The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2017

will's picture

As far as I am concerned it is impossible to be a saint and not be crazy. I am saying it is impossible to be a saint and sane in the eyes of the world. If the world thinks you are sane, that is simply a proof that you are still part of this world. You still follow the same arithmetic, the same logic, the same reason - that's why people think you sane. But a saint has fallen out of the mob. He is no longer part of any society, any culture, any religion.

He is spontaneous; that is his danger. For example, a Christian saint is supposed, when you slap him on one cheek, to give you the other cheek. Anybody doing that is certainly not a saint. He is simply following a rule. He is a follower, a blind follower - but he is a Christian saint.

When you slap a real saint then it is absolutely unpredictable what is going to happen. He may slap you twice. He may slap you on both the cheeks together. Or he may simply have a good laugh and go on his way without turning the other cheek. He is not following any creed, any dogma, any principle. He is acting in the moment, so whatever happens spontaneously is his way.

About spontaneity you cannot be predictable.

And this is the most fearful thing in the world. People want you to be predictable. That's why you are so much afraid of strangers. You don't know them, they may do something that you don't want to be done.


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2017

will's picture

What is a law? - a certain way of behavior without any exception. The moment you find the exception, the law has to be dropped; it is not a law, you have to find out more, you have to go deeper. The exception is not allowed in the objective world. And in the subjective world there are only exceptions. Each individual is an exception.


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2017

will's picture

Science goes on discovering laws because it deals only with dead matter. It has not yet come to encounter consciousness. Perhaps the very existence of consciousness is beyond its scope. It can discover laws, it cannot discover freedom.

Laws create a certain slavery. Matter exists in slavery. Hydrogen and oxygen meeting in a certain proportion make water; H2O is their formula, no freedom, it cannot be H3O. Hydrogen cannot say, "I am bored always being H2; just for a change, today I am going to be H3.

The material existence is absolutely mechanical. There is no freedom, there cannot be, because there is no one to be free. Freedom needs consciousness; its first requirement is consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 12/30/2016

will's picture

The outer is ruled by laws:

The inner is just freedom.

Consciousness knows no laws. It is matter that needs laws. Without laws, the material existence is impossible. And in the same way, with laws, the world of consciousness is impossible.

Consciousness can exist only in absolute freedom, with no limits, with no conditions, with no laws.


GFP Newsletter - 12/29/2016

will's picture

Only through deep meditation, silence, compassion, love, intelligence, will you be able to direct science.

In the West, science right now is going wild. It is time, there is still time - not much of course, but still time to put a stop, a full stop, and move scientific research into helping human growth: to make man more loving, more caring, more alive; to give him something to sing and dance about; to make him celebrate, so that this whole earth becomes a rejoicing.


GFP Newsletter - 12/28/2016

will's picture

The bird flying high in the sky can see everything, but you cannot say that the man who is a biologist working on the earth, finding more and more about biology, sees more than the bird. The bird knows nothing, but the bird sees everything that is there. The bird's vision is vast. The scientist's vision is very narrow; naturally he cannot see beyond it.


GFP Newsletter - 12/27/2016

will's picture

The more retarded humanity is, the more it is in the hands of the politicians, in the hands of the priests, in the hands of all kinds of vested interests. Who is interested in transforming man? They want you to be completely blind and deaf. They want you to be just a robot: efficient, not creating any trouble - no strike, no protest, no revolution, no rebellion - just a robot who is always ready to say "Yes, sir."


GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2016

will's picture

Sex has to be something not obscene, not pornographic, not condemned, not repressed but immensely respected, because we are born out of it.

It is our very life source.

And to condemn the life source is to condemn everything.


GFP Newsletter - 12/25/2016

will's picture

I used to tell my friends in the university who were great scholars - physicists, chemists, biologists, zoologists: "You all love. You all want to live. You all want to have silence, peace. You all want, deep down, to know who you are. Still, as scientists, you go on denying these things. Have you considered that you are denying yourself, that you are turning yourself into a thing?"

Science cannot go beyond things. And there is nothing wrong about it; all that is needed is that science should understand its limitations. Everything has limitations, and one should not try to prove that that which does not exist within those limitations does not exist at all. My eyes cannot hear music - that does not mean music does not exist. My ears cannot see the light - is that enough to prove there is no light? It simply proves the limitations of the ear.


GFP Newsletter - 12/24/2016

will's picture

The dilemma is that science cannot accept being, life. You can cut a man in thousands of parts, you will not find life anywhere. In fact, you cannot put him back together again. Even if you glue him together again, life will not come back.

What is life? How can science accept it? It is beyond the scientist's grasp. So if he accepts it he accepts a limitation of science - and he accepts something higher than science. Then science cannot be the decisive factor in human life. This is against the ego of the scientist.



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