The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 5/12/2017

will's picture

A child can attain Enlightenment. A man just on the verge of death can attain Enlightenment because Enlightenment is not concerned with your body - it is concerned with something which is absolutely bodiless. It is concerned with the within which has no age. It is non-temporal. Time is not at all a problem. You may not have observed this, because you live such an unconscious life, and observation needs consciousness, alertness, awareness.

If you look within can you feel the age, how old you are? If you close your eyes and look within, the emptiness within seems to be ageless, without age. Are you a child? Are you young? Are you old?

The inner space seems to be non-temporal - it is. That's why you become old through others' eyes.

You become old because of the mirror. If mirrors disappear and nobody talks about your age, and there is no calendar and no time measurement, you will remain young longer.


GFP Newsletter - 5/11/2017

will's picture

The mind creates a false center; that false center is the ego. When you move inwards and look for the ego, you will never find it there. The deeper you go, the more you will laugh because the ego is not there. You are not there. Sometimes, just close your eyes and look for the ego. Where are you? Who are you? And emptiness surrounds you from everywhere; nobody is there inside. And this moment is the most beautiful and ecstatic moment possible. when you feel that there is no ego.

When there is no ego, you are empty. And when you are empty, the Divine rushes towards you. You have created the situation.


GFP Newsletter - 5/10/2017

will's picture

Try silence; be silent with me. If you feel it impossible, then listen to the music; not to the words I am saying to you, words are just excuses - listen to the music. And don't argue, because what I am saying is not a logical statement, it is absurd. But that is not the point at all, the logic of it. The point is the music of it.

First try silence with me. If it happens, it is beautiful. If it cannot happen, then try music. These two are the only ways, there is no third way. Don't listen to what I say, just listen to the rhythm. Just listen to the harmony, the harmony of the opposites. And it is a single note, remember. I go on repeating the same thing every day in different ways. Sometimes a Zen story is the excuse, sometimes a Sufi story is the excuse, sometimes the Gita, sometimes Jesus or Mahavir; these are all excuses. But I go on repeating the same note. I go around you trying from everywhere, all the possibilities.

Listen to the music! Don't listen to the logic. It has no logic in it - it has only a melody.


GFP Newsletter - 5/9/2017

will's picture

In traffic, in a crowd, you don't look at faces, you don't feel people; you simply feel a mess all around you. In a crowd others are things, not people. Have you watched it? If you are travelling in a crowded train, many people around you touching from everywhere; even if you are a woman and somebody is touching your body, you don't feel bothered. Why not? Because he is not a person; they are not people - it is just a crowd. If you are standing alone under a tree and the same man comes and rubs against you then you will become angry. Now he is a person.

In a crowd nobody has personality. It is just a crowd - with whom can you be angry? - and you shrink into yourself. In a crowded bus, in a crowded train, you shrink inside; you are not available on the surface of the skin, so if somebody touches you it is okay. It is not a touch, it is a dead thing. But alone with a single person, then it's different.

And the same happens within. You have lived in a crowd of thoughts, a mad crowd. You have never looked at a single thought. Thoughts are people, and they are beautiful. When you can see a single thought against the sky, with a personality, its own being, its own energy, then that thought will ask you something. The mind has never asked you anything because you are so identified. When the identification breaks, by and by, even the mind starts asking you many things.


GFP Newsletter - 5/8/2017

will's picture

In deeper meditations suddenly you will see one thought standing: but it will be one, it will not be a crowd. And when one thought visits it is beautiful. because you can see it so clearly. It has a personality of its own. Thoughts are people, but you live in such a crowd of thoughts that the crowd has no personality. You are so filled with thoughts that you cannot see the beauty, the face of a single thought. By the time you become aware, the thought has gone, another is passing; it is a constant traffic.


GFP Newsletter - 5/7/2017

will's picture

Desire disappears; instead of desire - contentment, deep contentment comes to you, because desire is discontent. Anger disappears and instead of anger - compassion; the same energy becomes compassion. In anger you would like to destroy the other. In compassion, just the opposite; you would like to create, you would not like to destroy. Hate disappears without any trace; you simply cannot find it within you. You happen to be loving, and then love is not an affair; it is not falling in love with someone, it is simply the way you are.

If you touch a leaf there is love. If you carry a rock there is love. If you look at the sun there is love.

Whatsoever you do, it becomes a love act.

Meditation is not part, it is the whole, so one has to be constantly remembering, constantly aware.

You cannot afford to meditate in the morning and then forget about it.


GFP Newsletter - 5/6/2017

will's picture

The body is just like the wheel. Breathing is necessary for the body and meditation is necessary, just as necessary, for the soul. Without breathing you will be dead; that means the body will be dead.

Without meditation you will be dead; that is, the soul will be dead.

Gurdjieff used to say: Don't believe that you already have got a soul. How can you have a soul unless you meditate? And he was right. When you meditate, for the first time the soul revives in you.

It has been waiting for you. And when the soul starts breathing within you, just like the body, when the soul starts beating within you just like the heart, then you have a different quality; that quality is the religiousness. It has nothing to do with rituals. Then you are a different, a totally different human being.


GFP Newsletter - 5/5/2017

will's picture

This has to be remembered - meditation cannot be a part. Either it is the whole or not. It is a twenty-four hour thing. You cannot do it and leave it. It is not a fragment like your going to the church or your going to the temple, meditating for a few minutes and being finished with it. It is not an act that you can do and be finished with. It is not an act, it is you. How can you do it and be finished? It is for twenty-four hours. Meditation is a way of life. It is not an activity, it is your very being. It has to be constant, it has to be continuous, it has to be, whether you are walking, eating, or even when you are sleeping, it has to be there. It must become a crystallized continuity. Only then Enlightenment happens, never before it.

Of course in the beginning you have to start. You do it in the morning, sometimes you do it in the evening, then you forget about it and even that helps. But it is not meditation yet, it is still an activity. It has not become part of your being. It is not yet like breathing. Can you do breathing in the morning and then leave it? It must become like breathing, continuously with you. And a moment comes when it becomes even deeper than breathing, because breathing is also not constant. It is not really constant. When you breathe in there is a moment when breathing stops. When you breathe out there is a moment, a fraction of a moment, when breathing stops. When you are very very silent, breathing stops - no breathing.

Meditation is deeper than breathing because breathing belongs to the body. Meditation doesn't belong to the body. Meditation belongs to the seed, to the very center around which body revolves.


GFP Newsletter - 5/4/2017

will's picture

The point is first to know who you are. You may already be the thing you want to become. And those who have known, have known that it is already the case. You are already that which you can become. You just have to become acquainted with this fact.

This fact is hidden deep in you. More significant facts are always hidden deeper. They are not on the surface, they are not on the skin - they are in the heart. Be a witness to the mind, and you will find remote corners of your being, unacquainted, unknown to you. You don't know yourself. You know only a part, the porch of your house. You just move on the outside.



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