The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 12/23/2016

will's picture

The scientist has something which things do not have: consciousness, life, being. But the problem for the scientist is that his methodology limits him. He has a limitation, he can only work on something which he can dissect, which he can set to work upon, which he can put in a test-tube.

Now, you cannot put your own consciousness in front of yourself. You cannot divide your being the way you have divided matter - into molecules, then into atoms, then into electrons. And they go on dividing.

Being is indivisible. There is no sword which can cut it in two. There is no method by which we can experiment upon consciousness; hence, science completely denies the existence of consciousness - because to accept the existence of consciousness is to accept your impotence too. You cannot do anything about it. Then science becomes a very small thing, concerned only with things. And things are utilitarian, their whole purpose is to be used ... by whom?


GFP Newsletter - 12/22/2016

will's picture

Science as such has no intrinsic value like life, like love, like blissfulness. These are ends in themselves. Science is only a means. This is the most essential thing to be understood.

Science is concerned with providing you the means to make life richer, profounder, more comfortable, more healthy. But science can do just the opposite too; it can be destructive, it can move in directions which are anti-life. Hence, science cannot be left only in the hands of the scientists. Something higher, something which is an end in itself must be the decisive factor in determining in what direction science should move, in what direction it should not move.

The concern of science is things, objects; it is not concerned at all with being. The word "being" is just nonexistential for the scientific mind. This is very idiotic because the scientist is a being himself.

He is not a thing amongst other things.


GFP Newsletter - 12/21/2016

will's picture

Life itself is its own goal - the goal is intrinsic.

But just listening to me or repeating my words is of no help.

If you understand me then forget my words:

Remember the spirit.

And be totally dedicated to that spirit.

And you will be surprised that even a single moment can give you so much that all the paradises of all the religions become pale compared to it.


GFP Newsletter - 12/20/2016

will's picture

Live totally!

Of course that does not mean to interfere in other people's lives. A man who knows how to live also feels a tremendous responsibility for other people to live. And when you are living with people, the more nobody is interfered with, the more space there will be for everybody to live. So, remember one thing: don't interfere in anybody's life and don't let anybody interfere in your life either.

Live, and let others live - fully.


GFP Newsletter - 12/19/2016

will's picture

Tasting life in a single moment makes you aware that life is eternal. There is no need to desire it, it is already eternal. Death is only an episode which happens many times - perhaps millions of times - but life continues. Death is only a changeover from one house to another house.


GFP Newsletter - 12/18/2016

will's picture

Jesus Christ should be Jesus Christ, I should be myself.

But what are all the Christians doing? - trying to imitate Jesus Christ, trying in some way to become Jesus Christ. Hindus are trying to become Krishna; Buddhists are trying to become Buddha.

Strange! Nobody is worrying about himself; everybody is trying to become somebody else. That cuts your life completely. Hence I say, Life has no goal because life is its own goal.

Drop all goals.

Drop the very idea of future.

Forget completely that there is going to be a tomorrow. Collect yourself from every dimension and direction. Be concentrated herenow, and in that single moment you will be able to know life in its eternity.


GFP Newsletter - 12/17/2016

will's picture

It helps the politician if you are less alive, because then you are less rebellious, more obedient, more conventional, more traditional - you are not a danger.

It helps the priest if you are less alive - for the same reasons.

If you are really alive then you are a danger to everybody, everybody who tries to exploit you, everybody who is a parasite on you. You are going to fight tooth and nail. You would rather die than live like a slave, because even death for a fully alive person is not death; it is the culmination of life. Even dying he goes on living intensely and totally. He is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of anything.

That is what makes all the vested interests afraid of the living person. They have found a very subtle strategy, and the strategy is to give you a goal for your life, that you have to become somebody.

You are already that which existence wanted you to be.

You are not to become anybody.


GFP Newsletter - 12/16/2016

will's picture

There is no average man on the earth, remember. Average is only in arithmetic, it does not exist in reality.


GFP Newsletter - 12/15/2016

will's picture

Repress anything and it will come up from some other side.

Life is condemned, sex is condemned, having a desire to live comfortably is condemned. To enjoy anything - food, clothes - is condemned. This is cutting your life. Piece by piece life is taken away from you.


GFP Newsletter - 12/14/2016

will's picture

The moment you are no longer conditioned, you will not ask what the goal of life is. Your whole question will go through a revolution. You will ask, "How can I live more totally? How can I drown myself utterly in life?" - because life is the goal of everything; hence there can be no goal for life.



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