The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 2/22/2017

will's picture

When I say be selfish, I am really trying to help you to become as unselfish as possible; that's the only way.

Be selfish.

Find out your truth, your love, your compassion - all that you have brought into the world with your birth.

And start giving it to those who need, to those who do not need; to those whom you love, to those whom you don't love. You should not make any distinctions; only then can you expand. When there are no distinctions, no categories, you start expanding.

And that expansion is the truth; That expanding consciousness is the truth.

And it is right this very moment within you, you have not to go anywhere else.


GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2017

will's picture

Whomever it may concern, you simply give. Don't be concerned about the address, you simply go on sending love letters. Somebody will receive them somewhere. And the more you go on sharing, the more goes on entering you from unknown sources. A man is just like a well...


GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2017

will's picture

The treasures that are within you don't follow the ordinary economics and its laws. They are just the very opposite, diametrically opposite to the ordinary economic structure.

In the ordinary economics if you give something, you will have less. If you go on giving, soon you will be a beggar. In the ordinary economic world you have to snatch as much from everybody as possible then you have more and more and more. The treasures I am talking about to you, follow a different law: if you cling to them they shrink, if you cling too much you can even kill them. If you want to destroy them, then close all the windows and doors, become a grave so nothing can escape outside you - but you will be a dead man, with all your treasures also dead with you; your truth, your freedom, your love, your joy. Everything will be dead with you - securely dead, well-insured.

But if you want to grow your treasures, share them, share to all and sundry - don't bother whether this is a friend or a foe. When you are sharing, the question is of sharing, it is not with whom.


GFP Newsletter - 2/19/2017

will's picture

According to these religions everybody is born sick, and from your very birth they are trying to save you. And they have created this world where nobody knows what love is, nobody knows what respect is, nobody knows what truth is; nobody knows anything which can make life bliss.

Yes, everybody knows how to create troubles for himself and for others. Everybody is so skilled in creating misery - and the whole cause is that you have been told to be unselfish. You have been told to sacrifice yourself for some idiotic ideal.

I want you just to be simply selfish.

And you will be surprised that if you are selfish you discover so many treasures within yourself that soon you start sharing them - because finding a treasure is a lesser joy than sharing it.


GFP Newsletter - 2/18/2017

will's picture

You are told to love your neighbor - but you have never loved yourself. And a person who has not loved himself, how can he love the neighbor? From where can he get love? First you have to have it.

You are loving the neighbor - you who knows nothing of love because you have never loved yourself.

The neighbor is loving you - he has never loved himself. Such insanity is happening in the world, people who know nothing of love are loving each other.

It is like beggars begging from each other, each thinking the other is the emperor. Both are thinking in the same way: the other is the emperor. Both are beggars. Sooner or later the reality manifests itself; then there is misery, suffering. Then you think you have been cheated, this beggar has been trying to prove himself an emperor. Now this is absolutely absurd - it is you who were thinking him an emperor. And the same is the situation from the other side: the other person thinks you have been cheating him, pretending to be an emperor and you are just a beggar.

When both beggars find that they are beggars, what else can they do other than be angry, enraged, violent to each other, hating each other as deeply as possible? And the love ...? It was nothing; they don't know what love is.

To know anything, you have to begin with yourself.


GFP Newsletter - 2/17/2017

will's picture

You are asking why people are not interested in truth? They are not interested in it because they have been conditioned. For centuries they have been continuously conditioned: You are just a sinner, you are born in sin. This life is a punishment. You are not of any value, of any worth. There is nothing to be searched for within you, you have to look outward. You have to approach some god, some truth, which is far away, a long, long journey."

And the problem is that truth is just within you.

Truth needs no journey.

It needs only a remembrance.

People are not interested in truth because they have been taught not to be interested in themselves.

All the religions are telling you: be unselfish, be interested in others, serve others, love your enemy - even love your neighbor, which is certainly more difficult. But nobody says, "Love yourself."


GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2017

will's picture

Remember, all following is blind. There is no other kind.

I cannot show you anything other than yourself because that is the truth: You are the truth.


GFP Newsletter - 2/15/2017

will's picture

Now, what crime was Socrates committing? If he was saying to people, "Know thyself," why did the religious people of his days become so angry? There is a reason: he was cutting their very roots by telling them, "Be yourself, know yourself; then there is no need of any religion, no need of any pope, no need of any priest, no need of any mediator between you and God."


GFP Newsletter - 2/14/2017

will's picture

You are asking what is truth.

I can show you the way so that you can see what is the truth.

You cannot see through my eyes; you cannot get a glimpse of it through my words.

If you are really interested in knowing, then I can show you the path which leads to truth.

I have been calling that path meditation.

You be silent - because truth is your innermost property, your own treasure: not the kingdom of God somewhere else in the heavens, but the kingdom of God within you just now, throbbing, pulsating - your heartbeat.

It is here, but you are not here.

You have to be brought back home. You have gone too far away from yourself. Perhaps you have got lost and you don't know how to come back home. Perhaps you are standing in front of your home, but you cannot remember that this is your home.


GFP Newsletter - 2/13/2017

will's picture

Words mean what we want them to mean, they don't have any intrinsic meaning.

Meaning is something different, totally different - and truth is pure meaning, pure content without any container. The moment you put a container around it you are doing something ....

It is as if you see a bird on the wing in the sky. It is so beautiful - the flight, the freedom, the space, the sunrays, and the joy of the bird on the wing ... life throbbing, pulsating. You can catch the bird, you can put it into a golden cage - do you think it is the same bird?, the same bird that was on the wing when the sun was rising, the same bird fluttering in the strong wind in the vast sky with no barriers? Yes, your cage is beautiful, golden; but the bird has no longer the same freedom, it has no longer the same beauty, it has no longer the same truth. You have killed everything.

In a very superficial way it is the same bird because the body is the same, but what about the soul?

What about the innermost core of the bird? Can it be the same in the cage and in the open sky on the wing? This is a little bit delicate, but not beyond intelligence: it is no longer the same bird.

The same happens to truth.

The moment you put it into language, the whole freedom, the whole beauty, the whole authenticity is gone.



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