As far as I am concerned it is impossible to be a saint and not be crazy. I am saying it is impossible to be a saint and sane in the eyes of the world. If the world thinks you are sane, that is simply a proof that you are still part of this world. You still follow the same arithmetic, the same logic, the same reason - that's why people think you sane. But a saint has fallen out of the mob. He is no longer part of any society, any culture, any religion.
He is spontaneous; that is his danger. For example, a Christian saint is supposed, when you slap him on one cheek, to give you the other cheek. Anybody doing that is certainly not a saint. He is simply following a rule. He is a follower, a blind follower - but he is a Christian saint.
When you slap a real saint then it is absolutely unpredictable what is going to happen. He may slap you twice. He may slap you on both the cheeks together. Or he may simply have a good laugh and go on his way without turning the other cheek. He is not following any creed, any dogma, any principle. He is acting in the moment, so whatever happens spontaneously is his way.
About spontaneity you cannot be predictable.
And this is the most fearful thing in the world. People want you to be predictable. That's why you are so much afraid of strangers. You don't know them, they may do something that you don't want to be done.