The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/23/2017

will's picture

If you cannot live without the head, then you are closed to the Truth. Head is the barrier, and heart is the opening.

So how can the real teaching be taught? It cannot be taught, it is not a learning. You cannot learn it from somebody; it is an inner discipline. You have to become a receptive vehicle, a medium. It is not something which you can learn remaining as you are. It cannot be an accumulation. You have to go through a transformation, you have to be different. You have to bring a different quality to your being.

Only then does communication become possible - not exactly communication but rather, communion. Through the head there is a communication; through the heart there is a communion - it is not a dialogue.


GFP Newsletter - 4/22/2017

will's picture

Remember, silence is not emptiness. To the reason, it may appear that silence is emptiness - it is not. Silence is the most fulfilled moment possible. It is not only fulfilled, it is overflowing. But it is of a felt significance. The heart is not empty; it is the only thing which is full. The mind is just empty because mind has nothing but words. And what are words? - ripples in emptiness. And what is silence? - silence is the Total.

When you think, you are separate from Existence. When you don't think, you are one. In a non-thinking moment you lose all boundaries; suddenly you disappear, and still you are. And this felt moment of non-ego, of no-mind, of no-thought is the situation in which it becomes possible for the Truth to descend into you. When you are empty of yourself, you will be filled by Truth. So all that a Master has to do is to kill you utterly and completely; is to destroy your ego utterly and completely; is to cut your head so that you can become the heart. And then the whole energy moves into the heart.


GFP Newsletter - 4/21/2017

will's picture

the real teaching defies words but it cannot defy the heart. If there were a language of the heart, it could be said through it. But the heart has no language, silence is the only language of the heart.

When the heart is silent, it says something; when the mind is silent, it says nothing. Words are the vehicle of the mind. No words, silence, is the vehicle of the heart. Silence is a language without words, but one has to learn it. Just as one has to learn the languages of the mind, one has to learn the language of the heart: how to be silent, how to be wordless, how to be without a mind, how to be a no-mind.

When the mind stops functioning, immediately the whole energy moves towards the heart. When the mind is not functioning the heart functions; when the heart functions, only then can something be taught to you. The real teaching can be taught through the heart. You MUST be near the heart.

The nearer you are, the more capable you become of understanding the silence.


GFP Newsletter - 4/20/2017

will's picture

Through words, only a situation can be created in which Truth may be possible. But that too one can never be definite about. It is unpredictable. No cause can be produced for it to happen - it happens when it happens. The only thing that can be done is to become available to it. Your doors should be open. When it knocks at your door, you should be present there. If you are present, available, receptive, it can happen. But remember, through scriptures, through the words of the Enlightened Ones, you cannot attain it.

So the first thing is that it cannot be said. And every Master has to create an indirect situation, has to push you towards the Unknown. All that he is saying is just pushing you towards that which cannot be said.


GFP Newsletter - 4/19/2017

will's picture

The real teaching cannot be taught, but still it is called a teaching. It cannot be taught, but it can be shown, indicated. There is no way to say it directly, but there are millions of ways to indicate it indirectly.

Lao Tzu says that the Truth cannot be said, and the moment you say it, you have already falsified it. The words, the language, the mind, are utterly incapable. Truth defies reason; it defies the head- oriented personality; it defies the ego. It cannot be manipulated. It is utterly impossible for reason to encounter it.

This is the first thing to be understood, and the more deeply you understand it, the more possibility will be available to me to indicate towards it. Whatsoever I am saying is not the Truth. It cannot be.


GFP Newsletter - 4/18/2017

will's picture

There are no commandments in my vision.

I simply love you as you are, and I would like you also to love yourself as you are, and just go on growing, just remain simply yourself.

Be a little alert because there are so many crocodiles around, religious crocodiles. Just be watchful.

Those crocodiles have killed almost the whole humanity. They don't want human beings on the earth; they want Catholics, Protestant, Mohammedans, Hindus, communists, atheists - but they don't want anybody just to be a simple human being without any adjective.

I would like you to be just yourself without any adjective.


GFP Newsletter - 4/17/2017

will's picture

A pagan is natural - as natural as trees and birds and rivers and mountains.

Why don't you ask me, "Does a flower need religion?" What will the poor flower do with religion?

The flower blossoms. Its fragrance is released. The flower dances in the wind, in the sun, in the rain. That's its religion. What else is needed? A dance in the rain, in the sun, in the wind ... what more do you want? Your fragrance released to all directions ... what more do you want? - because this is fulfillment. You have matured, blossomed. You have come to your ultimate peak. There is nothing higher than that.

This is the religion of a flower.


GFP Newsletter - 4/16/2017

will's picture

You are asking me, "Does a pagan need religion?"

I am a pagan.

I do not need religion because I am religion.

The authentic pagan has no need of religion because, whatever religion can provide, he already has it.

Religion gives you only hopes; the pagan has all those hopes realized herenow. Religion tells you that somewhere in the future, in the kingdom of God, you will be happy, continuously playing on the harp and singing, "Alleluia, Alleluia!" But sometimes I think, "How long can you play on the harp?"


GFP Newsletter - 4/15/2017

will's picture

Christians have condemned pagans; they had to condemn them because either the pagan can exist in the world, or millions of Christians - and they have destroyed the pagans almost completely. Now there are very few pagans in the world. They too have to live a double life. Just on the surface they have to show they are Christians, they are Hindus, they are Mohammedans; and underneath, underground, they have to live life as they would have loved to live it openly.

These Christians have made the whole of humanity schizophrenic. They have divided every man in two, one thing on the surface and just the opposite underneath. And the life you live underneath you

cannot enjoy fully; in fact, you feel guilty about it, you know that you are deceiving God. You know you are going against religion, you know you are not following the holy scripture.

So even those who are living something true and natural, underground of course they are not living joyously; the guilt poisons everything.


GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2017

will's picture

Saviors cannot leave people alone. That's why I say they are the most dangerous people on the earth: in the name of good they will interfere with your privacy. They won't allow you to live according to your own nature. They will force you according to their ideas of how a man should be. They have a certain mold, and they will try to fit you into that mold; and nobody is going to fit into their mold, because their mold is according to their size, their height, their weight, their shape. It is their mold - it fits them perfectly.

But all these saviors carrying this idiotic idea that what fits them is going to fit everybody; not only is going to, has to fit. The man is for the mold, not vice versa; the mold is not for the man. The mold cannot be changed according to you; you have to change according to their mold.



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