries of exploitation - by all kinds of priests, bureaucrats, politicians, by all those who have been in some kind of power.

But they have not been successful in destroying you. They have been successful only in suppressing you; they have not killed you, they have only poisoned you. And your poison can be taken out, and you can become alive again - which is your birthright.


GFP Newsletter - 12/27/2017

will's picture

TRUTH IS ONE, but it can be approached in many ways. Truth is one, but it can be expressed in many ways.


GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2017

will's picture

Remember it as deeply as possible: don't postpone, don't move into tommorow - here, now, is all that you need. Enjoy it, and the more you enjoy, the more will be given to you. That is what Jesus meant when he said: Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask and it shall be given. This very moment the door is there. Ask, knock, live! - don't postpone.

This is the whole message of all those who have become awakened: Today is enough, tomorrow will take care of itself. And tomorrow never comes; it is always today. If you know the knack of living here and now, you will be able to live every moment that comes. Even at the moment of death, you will be able to live. This is what this Teng did - he lived the moment of death. And if you can live the moment of death, how can you die? Then you change your death also into life.

Just the opposite is happening to you right now: you are changing your life into death because of postponement. Tomorrow, always getting ready, ready, ready, and when the moment comes your mind is still getting ready. Drop all postponements, knock at the moment, and you will be as beautiful as the lilies in the field that Jesus talks about: Not even Solomon at the peak of his glory was so beautiful.


GFP Newsletter - 12/25/2017

will's picture

A new life comes into existence when you live now. A new life is a 'now' life. Then where is the fear?

Who is worried about death? Then you can play a joke in the end. And if you live, you start feeling what life is. It is felt only through living; there is no other way to feel it. It is just like swimming - you swim and you learn; swimming comes through swimming, life is felt through living.

You postpone, you don't feel life; you feel death all around. Through postponing you will feel death, through living you will feel life. If you feel life, it is eternal. It has no death to it, it never dies; it goes on and on and on, and each moment is eternity.


GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2017

will's picture

Don't miss this moment, and don't ask for long preparations. That way you will never be ready. And the mind gets a habitual form: always thinking of tomorrow, tomorrow - it becomes fixed. By the time you have accumulated wealth the mind will again be telling you: Tomorrow, tomorrow. 'Tomorrow' is the disease of the mind.


GFP Newsletter - 12/23/2017

will's picture

A man of understanding lives life here and now, every moment he lives it. For him there is no death because there is no future life. He exhausts the moment, he lives it totally, he enjoys it, he thanks God for it, he is grateful.

Where is the fear of death if at this moment you are alive? Here at this moment, you are alive - where is the fear of death? Don't try to get ready to die, just live. And I tell you, everybody, as he is, is ready to live this very moment.


GFP Newsletter - 12/22/2017

will's picture

One has to feel oneself, one has to feel how one is made and never follow anything else. First just feel yourself, and there are only two possibilities: either you can live a life of spontaneity, or you can live a life of discipline. Both are good because the basic thing is to become alert and aware.

Teng never followed any rules - whenever he felt hungry, he would eat, even though it might be midnight, whenever he was not hungry, he would not eat, although many days would pass. It was not fasting because fasting has to be forced. It was not a fast, he was not feeling hungry so it was okay, he would not eat. Many nights he would not sleep if he was not feeling sleepy; if he was feeling, for days together he would sleep.


GFP Newsletter - 12/21/2017

will's picture

When the whole existence celebrates, why are you standing separate, alone, isolated? And then you feel that you are a stranger. When flowers flower, Why do you stand aloof? - why not flower?

When birds sing, why do you stand aloof? why not sing, why not become a participant?

Religion is a participation in the mystique that is all around you, in the mystery that is all around you.

It is not an effort to know, it is an effort to be, to be a participant. Then everything is beautiful - life is beautiful and death is beautiful, and you can play a joke.



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