The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/15/2016

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We live in the form and in the formal; we change everything into a formality. Love becomes marriage. Christ becomes the church. Buddha is reduced to stone statues. Great truths become ordinary scriptures to be worshipped. We are really very skillful in reducing every higher thing to the lowest possible. We bring everything to our level.

Rather than going to the level of the Buddhas, of the Masters, we bring the Masters, once they have left the world.... Of course, when they are alive you cannot bring them to your level; they live without any compromise. You have to surrender to them. But once they are gone, then it is very easy: you can make their statues and temples and you can worship them, and everything becomes formal -- Sunday religion -- comfortable, convenient, but meaningless.


GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2016

will's picture

THE WAYS OF THE MASTERS ARE STRANGE! And to be with a Master is to be with a mystery. A Master is a mystery: he lives on the earth and yet he is not part of the earth. He is in the body and he is not the body. He uses the mind and he is not the mind.

He is in time but he belongs to the beyond, to eternity. He is as alive as you are, but in a totally different way because he knows there is no birth, no death. He has gone beyond life and death; he knows life eternal.

From the outside he is just like you -- hungry he eats, thirsty he drinks, tired he sleeps -- just like you. But in his innermost core he is totally different because he is in a totally different world, in a totally different space.

And to understand his inner world you will have to grow into your own interiority; that is the only way. You can understand only so much. If you move deep into yourself you will understand the Master in a deep way. The deeper you move inside, the deeper you will understand the Master. To understand the Master you will have to go deeper into yourself. When you have reached the innermost core of your being you will know the Master in his absolute perfection. Otherwise, you will misunderstand.


GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2016

will's picture

See the point: there is nobody to be proud, there is nobody to be humble. Those are all games of the ego -- to be humble or to be proud.


GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2016

will's picture

The religious people always go on showing humbleness: "I am nothing, I am nobody."

And if you look into their eyes, their eyes are saying just the opposite. If you watch their behavior, it is always a projection of holier-than-thou. They go on saying, "We are nothing," and they go on in a subtle way, in a diplomatic way, proclaiming, "We are saints."


GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2016

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Chuang Tzu was a man of great manners, formality, because he had been one of the most important men in the court of the king. So the king was expecting the same court manners. When he reached Chuang Tzu, he was playing on his flute, both his legs spread underneath a tree, leaning against the tree. He continued to play on the flute with legs spread.

The king stood there, could not believe his eyes. He said, "Have you gone mad or something? Have you forgotten all court manners?"

Chuang Tzu laughed and he said, "I was showing those manners because I was still hankering for respectability. Now I don't hanker for anything, so why should I care? You may be the king, you may be the beggar -- it is all the same to me. Because now I have no desires any more, it does not matter whether the king comes to me or the beggar."

The king was immensely impressed; he understood the point. All those court manners were nothing but ways of buttressing the king.


GFP Newsletter - 4/10/2016

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Within these two thousand years, man's values have gone through immense change. In the ancient days, the highest man was not the one who had power but the one who had renounced power. And it seems significant that the one who has renounced power should be thought higher; it is a very ordinary desire to be powerful. The man who has been able to renounce power has attained to a certain inner integrity. He has dropped a very ordinary ambition; he has become extraordinary.

In those days, kings used to go to seek advice, to search for light, to sit at the feet of somebody who had attained.


GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2016

will's picture

If you are not the body, how can you be a man or a woman? If you are not the body, how can you be white or black? If you are not even the mind, how can you be Christian or Hindu? If you are only awareness, then you are only awareness and nothing else.


GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2016

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The body goes on changing, the mind goes on changing, but there is one thing in you which is unchanging, absolutely unchanging; that is your awareness. It was exactly the same when you were a child and it will remain exactly the same when you are an old man. It was the same when you were born and it will be the same when you die. It was the same before your birth, it will be the same after your death. It is the ONLY thing in existence which is eternal, unchanging, the only thing that abides.

And only this eternal awareness can be the true home, nothing else, because everything else is a flux. And we go on clinging to the changing; then we create misery, because it changes and we want it not to change. We are asking for the impossible, and because the impossible cannot happen we fall into misery again and again.


GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2016

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To become one with something that you are not is identification; and to be that which you are is dis- identification.


GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2016

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Something starts challenging you, something starts calling you forth. An adventure has taken possession of you: you HAVE to travel to the peak. It may take years, maybe lives, but the journey has started. The first seed has fallen into the heart.



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