The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/13/2017

will's picture

A conscious man tries to change according to the changing situations, conditions, geographies. He should live consciously, not according to fixed rules. He should live in freedom.

You are asking, is there something universally right and wrong?

The man who comes to know the universal, the man who becomes so awakened that he is no longer part of any geography, any body, any mind, he is just pure awareness .... In that state there is nothing right, nothing wrong.

The man of that state will also have to function on lower levels. Hungry, he will have to eat; thirsty, he will have to drink. He will have to live in some kind of society, with some kind of people. The awakened man is very adjustable, infinitely adjustable, because for him there is nothing that prevents him from adjusting. He is free from all conditions, all barriers. The only thing is for him to see what is applicable in this particular case. He does not live according to principles. Only idiots live according to principles, only unconscious people need principles.

It is just like the staff of a blind man. The blind man needs the staff just to grope his way because he does not have eyes. But when you have eyes you can drop the staff


GFP Newsletter - 1/12/2017

will's picture

I cannot say that vegetarianism is something universally right. I am absolutely a non-fanatic person. About nothing am I fanatic. I try to see all the aspects of a thing, and I am utterly liberal, human. I don't try to make any principle more valuable than humanity itself.

Nothing is above man.

Nothing should be above man.

So all these concepts of right and wrong are social, climatic. For example, in Tibet .... The holy book of the Tibetans says that one bath per year is absolutely necessary. In Tibet even that is a difficult job, and many must be trying to avoid it - even that one bath per year.


GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2017

will's picture

If you allow nature, if you don't interfere with nature, nature always goes on keeping its balance in every way; it never loses balance. Balance is something very fundamental to existence - in every dimension.


GFP Newsletter - 1/10/2017

will's picture

It seems that once a certain rule is accepted, people become so much addicted to it they completely forget in what circumstance the rule was made.


GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2017

will's picture

Nobody is a criterion for anybody else.

But it has been continually argued for centuries: what is the criterion to decide who is enlightened and who is not? It has not been decided yet, and will never be decided ever, for the simple reason that every enlightened person is nothing but freedom, spontaneity. He is beyond any predictions.

You cannot decide according to a formula that, yes, this man is enlightened because he has fulfilled the formula. There is no formula.

The enlightened person is known only by those who happen to fall in love with him, who somehow come close to him, become intimate with him; so intimate that something of his freedom, something of his spontaneity, something of his light starts filtering into them.


GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2017

will's picture

In Japan there was great saint, Hotei. He is known as the laughing saint. He lived a very strange life, not like a saint at all. He used to carry a big bag on his shoulder full of things - sweets, toys - for children. He would pass through the village and children would gather and Hotei would distribute whatever he had in his bag. Then he would beg from the shopkeepers, "Fill my bag again because in the next village children will be waiting for me."

His whole life he was doing only that. When he was dying he was asked, "Hotei, you have achieved .... You could have communicated to people."

He said, "I have been - but I decided to communicate with the uncorrupted, the children. Why bother about the corrupted? Somebody else who is better than me will take care of them. I am a simple man, I can deal only with children. I cannot argue. I can distribute sweets, I can distribute toys. I cannot give doctrines and dogmas and theologies. That is not my business. And I have done my work, I am perfectly satisfied. I have sown the seeds; they will grow in their own time."

And it is said that each village through which Hotei had passed - after his death, in all those villages saints started springing up. Those small children were now becoming mature, young people. Hotei had not said anything to them, but he must have infected them in some way. He was contagious, and children are most impressionable. But it all depends, in that state; nobody can tell you to become a Hotei, and if you try to, it won't be the real thing.


GFP Newsletter - 1/6/2017

will's picture

Everybody here is trying to make existence poor. The scientists are trying to make it poor by saying that it is only matter and nothing else. The religious people are trying to do the same by saying it is only God, nothing else; only the soul, nothing else. These people who are trying to prove that existence is only one-dimensional are wrong. Why make existence so poor? It is multi-dimensional.

One thing may be true in one dimension, and may not be at all applicable in another dimension.

One thing may be right in one dimension, may become wrong in another dimension.


GFP Newsletter - 1/5/2017

will's picture

Meditation is only a door to take you from the world of slavery to the world of freedom.

The languages of both the worlds are going to be contradictory to each other, but as far as I am concerned there is no need for any conflict. All that is needed is a little wider mind, just wide enough to accept that there are many dimensions in existence. The dimension in which you are working is not the only one. There are many other dimensions in which things exist in a different way. It does not destroy your dimension, it simply shows the richness of existence.


GFP Newsletter - 1/4/2017

will's picture

There is a world in you which is beyond this world in which you are living, a world within this world: a world of freedom in the midst of a world full of laws without exceptions.



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