The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 6/22/2017

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You fall in love with a man or a woman, then you become afraid of hate, anger and conflict. But what will you do? - they are bound to come. Your so-called love depends on them; it cannot exist alone, it is a rhythm. The opposite is needed.

Have you ever seen a river with one bank? Life is a river, and mind tries to flow with one bank - that is the neurosis. There are peaks and there are valleys. There are high moments and there are low moments. Don't get obsessed with any high peak, otherwise, what will happen to the valley? Have you seen a peak without a valley?


GFP Newsletter - 6/21/2017

will's picture

Look at the beauty: you exale - the moment you exhale, you have created a situation for a deep inhalation. When you inhale, you have created a situation for a deep exhalation. The opposite is really not the opposite. How can it be the opposite? Inhalation depends upon exhalation, exhalation depends on inhalation. How can they be enemies? How can there be any antagonism? They are friends, they are not foes. They are playing a game in which they appear to be opposites, but deep down they are one earth.


GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2017

will's picture

Life is a rhythm - it needs the other. It is neither sound nor silence, it is both. Silence is one pole and sound is another pole, and life is just the rhythm between these two polarities. Don't choose!

If you choose sound, you will become addicted to sound, to noise, to the outside. You will become an extrovert, because sound is outside. Inside is silence. If you choose silence, you will become an introvert. Then you will close yourself completely towards the existence that exists without. You will move in and in, and that movement will not be a rhythm because you have denied the other pole.

Rather, this movement will be a dead stagnancy. You will be stuck with it, you cannot be ecstatic.

With silence and sound both, you simply move between these polarities because you are neither.

You are just in the middle - you are the rhythm. My left hand and my right hand are both me; sound and silence are both me; life and death are both me. Don't cling. Exhalation, inhalation - both are me.


GFP Newsletter - 6/19/2017

will's picture

As you are, you only inhale, you never exhale. The body exhales and forces the air out - you again inhale. Just watch your breathing - you pay more attention to inhalation, you go on inhaling.

Exhalation is just left to the body. The body throws air out, you inhale again, because deep down you think that inhalation is life and exhalation is death. In a way it is true, because the first thing a child does after birth is to inhale.

Life starts functioning with inhalation. Hence, you identify life with inhalation. And the last thing a man who is going to die will do will be to exhale. You cannot die with inhalation, can you? So deep down, the unconscious feels that exhalation is death and inhalation is life. You cling to inhalation.

And if you cling to one pole, you will become a mind. Exhale, inhale - remain in the middle and don't choose. Don't choose. Don't choose between the opposites - remain in the middle. Because if you choose one opposite, you become unbalanced. Imbalance is neurosis.


GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2017

will's picture

Because of the rhythm you are alive - you inhale and exhale. That inhalation and exhalation becomes like two banks for your river to flow, but you are neither.

The breath comes in, the breath goes out; it gives a rhythm - two banks. And that rhythm is beautiful if you are not stuck to some extreme. Even in breathing, the mind is always choosing. Rarely does it happen that you can see a person who exhales and inhales equally - rarely. If you come to a point where you can exhale and inhale and remain just in the middle, you will attain to Enlightenment.


GFP Newsletter - 6/17/2017

will's picture

Existence is not divided into either-or, it has no duality. It is one energy flowing from this end to that.

Both banks of the river are joined together underneath - they are part of one land. They appear to you to be two because you have not entered the river and you have never gone to the very bottom.

The banks are not two, they belong to one land. But for the river to flow, they appear to be as two.

Existence is just like two banks meeting underneath, and mind is just looking at the surface. So mind says: I am at this bank, and you are at that. You are against me. If you are a friend, then you are on this bank with me; you are an enemy if you are on that bank. But both the wings belong to one earth. The mind cannot see so deeply. The mind is the phenomenon on the surface - hence dualities. Existence is one, it cannot be otherwise. There are not two existences, only one exists.


GFP Newsletter - 6/16/2017

will's picture

Mind is never in the middle - cannot be. When you are in the middle, the mind simply disappears.

Mind is always at the extreme - either this or that. That's why mind divides the world into white and black, into life and death, into hate and love, into friend and foe.


GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2017

will's picture

I have heard: Mulla Nasrudin went to his psychiatrist, and he rambled upon his miseries, troubles, and finally he concluded: I am afraid. It seems that I am getting neurotic.

The psychiatrist smiled and said: Nasrudin, if that is true, then you must be happy and grateful that you are neurotic.

Nasrudin, was shocked. He said: What? - happy that I am neurotic? Why?

Said the psychiatrist: Because that is the only normal thing about you.

Neurosis is the only normal thing not only about Nasrudin, but about everybody else also. Mind has to be neurotic. Neurosis is not a disease; neurosis is mind itself, so neurosis cannot be cured. With mind remaining there, neurosis is bound to follow it like a shadow. Hence all psychiatry fails. At the most, it can make you normal, but to be normal is nothing but to be normally neurotic - neurotic like everybody else, not in your own way; just following the highway, not an individual path. People who are in madhouses have private neuroses. You have a mass neurosis. That's why you cannot be detected; you are just like everybody else. And people are in the madhouses who have tried to attain their own style of neurosis. They are individualists. That's the only difference. And this has to be so, because mind itself, the very functioning of the mind, is neurotic. Try to understand this.


GFP Newsletter - 6/14/2017

will's picture

The GFP is back! We had some issues with our internet, but it should be resolved now.

The greatest art is to attain a balance, a balance between all opposites, a balance between all polarities. Imbalance is the disease and balance is health. Imbalance is neurosis, and balance is well-being.


GFP Newsletter - 6/13/2017

will's picture

The ordinary person is the most beautiful phenomenon in the world - just living moment to moment, not expecting, not asking. Whatsoever comes, accepting. Whatsoever comes, not only accepting, but accepting with a deep thankfulness, a gratitude.

When you are ordinary, whatsoever comes is more than you ever expected. When you are extraordinary, when you think extraordinarily, something very great: a Napoleon, a Hitler, then everything is always something unfulfilling. Everything is lower than your expectations. You are such a great man; whatsoever happens is always below you. When you are ordinary, everything is more than you ever expected, and when this feeling comes, that it is more than you ever expected, you feel a gratitude. That gratitude is the inner shrine. In that gratitude, for the first time, the light from the Beyond descends.

Create this shrine of gratitude inside and soon you will find a light has come into it. The shrine is not dark, and this light doesn't belong to this world. It comes from the Eternal.



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