The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 9/30/2017

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One day, Mulla Nasrudin came to me and I said to him: Nasrudin, many people say that you are effeminate. He said: They are right, in comparison to my wife, I am.

We think in terms of comparison. If somebody says to everybody: You are beautiful; to us the meaning of that word 'beautiful' is lost. Because if you don't tell anybody that they are ugly, what do you mean by your word 'beautiful'? If somebody says: Everything is good, nothing is bad, then what is the meaning of his word 'good'? To us the word 'good' carries meaning only in comparison to 'bad'.

An Enlightened person has to use your words with the different quality of his consciousness. He doesn't compare.


GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2017

will's picture

Zen says: It is up to you. And there are different types of people; Zen gives freedom to all. There are people who would like to remain in the mountains - good. There are people who would like to remain in the markets - very good. Zen says that it is up to you; the style of your life is up to you.

That is not the thing to be worried about. The basic thing is to be alert.


GFP Newsletter - 9/28/2017

will's picture

There is a saying in Zen that before you are Enlightened, rivers are rivers and mountains are mountains. When you start meditating, rivers are no longer rivers and mountains are no longer mountains; everything is topsy-turvy. Then you attain; again everything falls into line - rivers are rivers again, mountains are mountains again. Just in the middle everything is disturbed, then everything settles again. Of course, it settles on a totally different plane.


GFP Newsletter - 9/27/2017

will's picture

Buddhism and Tao met, and Zen was born, so Zen says both are good. If you live in the world, it is okay, but live with alertness. If you renounce, if you feel like renouncing, that too is good, but renounce with alertness. So the basic thing is not the form, but the spirit.


GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2017

will's picture

Zen doesn't believe in renouncing the world. If you renounce, it is okay; if you don't renounce, it is also okay. It is up to you, both are good. The basic thing is not the world or renouncing the world; the basic thing is to be alert and aware wherever you are. Even a layman, a householder, can attain to the perfect Enlightenment. In this, Zen is very, very liquid. It gives you total freedom. Your style of life in this world doesn't matter.

Hindus have insisted that you have to renounce the world. Jains have insisted that you have to renounce the world. Even Buddha insisted. Buddha in fact had no householders as his disciples.

The whole Indian tradition is for renouncing the world. But Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, they lived in the world; they lived fully aware.


GFP Newsletter - 9/25/2017

will's picture

Time should not be a concern, because time is against meditation. Time is mind and in meditation there is no time. Meditation is beyond time; there is no space, no time.

When you are deeply in meditation, you don't know what time it is, you cannot know; you cannot feel time - and you don't know where you are, you cannot feel space. And if you go a little deeper, you don't know who you are. Everything disappears - time, space, and all the configurations of time and space: the ego, everything disappears; you simply ARE. This is the being, this is the Truth.


GFP Newsletter - 9/24/2017

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If you have many faces, then when and how will the original face surface? Allow the original face to come; drop all postures, drop all faces. For a few days you will feel dizzy without a face. You will feel very uncomfortable, without your old pattern and habits. For a few days you will feel that you have lost your identity. That's okay, that's how it should be. One has to lose one's identity in order to regain the real identity; one has to lose all faces to gain the real face - that which you had before you were born, and that which you will have after you have died. When you are no more, the original will be with you. Never pose.


GFP Newsletter - 9/23/2017

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If you want to create an empire of things, possessions, then be in a hurry; then think that time is money and very precious, and use it to create more and more things. But you will be lost. When you die you will have piled a great empire of things, but dying, you will come to realize that you have not achieved anything. The whole effort has been a failure because unless you achieve yourself, nothing is achieved. Unless you come to yourself, you have not come to any point. Life may have been a journey, but you have not reached the goal.


GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2017

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In the East it is believed that you have millions of lives: there is no hurry, time is not short, no need to be worried about it; enough to waste and even enough always there is reserve - it is eternal.

You will be born again and again, again and again - it is a circle; you go, you come again, you go, you come again, so there is no need to be worried about time. That's why in the eyes of the West the East looks lethargic, lazy, not doing anything. Nobody is worried, people can relax under the trees - no hurry; but this no-hurry helps religion. The mind which is too time-conscious may create many materialistic miracles but it will miss the inner dimension. Because the inner dimension is approached only when you are absolutely patient. You will miss many things if you are patient, that is right, but you will never miss yourself.


GFP Newsletter - 9/21/2017

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In the world there are in fact only two religions: one is Hindu, the other is Judiac. Mohammedanism and Christianity come out of Jewish source - just off-shots. Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism comes out of Hinduism; they are just off-shots.

There is a deep-rooted problem in Jewish thinking, and that is: they deny rebirth; they deny the theory of a circle of births. They believe in only one life and that dominates the West. If there is only one life, then you will be in a hurry, because time is short and too many things have to be done; you cannot move at ease. That's why so much speed: everything is moving fast, everybody is worried that life is slipping out of their hands and you have only one life.



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