The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 5/3/2017

will's picture

There is only one transcendence and transcendence is the only way. And that transcendence is going deeper and deeper within yourself. Just witness your mind and the deeper you will move.

Just remember that you are not the mind and the deeper you will move. Just remember that you are not to fall into the old trap of going into the past or the future. Just remember that you are not here to travel, but to be. You are not here to become something; you are already that which you can become. But just to know this being, what it is....


GFP Newsletter - 5/2/2017

will's picture

'Normal' simply means normally-abnormal, nothing else. Normal simply means like everybody else - but how is everybody else? Everybody else is also neurotic, lukewarm neurotic. Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and all trends in the West can make you more adjusted, normal, that's all. The maladjustment disappears; you become adjusted. But what do you become adjusted to? If the whole society is sick, you become adjusted to sickness. If the whole society is neurotic, you become adjusted to the neurosis.


GFP Newsletter - 5/1/2017

will's picture

Look at the cross on which Christ was crucified. It has two poles: one is horizontal on which his hands were nailed - that is ordinary time, that is living near the roadside, living in the market, living on the crossroads - and then, the depth. His whole body is on the vertical pole. That is going deeper, deeper. When you go for a swim you swim on the surface; that is horizontal. Then you dive deep; that is vertical. A meditator dives deep - a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on a deeper and deeper layer.

Stop travelling, because travelling is on the surface. Be still, don't travel, remain in the moment; then you start falling into the abyss. You may be afraid and that may be the reason why you go on thinking of the past and the future. Because if you remain in the moment, you will fall into an endless abyss.

A depth opens and you are absorbed into it.

The ego cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. The mind cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. But the horizontal and vertical meet; that is the meeting of the two poles where they become a cross. They meet, they meet in the present moment - the present moment becomes the meeting point. There, the horizontal crosses the vertical.


GFP Newsletter - 4/30/2017

will's picture

Inside you there are remote parts. Inside you there are parts which belong to the market, there are parts which belong to the family, there are parts which belong to the surface. And there are remote parts inside you which do not belong to the market, to the family or to anybody. Those remote mountains where nobody ever moves, only you are... you have to seek. You have to sit silently and seek the remote parts within you.

Remember, you are a vast universe. The surface that you have taken it for granted that you are is just the beginning, the porch. If we are talking on the porch it is because of you. There are remote corners inside the house. Many people live their whole lives on the porch, just by the side of the road: market, family, things, prestige, politics. You live on the surface. Kakua moved inside to inner, remote, and still more remote places. How can you go inside? - first stop travelling.


GFP Newsletter - 4/29/2017

will's picture

There are mountains outside and there are mountains inside. A whole parallel world exists on the inside also. That's why people used to move to the mountains, just to create an outer situation to move inwardly - to the inner mountains. Hindus even have a name for the inner mountain; they call it sumeru. If you ask them where it is they say it is in heaven. If you think that there is a mountain like sumeru in heaven you miss the point. They are saying that inside you, there is a moment when you are on such a top peak of your being; that top peak of your being is SUMERU, the mountain that exists in heaven. Because at that moment you are in heaven.


GFP Newsletter - 4/28/2017

will's picture

Life is in the present and you go on, either in the past or in the future. You are just like the pendulum of an old grandfather clock. You go from this to that right, left, right, left. The pendulum goes on; it never stays in the middle. If the pendulum stays in the middle immediately the clock stops.

And mind is just like a clock. This travelling from past to future is the pendulum. If you stop in the moment, this very moment, if you are here, listening to me - to the breeze that passes through the trees, to the airplane that is just now passing, to a bird, to the traffic noise, to all that is happening right now, open to it, receptive to it, the past dropped, the future not there - then you are in a non-travelling state of mind. And this is all that meditation is.


GFP Newsletter - 4/27/2017

will's picture

There are two types of travelling: one travelling is in space - you go from New York to London, from London to Poona, from Poona to Singapore - this is a travelling in space; and then there is a travelling inside the mind, in time. You go into the past, you go into the future, and that is a, greater travelling. Instantaneously you can go anywhere, no passports are needed, there is no visa problem. You can move into the past, you can go into the future - you can go anywhere. And mind constantly moves.

Remember, mind is never where you are; it is always somewhere else. You are never in the present moment, because to be in the present moment one has to learn how not to travel, not to go somewhere else, not to visit the past and not to dream the future. Past is no more - future is not yet. You are wasting your life, your energy. You are wasting your precious moment; that which is. It is here, now. The door opens in the present and you miss the door. That is your misery and anguish.

Why are you in such misery? - because you have been missing life itself. Your misery is just an indication that you have missed what life is.


GFP Newsletter - 4/26/2017

will's picture

Life is a balance between exhalation and inhalation. If you are afraid of exhalation your breathing will become shallow. Then your inhalation cannot be very deep. it is impossible. Exhalation is giving, giving whatsoever you can give. And the more you give, the more you become capable of receiving.

And when you give completely, utterly, totally, that is the moment of acceptance.


GFP Newsletter - 4/25/2017

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You would like to receive the true teaching without any change. You would like to receive the true teaching as you are. That is not possible. It is not possible because of the very nature of the true teaching. I cannot do anything about it, nobody can. It is in the nature of the very phenomenon; you receive it only when you accept it.

God is available, Truth is available, Light is available, but you are such a miser in receiving. You are not only a miser in giving, you are a miser in receiving also. A miser has to be a miser whatsoever he does. You cannot give; you cannot receive. What type of life have you got? Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same coin. If you can give, you can also receive. Hence, so much insistence on giving - giving to people whatsoever you can give - giving in love. There is so much insistence from all the religions to give; give more and more. Why? - so that you can become capable of receiving more and more.


GFP Newsletter - 4/24/2017

will's picture

Acceptance is one of the most beautiful words. Buddhists, the followers of Buddha, have a term for it which is even deeper than the English word 'acceptance'; it is tathata. tathata means saying 'yes' so totally that in your being there is no division. You become one in your yes. You say 'yes' so totally that there exists no 'no' inside you, no denial.



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