The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 9/9/2017

will's picture

Those who know, they never demand, because the moment you become knowing what do you know? - you know nothing.

Existence is so vast, so mysterious, how can you know it? All claims to knowledge are egoistic, and only one who is not egoistic, who becomes completely unself-conscious, who does not know who he is enters into the mysteries.


GFP Newsletter - 9/8/2017

will's picture

If somebody says: I am a Realized man; and demands recognition continually, it is difficult. In the very demand the man proves his ignorance.

Hence the UPANISHADS say: The man who thinks he knows does not know.

Hence Socrates says: When I became a knower, I realized that I am the most ignorant one.


GFP Newsletter - 9/7/2017

will's picture

When somebody demands, you will feel a sudden feeling not to give; because one wants to share, one wants to give, but one wants to remain one's own master. If you have to fulfill a demand you become a slave.

Nobody wants to be a slave.


GFP Newsletter - 9/6/2017

will's picture

When somebody thinks himself or herself beautiful, there is a constant demand: Look at me, I am beautiful, appreciate me. And beauty is a delicate phenomenon - you cannot demand. If you demand, in the very demand you have become ugly. If you demand, I repeat, the very demand makes you become ugly, because demand is ugly. If you demand and you are asking for it too much, nobody is going to give to you. Your demand becomes aggression - it is violent, and how can violence be beautiful? How can aggression be beautiful?


GFP Newsletter - 9/5/2017

will's picture

Try to understand this arithmetic of existence, paradoxical, but real. And if you can understand it many things will change in you immediately.

If you demand something it will not be given to you. If you don't demand, you will suddenly find millions of streams falling into you - every door is open. Demand and you will be denied; don't demand and the whole existence belongs to you. Possess and you will lose; don't possess and nobody can take it from you. Be self-conscious and you will not be a Self; be unself-conscious and you attain to the inner crystallization, the integrity which is the Self.


GFP Newsletter - 9/4/2017

will's picture

Tense, you are like a river in hot summer; only in some spots little pools are left, but the bed is dry.

Somewhere you can find a little dirty pool, but there is no flow; so again sand, so again a little pool.

This is how a tense man is: there is no flow of energy-many blocks, many dry beds, and somewhere a little pool exists and that pool is bound to become dirty. When energy is flowing you are fresh.

When energy is moving without any blocks you are river-like, and the ocean is not far away. When you are a summer river; when everything is dried and only pools of energy exist, and there is no interlink between your energy pools, then you can never reach to the ocean; then God is the farthest thing possible. Flowing, He is near - non-flowing, He is very, very far away. Flow is needed, and when you flow you are beautiful.

Look at a child, watch a child; he is a flow, a river-like flow. He moves like wind and he never tires.


GFP Newsletter - 9/3/2017

will's picture

You walk - everything shows around you. If you are tense you walk in a tense way, as if you are carrying a burden, a mountain on your head; something is hanging around your neck. Even if you shake hands, if you are worried and tense, the hand will be dead, there will be no warmth in it, it will be cold. It is like a dead branch of a tree: no more life moves in it.

Because when you are tense the whole energy is absorbed in the head. When you are relaxed, the energy moves all over; then the energy has a flow. When you are tense it becomes blocked.


GFP Newsletter - 9/2/2017

will's picture

A deep association exists between love and food because every child receives love and food together, from the same mother - they become deeply associated. In fact, the child gets food first, milk, and then by and by, he becomes aware of the love that is flowing from the mother. So whenever you cannot find love you will fall back on food; you will start eating more; it will become a substitute.


GFP Newsletter - 9/1/2017

will's picture

If you are tense, you will eat more. Tense people tend to eat more because eating becomes an occupation; through eating they can forget themselves. Tense people become ugly because the tension is not only in the mind, it affects the body.

Body and mind are not two, there is no division. Mind is just the other pole of the body and the body is the other pole of the mind. Visible mind is body; invisible body is mind. Subtle body is the mind; gross mind is the body. You have a psychosomatic structure - it is one.

When the mind is tense, then your face starts showing the worries, then your skin starts showing the tension. And if it has become a deep-rooted thing, then the body takes the shape; the mind becomes the mould and the body takes the shape. Just by watching the face of a man, you can see what is happening in the mind.



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