Look at the cross on which Christ was crucified. It has two poles: one is horizontal on which his hands were nailed - that is ordinary time, that is living near the roadside, living in the market, living on the crossroads - and then, the depth. His whole body is on the vertical pole. That is going deeper, deeper. When you go for a swim you swim on the surface; that is horizontal. Then you dive deep; that is vertical. A meditator dives deep - a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on a deeper and deeper layer.
Stop travelling, because travelling is on the surface. Be still, don't travel, remain in the moment; then you start falling into the abyss. You may be afraid and that may be the reason why you go on thinking of the past and the future. Because if you remain in the moment, you will fall into an endless abyss.
A depth opens and you are absorbed into it.
The ego cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. The mind cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. But the horizontal and vertical meet; that is the meeting of the two poles where they become a cross. They meet, they meet in the present moment - the present moment becomes the meeting point. There, the horizontal crosses the vertical.