The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 9/20/2017

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People come to me and they say, "I can stay here only one day. is meditation possible?"

They ask, "Can you give me something so that I can know the Divine?" They are childish, juvenile - they have not grown up at all. They don't know what they are saying.

Is God something one can give to you as a gift? Is God a certain technique, so that the formula can be given to you and you can work it out later on? Is He something like a material key that can be given to you and you can unlock the door? This search needs tremendous patience, infinite patience. This is the first requirement - you should simply forget about time.


GFP Newsletter - 9/19/2017

will's picture

First, time should be forgotten completely. If you want to enter meditation time should not be of concern to you. If you are in a hurry then nothing is possible, and this has become a most deeply rooted problem for the modern man. The West has made people too time-conscious, not knowing where they are going, but speeding to get there because time is short.

I have heard: Once a pilot communicated on the intercom to his passengers: It seems everything has gone wrong: the radar is not functioning, the radio is out of order, even the compass has ceased to function; but don't be worried, we are keeping the same speed.

But this is what is happening to the modern mind: everything is out of order except speed. Where are you going? For what are you going? Of course, you are going fast, but you are going so fast that you have no time to look at where you are going and why you are going there.


GFP Newsletter - 9/18/2017

will's picture

The search for God is not a search for some person outside of you. The search for God is a search for this moment of total fulfillment. Suddenly the door is open - it was never closed. It appeared closed to the ego. With no ego in between, the door is open; it has always been open.

Existence is open - you are closed; existence is simple - you are complex; existence is healthy - you are ill. Nothing is to be done to existence; something is to be done to you. And nobody else can do it for you, you have to do it.

Watch your self-consciousness, feel the misery that follows it like a shadow. If you want to get rid of the shadow, you have to get rid of the ego. You have been trying to get rid of the shadow, but how can you get rid of the shadow? - it follows ego. You have to drop the ego, then the shadow disappears.


GFP Newsletter - 9/17/2017

will's picture

The ego is always going to the complaint department. Whatsoever happens is meaningless because even if God comes to you, you will say: Wait, let me first reach the complaint book. The ego is headed towards the complaint book; nothing can satisfy the ego.

The whole effort is useless; drop it. If you simply efface yourself, abide in non-ego, abide in egolessness, drop self consciousness and become more conscious, then suddenly everything fits, suddenly everything falls into a harmony; nothing is wrong. There is no injustice going on. You feel at home everywhere, and only in this moment of at-homeness, the existence takes a new color - it becomes Divine, it becomes spiritual; never before it.


GFP Newsletter - 9/16/2017

will's picture

Egolessness is contentment. Egoless, you don't expect anything, and just a small child smiles at you, but it is so beautiful. What else could you need? Suddenly you see a flower and the flower sends its perfume to you. What else could you need? What more could you want? The whole sky goes on filling with stars, the whole life becomes a celebration because now everything is beautiful.

Without expectation everything fulfills - just to breathe is enough, just to breathe is such a bliss.


GFP Newsletter - 9/15/2017

will's picture

If you efface yourself, love rushes towards you from every side - everybody falls in love with you. If you efface yourself, if you are nobody, everybody falls in love with you - everybody; even a stranger suddenly feels love for you. This I say to you from my own experience, that if you efface yourself, everybody is in love with you. If you try to be somebody it is impossible: nobody can love you.

Without ego you are accepted everywhere: you are a guest, you are accepted everywhere. Without ego, whatsoever happens you will feel a benediction; with ego, whatsoever happens you will be miserable. Because it is not what happens that matters, it is the you to whom it happens.

The ego is a deep discontent - it cannot be satisfied, it is a bottomless pit. Whatsoever you throw into it disappears; it always remains hungry, that is the nature of it. Nothing can be done about it.

You can simply drop it, otherwise you will always remain dissatisfied.


GFP Newsletter - 9/14/2017

will's picture

Existence is not denying you anything. There is no injustice, there has never been, there cannot be.

How can the mother be unjust to the child? Existence is your mother; you come out of it, you go back into it. How can existence be unjust to you? It is you claims, your egoistic claims that create the problem.


GFP Newsletter - 9/13/2017

will's picture

If you think too much of yourself, if you think of yourself as somebody significant, then every day, every moment you will find that injustice is being done to you. Nobody is being unjust. Who bothers about you? Who has time to do injustice to you? Who cares? But you feel that the whole world is being unjust to you. Nobody is being unjust to you; it is your claim.

Lao Tzu says: If you want to be the first in the world, you will find yourself to be the last. And if you are able to stand at the back, just to be the last, you may find yourself to be the first.

Efface yourself completely; a clean state, not claiming anything, nothing written on it. Become clean, don't be self-conscious and suddenly you feel that all the doors that were closed have opened. They were never closed - it was you.


GFP Newsletter - 9/12/2017

will's picture

You are destroying yourself by claiming things: you claim that you are wise and then life proves you to be fool; you claim yourself to be very attractive and life doesn't take any notice of you; you try to prove that you are beautiful and everything proves that you are ugly. Because there is nothing more ugly than the ego, and all claims are egoistic.

Drop claims and simply remain with the fact. Don't claim anything don't ask anything, don't demand.

Don't think that you are very, very worthy and then much will happen to you - the whole existence will accept you. When you accept existence, existence accepts you. When you claim, in every claim you are complaining: I was more worthy.


GFP Newsletter - 9/11/2017

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Yang Chu said to his disciples: Remember this - if you act nobly and banish from your mind the thought that you are noble, where can you go and not be loved?

-The Book of Lieh-tzu


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