The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 6/12/2017

will's picture

That is my teaching also: Be simple and nobody. Don't condemn anybody. Don't put yourself in a situation where you can feel holier than thou - never. Just be ordinary. And when you are ordinary, all anxiety disappears.

When you are ordinary, then your whole perception is totally different. Then the birds singing in the trees are a message from the Divine. Then the breeze passing through the trees, and a leaf dancing in the breeze is His hand, His indication. Then the sky, and the earth - everything is beautiful, and everything comes from Him.

When you are ordinary, when you are nobody, all the doors are open. When you are somebody all the doors are closed. Be ordinary, and live life silently. Don't be a politician.


GFP Newsletter - 6/11/2017

will's picture

I have heard that one preacher was talking to his congregation, and he was saying: You don't know what is going to happen in hell - there will be fire, there will be cold, freezing days. Your body will shake and your teeth will clatter. One man raised a hand and he said: But I have got no teeth. So he said: You don't worry. False teeth will be provided.

They make every arrangement for you in hell. The ego, the BRAHMIN, the head is always condemning everybody; everybody is ordinary - only you are extraordinary. Only you are going to be saved, nobody else. That's why Christians go on preaching, 'Come and follow Jesus. Only those who follow Jesus will be saved - everybody else is lost.' That's what Mohammedans go on saying, and Hindus go on saying. There seems to be a very deep politics in existence: if you follow somebody and if you go to this church, you will be saved; if you follow somebody else and go to another church, you will be destroyed. And the same is the claim of the other church also. And God must be in a puzzle! What to do?

This whole condemnation comes from the head, the ego. A very subtle ego colors whatsoever you say and believe: your convictions, your philosophy, everything is colored by the ego. And Zen is a simple life.


GFP Newsletter - 6/10/2017

will's picture

Mind is always afraid of dying. It clings - it clings to anything. In India, they say that a dying man clings even to a straw. He knows well that it cannot save. He knows well that a straw cannot become a boat - there is no safety in it, but just clinging. 'Maybe some miracle will happen and I may be saved.'

When you cling to money, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to power and prestige, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to name, family, bank balance, you are clinging to a straw, because nothing can save you. Death is coming. Death is rushing towards you. Whatsoever you do is useless - it will not save you.

And what does a Master do? He says: Before death overtakes you, you overtake death. Why wait for it? Waiting, you will be a victim. Going through it - you become a conqueror, because one who is ready to die suddenly realizes that death is impossible. One who is ready to die suddenly realizes: the mind will die, the body will die, the ego will die, but the being, the being has been before the mind came in. The being has been before the body came in. The being has been before your birth, and the being will be after your death. When in meditation the axe is raised over your head and you feel a death moment, don't escape. Let the axe fall on you. It is sharp, it is good - it is good that it is sharp. Let your head be chopped completely.


GFP Newsletter - 6/9/2017

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Whenever you feel unprepared, you simply find yourself running away. Whenever you are prepared, you feel at ease, secure. But you are not here in search of security and I am not here to give you security. I am here to take all securities from you - all the earth beneath your feet, I have to take it away. I have to throw you into the abyss. Only in falling into that abyss, will your ego disappear. And for the first time, through insecurity, you will attain to the eternal security - but the path goes through insecurity. The path towards life goes through death. Dying, you will achieve. Clinging to life, you will miss.


GFP Newsletter - 6/8/2017

will's picture

Remember this: while you are with me remember that only through situations will you grow, not through teachings. Whatsoever I say will not be of much help; whatsoever I create around you will be the real thing. Talking simply helps you to hang around me, that's all. I go on talking to you; that is just like giving sweets to children, so they hang around.


GFP Newsletter - 6/7/2017

will's picture

Mind has a tremendous capacity to understand things when they are not. When you have missed, then the mind goes on repenting about it, thinking about what should have been. The mind has a tremendous capacity to think about the past, to think about the future. It has no capacity to be here and now.


GFP Newsletter - 6/6/2017

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This situation comes to everybody that enters into deep meditation: a moment comes when the axe comes just over your head, and it is always sharp. A moment comes, when you go deeper - you face death. That is the boundary between the ego and your inner being, where you face death inside. Because when you go deeper, a moment comes when the boundary of the ego has to be crossed - you go beyond it. And you are so identified with the ego, that you feel it like a death.


GFP Newsletter - 6/5/2017

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You can see a Master only up to that extent; the same extent to which you can see within yourself, because the Master is nothing but your within, standing without. A Master is nothing but your future standing in the present. A Master is nothing but your fulfilled form. What will you be when you are fulfilled? - that's what a Master is right now. So if you have no inner vision, you will miss.


GFP Newsletter - 6/4/2017

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All names are meaningless because you come into the world without a name, and when you leave the world you go without a name. The name is just a tag attached to you for utilitarian purposes. Without a name it would be difficult, difficult for others.


GFP Newsletter - 6/3/2017

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Whenever your mind moves to the extreme, just pull it back to the middle. Either the mind wants to be active or it wants to be inactive, because with the extreme the mind can exist. In the middle, exactly in the middle, when activity and inactivity cancel each other, negate each other - mind disappears.



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