The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 7/2/2017

will's picture

Whatsoever you try to prove is really of your inner imbalance. You would like it if the other didn't exist. Then, then you could feel a balance.

But the other is. The other is - it haunts you. Atheists, theists, for-against people - it haunts them.

You have to balance yourself, then it simply drops. All problems drop when you are balanced. We cannot solve any problem, remember. Problems simply disappear when we are balanced. Problems are just symbolic indications - they are not the real disease. The real disease is the imbalance.


GFP Newsletter - 7/1/2017

will's picture

Why are you holding if you cannot share? Why are you alive if you cannot love? What are you seeking if you cannot be ecstatic? And ecstasy comes through a balance: you simply possess a thing to share it, then possession is not ugly. Then you are simply waiting to share it.


GFP Newsletter - 6/30/2017

will's picture

A situation is an existential phenomenon. Just talking, teaching, won't do, because talking and teaching goes to the head. And even if the head is convinced, nothing happens out of it. You know this very well. You are convinced of many things, but you just go on doing the contrary. You are convinced that anger is poisonous, but does that make any difference to you? Whether you say anger is poisonous or not, you go on being angry. You have been repenting continuously - again and again the same phenomenon, you feel completely helpless. The head knows anger is wrong, but nothing happens through it.

You know very well what is wrong but that doesn't transform your life. You know very well what is right but that doesn't come into your being. It remains something in the mind - a conviction, an argument, a rationalization. It remains knowledge, but it never becomes understanding. Understanding means that you have learned it through your whole being; you have learned it through an existential situation. It has not been given only through words. All the Masters have been doing that - they create situations. In a situation, you have to act. In a situation, your totality is called in, challenged.


GFP Newsletter - 6/29/2017

will's picture

If you are relaxed, there is no need to meditate, because meditation is medicinal - it is medicine. If you are healthy there is no need for it. And I have not come across a single human being who is not in need of meditation. That means the whole of humanity is sick; the whole earth is a great hospital.

Try to look at it. And when I say try to look at it, look at it within yourself. Don't look to the right and to the left. I am talking to you; just see the whole point. And if you can see the whole point of your split being, nothing is to be done. Simply drop helping this split to continue. By and by, move from the extremes to the middle. Hence, Buddha called his path 'The Middle Way,' madhyam nikaya. Hence, Lao Tzu says his path is 'The Golden Mean.'


GFP Newsletter - 6/28/2017

will's picture

Remember, you are both! And remember this always: wherever you see an opposite polarity, you are both, and neither is to be chosen. You are both and you have to accept both and enjoy both. And nothing is wrong. If you are a man, nothing is wrong in moving to the other polarity sometimes and just being feminine. Just weep like a woman - it is so beautiful, so relaxing. It is such a benediction.

Just weep like a woman, cry like a woman, laugh like a man - it is such a great phenomenon.


GFP Newsletter - 6/27/2017

will's picture

It is a circle: left goes into right, right goes into left. It is a circle.

That's why in China, they have made the yin-yang symbol. It is a moving circle and this circle exists in every dimension. A man is not man, he is also a woman. A woman is not only a woman, she is also a man. There are moments when a woman is man, there are moments when a man is woman.

And you become afraid: I should not be a woman. I am not effeminate, I am male, and I should never betray any feminine qualities. This has been taught for centuries all over the world. Even to small boys you say: Don't be a sissy. What nonsense! You even start poisoning a small boy: You are a man. Behave like a man - don't be girlish. The right side is male and the left is female in the boy. The same is true in a girl. If the girl starts behaving like a tomboy, everybody is afraid. If she starts climbing a tree, then you say: What are you doing? You are a girl! Behave like a girl. Girls never do this. They only play with toys, and arrange marriage, and make a house.


GFP Newsletter - 6/26/2017

will's picture

You are afraid, because you know well that you have suppressed tears so if you laugh deeply, tears may come. And it happens. You may have noticed many times, if you start laughing deeply immediately you feel tears are coming.

You feel confused - why are tears coming? Tears are coming because you have been suppressing them, and you have never allowed a totality. And now you laugh totally: the suppressed needs expression, the suppressed flows, the suppressed seeks a moment; the door is open - it flows.


GFP Newsletter - 6/25/2017

will's picture

If you cling to one pole, you become afraid of totality. You cannot weep totally, how can you laugh totally? That's why the belly laugh has simply disappeared from the world. You don't know what a belly laugh is - when you not only laugh, but the belly laughs. The whole body vibrates, not only you, but from head to toe everything laughs. That laughter is mad because you are totally in it.

Look at the absurdity of the world: only a madman can be total. You are afraid, because you know well that you have suppressed tears so if you laugh deeply, tears may come. And it happens. You may have noticed many times, if you start laughing deeply immediately you feel tears are coming.

You feel confused - why are tears coming? Tears are coming because you have been suppressing them, and you have never allowed a totality. And now you laugh totally: the suppressed needs expression, the suppressed flows, the suppressed seeks a moment; the door is open - it flows.


GFP Newsletter - 6/24/2017

will's picture

One should laugh and one should weep also. Laughter and weeping are two banks - balance is needed. If you really laugh, you will also weep. And what is wrong with weeping? Tears are beautiful.

If you have laughed, if you have laughed deeply, tears become very, very beautiful. They carry something of the laughter, because deep down the banks are one, they are not two. On one pole laughter, on another pole tears; one pole smiles, another pole cries, but deep down they are joined together. If you have laughed totally, you will weep totally, and both are beautiful. Totality is beautiful. But if you cling, then you can never be total.


GFP Newsletter - 6/23/2017

will's picture

Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper is the wake that follows it. One moment you are the wave, another moment you are the hollow wake that follows. Enjoy both - don't get addicted to one. Don't say: I would always like to be on the peak. It is not possible. Simply see the fact: it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happen. It is simply impossible - not in the nature of things. Then what to do?

Enjoy the peak while it lasts and then enjoy the valley when it comes. What is wrong with the valley?

What is wrong with being low? It is a relaxation, A peak is an excitement, and nobody can exist continuously in an excitement. You will go completely mad.



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