The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2017

will's picture

Joy is not a sin, and to be happy is not a crime. On the contrary, not to enjoy is a sin, not to be happy is to be a criminal, because the person who is not happy is going to do something wrong sooner or later. He is potentially on the way to crime. If he cannot be happy, he cannot allow anybody else to be happy; that is intolerable to him. He will be destructive of other people's happiness, of other people's joys. If he cannot enjoy, he is not going to allow anybody else to enjoy either.


GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2017

will's picture

The people who are really living are in love with life, in love with the small things of life, not hankering for any great things, non-ambitious.

Sipping a cup of tea is enough of a joy for them.

Just to see the sunrise is such a glory that who bothers what is the meaning of life? They enjoy their food, they enjoy their clothes, they enjoy their houses, they enjoy their gardens, they enjoy their lovers, their beloveds. They enjoy music, they enjoy poetry.

They enjoy everything that is enjoyable, with no guilt.


GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2017

will's picture

The pagan is a natural man - sincere, not a hypocrite, living life naturally without any domination of the mind.

The pagan is part of existence.

He is not trying to go in some other direction but is always in a let-go and moving with existence wherever it leads.

There is no goal in the life of a pagan.

There is no question of any meaning in the life of a pagan. Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense. It has to be remembered - we ask about meaning only when something goes wrong.


GFP Newsletter - 4/10/2017

will's picture

Communists think that I am against them; capitalists think that I am against them ... sometimes I wonder, am I against myself?

But if there is even a little bit of intelligence in America then it is time to stop now; otherwise, the country is going to have the same fate as that of Rome and Roman civilization.

In these last ten years all the decisions of the Supreme Court of America have become more and more favorable to the government against individual freedom. They have been more protective in these ten years; it was not the case before. Before, ten years ago, the Supreme Court of America was really a fair institution, and it was protecting the individual - who is helpless against the state, against the government.

The individual has to be protected. His freedom of speech, his freedom of thinking, his freedom of living, have to be protected. The Supreme Court exists for that; otherwise the state, the monster of state, can simply destroy your freedom, your democracy, your individuality. It is just a steamroller, it can go on killing you.


GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2017

will's picture

When all the religious leaders of a country condemn materialism, attachment to body, attachment to this, attachment to that, and start teaching people tastelessness, celibacy, the country starts shrinking. It stops being creative. It drops its sciences, its technology. It starts following these great religious people, not knowing that you cannot follow them. You are destroying the very ladder they have climbed up on!

And it is very easy for them, standing on the roof, to tell you, "Destroy this ladder, it is useless.


GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2017

will's picture

These religions are just exploiting people, giving them dreams and hopes. And because you give them dreams and hopes you become messiahs, prophets. You gain out of it. You give them empty dreams - and they make you great leaders of humanity.


GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2017

will's picture

Politics is only for idiots. Its day is finished. We have to begin a new history in which there will be no place for politics. We want to get rid of all this retardedness, this mediocrity. We want the earth to become really the very cream of the whole universe. It can become, it has the potential.

Unfortunately we have not used it. But the time has come - and I am preparing you to use it.


GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2017

will's picture

When I say religion I simply mean the religious consciousness: a certain quality - not a certain dogma, not a creed, not a cult, not something organized but something felt deep in the heart, something closer to when you see in the morning a beautiful sunrise .... You feel something, something is stirred in you. You cannot express it, you cannot tell anybody what you are feeling.

All you can do is, you can hold the other person, and with your finger you can show the sunrise without saying a single word.

If the man has any aesthetic sense, any sensibility, he may be able to feel it; otherwise there is no way. You cannot argue, you cannot make a statement, you cannot do a commentary. You can only point it out ... fingers pointing to the moon.

All religious sages have only pointed to the moon. And all organized religions have caught hold of the fingers, forgotten all about the moon, and are worshiping the fingers. Now, the fingers are not the moon - they never were.


GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2017

will's picture

You ask me, "Do politicians have brains?"

I can only say what I have experienced and seen. Certainly the question will arise, because if I say they don't have any brains then how do they go on working? They go on working just like computers, just like robots. They go on working, not intelligently, but mechanically.

Two thousand years of history we know clearly, with evidence. One thing comes out absolutely clearly, that all political leaders have functioned mechanically. That's why history is repeated - because of the mechanical behavior of the politicians. It is the same wheel that goes on moving: the same ambition, the same desire, the same strategy, the same tricks, the same exploitations - and the same results.

But now the game has come to a point where either the game has to finish or humanity has to be ready to commit suicide.

The game is not so precious, the game is just worthless. Humanity cannot be sacrificed to the political game.

Human individuals should start declaring that the earth is one, the whole of humanity is one; that we don't want any nations, we don't want this dirty politics; that we don't see any problem, why Russia should be against America, or America be against Russia.

The Russian people are as innocent and simple as Americans. It is just the topmost politicians who cannot let you relax, because your relaxation is their death. They want you to remain continuously tense, afraid, so that they go on playing the game that "the war is coming and we have to prepare for it."


GFP Newsletter - 4/4/2017

will's picture

It is time we burned the whole of history and started from the very beginning, fresh.

That's my whole work with you.

Talking to you I am really trying to burn your conditionings, trying to remove all the rubbish that you have been carrying your whole life ... just trying to clean you and make you utterly blank so that you can start sprouting your self - otherwise you are so full of junk that there is no space for your self.



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