The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2017

will's picture

Animals are beautiful, all animals. Have you seen an animal ugly? Have you ever seen an ugly bird, an ugly deer? Can you find an ugly tree? - then what has happened to man? When everything is so beautiful in the world, what has happened to man? There is nothing like an ugly tree or an ugly bird or an ugly animal. They are all beautiful, they are all graceful; they are so perfectly alike. If you go into the forest and see one thousand deer moving, you will not find a single deer too fat, too thin, ugly or beautiful. You will not be able to make any distinction - they all look alike.

What is the matter with man then? Why do so many people become so ugly and so fat; either thin or fat, but never in balance? They don't exist in a relaxed way. They are tense, self-conscious. When you are tense you will start eating more. When you are relaxed you eat only as much as is needed.

The body decides, not you.


GFP Newsletter - 8/30/2017

will's picture

It is very easy to see what is wrong in somebody else. It is very, very difficult to observe oneself.

That's why I say, first start watching people. They are you - through them you will understand yourself. Just start watching people, they are you. Watching them you will come to a point where you can understand yourself better. Look at people on the street, at how self-conscious they are, how continuously ego-oriented. Look at your leaders, politicians, your so-called saints; how self- conscious they are - continuously on show: in the market, in the show-window, but never at home.

They are like commodities for sale. And it doesn't matter whether you are a very costly commodity or a cheap commodity; a person is not a commodity.


GFP Newsletter - 8/29/2017

will's picture

I say watch people so that finally, eventually you can watch yourself. It is very difficult to watch yourself because you are so near to yourself. There is no distance so observation becomes difficult.


GFP Newsletter - 8/28/2017

will's picture

The faces of Buddhas always become feminine. That's why Hindus never depict their Enlightened persons with beards and moustaches, no. Have you seen any pictures of Buddha, or Mahavir, or Krishna, or Ram with a beard or a moustache? Not that beards never came to them, because that would have been a deformity; that would have meant that something was biologically wrong, physiologically wrong, some hormone was missing. No, they had beards and moustaches, but the Hindus have completely dropped them. They don't depict them because they are depicting something of the inner. They are showing through the statues of Buddhas that these men became completely feminine. Why feminine? - because grace is feminine, beauty is feminine.


GFP Newsletter - 8/27/2017

will's picture

Love beautifies - lust makes you ugly, anger makes you ugly - compassion beautifies.

The more you think inside your mind, the more ugly and tense your face becomes. If you don't think, if you live without much thinking, more meditatively, everything becomes beautiful.


GFP Newsletter - 8/26/2017

will's picture

Every person has two aspects, one beautiful, one ugly. Even a beautiful person in certain moments is ugly, and just the reverse is also true; an ugly person is in certain moments beautiful, because ugliness and beauty are not parts of the form - they belong to the within.


GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2017

will's picture

If you love somebody then you need not be self-conscious, and if you are self-conscious, you cannot love because the ego will become the barrier. If you are not self-conscious, only then is love possible.

That's why the more egoistic a person is, the less possibility is there of love. And when there is no love you are in a vicious circle: you think people don't love you because you don't appear beautiful, so you try to be more beautiful; you become more and more self-conscious - the more self- conscious you become, the less a possibility is there; and if you become absolutely self-conscious it is almost impossible - nobody can love you. You will simply put off anybody who comes near. You are a closed person, nobody can enter you.

An unself-conscious person is simply open. He doesn't expect much but much happens. If you expect too much then nothing happens.


GFP Newsletter - 8/24/2017

will's picture

A young man tries not to let go and he fights. A young man tries to conquer. A young man is foolish; he does not know that the victory comes through let-go - he cannot know, it is difficult to know. He will have to pass through many frustrations, only then will he become aware that frustrations are the other aspect of expectations. He will have to pass through many defeats, only then will he come to know that victory belongs to those who don't fight, who give way, who don't fight against the current, who don't try to go upstream, who simply leave themselves wherever nature puts them.

Only those who have come to an inner harmony with nature are victorious. Now there is no fight, because how can the part fight the Whole? And how can the part be victorious against the Whole?

It is absurd, but a young man has to try.


GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2017

will's picture

If the life has been lived according to nature, TAO, DHAMMA, if it has followed an inner discipline, not forced; if you have loved, if you have been aware, if you have been meditative, then every day you become more and more beautiful. And an old man who has passed through all the turmoils, all the ups and downs of life, who has known maturity, who is now seasoned, will have a beauty which nobody else can have.

In the East it has happened, that's why the East worships the old, not the young, because the young is still incomplete. The young has to pass through many things yet, and there is a possibility that something may go wrong. When an old man is beautiful, now there is no possibility of his falling down; he has known all, he has passed through all the experiences, all the anguish of existence, all the miseries, all the blessings. He has seen nights and days, he has moved to the peaks and to the valleys, and he has attained an inner integrity through all these experiences. Now he is balanced, now there is no right or left, now there are no extremes; now he neither longs for peaks nor avoids the valley - she simply accepts. Life has prepared him for this acceptance. Life has prepared him not to fight but to let go. And when you can let go, you have attained.


GFP Newsletter - 8/22/2017

will's picture

All children are born beautiful. Then what goes wrong? - because later on all people are not beautiful. All children are born with grace, but then something goes wrong; somewhere the growth stops, and everything becomes ugly. Later on you cannot find so many beautiful persons in the world. And as you grow old, you become more and more ugly.

It should be just the opposite, if life moves in the right direction. If you know the art of how to live beautifully, how to live with grace, how to live through the Divine, not through the ego, then just the opposite will be the case. Every child will grow more and more beautiful, and old age must be the culmination of beauty. It has to be.



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