You are asking what is truth.
I can show you the way so that you can see what is the truth.
You cannot see through my eyes; you cannot get a glimpse of it through my words.
If you are really interested in knowing, then I can show you the path which leads to truth.
I have been calling that path meditation.
You be silent - because truth is your innermost property, your own treasure: not the kingdom of God somewhere else in the heavens, but the kingdom of God within you just now, throbbing, pulsating - your heartbeat.
It is here, but you are not here.
You have to be brought back home. You have gone too far away from yourself. Perhaps you have got lost and you don't know how to come back home. Perhaps you are standing in front of your home, but you cannot remember that this is your home.
- Life Is Not a Bad Guy - Heavenletters
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 21:54 - Great Political and Social Leaders Always Call Out the Bankers - Waking Times
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 21:53 - Bridges Being Built For Wildlife Are Saving Thousands Of Lives - True Activist
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 12:04 - Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 14, 2017 - Trinity Esoterics
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 12:00 - Nature Comes To The Rescue Again - Peppertree Disarms Most Dangerous Bacteria - Health & Wellbeing
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 08:07 - Untangling the Knot of Fear - Wes Annac
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 07:47 - Empty Tank? - The Creator Writings
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 07:00