The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2016

will's picture

Knowledge is exactly like dust and knowing is like a mirror.

The heart of knowing is now. Knowledge is always of the past. Knowledge means memory. Knowledge means you have known something, you have experienced something, and you have accumulated your experience. Knowing is of the present. And how can you be in the present if you are clinging too much to knowledge? That is impossible; you will have to drop clinging to knowledge. And knowledge is acquired, knowing is your nature. Knowing is always now -- the heart of knowing is now.


GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2016

will's picture

Not knowing has a beauty of its own, a purity. It is just like a pure mirror, a lake utterly silent, reflecting the stars and the trees on the bank. The state of not knowing is the highest point in man's evolution.

Knowledge is introduced to the mind after physical birth. Knowing is always present, like the heart knowing how to beat or a seed knowing how to sprout, or a flower knowing how to grow, or a fish knowing how to swim. And it is quite different from knowing about things. So please make a distinction between knowledge and knowing.

The state of not knowing is really the state of knowing because when all knowledge and all ignorance have disappeared you can reflect existence as it is. Knowledge is acquired after your birth, but knowing comes with you. And the more knowledge you acquire, the more and more knowing starts disappearing because it becomes covered with knowledge.


GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2016

will's picture

Not knowing simply means a state of no-mind. Mind can be knowledgeable, mind can be ignorant. If you have little information you will be thought ignorant; if you have more information you will be thought knowledgeable. Between ignorance and knowledge the difference is that of quantity, of degrees. The ignorant person is less knowledgeable, that's all; the very knowledgeable person may appear to the world as less ignorant, but they are not different, their qualities are not different.

Zen emphasizes the state of not knowing. Not knowing means one is neither ignorant nor knowledgeable. One is not knowledgeable because one is not interested in mere information, and one is not ignorant because one is not ignoring -- one is not ignoring the most essential quest. One is not ignoring one's own being, one's own consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2016

will's picture

Zen says: if you can drop philosophizing, there is a hope for you. The moment you drop philosophizing you become innocent like a child. But remember: -- the Zen emphasis on not knowing does not mean that it emphasizes ignorance. Not knowing is not ignorance; not knowing is a state of innocence. There is neither knowledge nor ignorance; both have been transcended.

An ignorant man is one who ignores; that's how the word comes. The root is "ignoring."

The ignorant person is one who goes on ignoring something essential. In that way the knowledgeable person is the most ignorant person, because he knows about heaven and hell and he knows nothing about himself. He knows about God, but he knows nothing about who he is, what this consciousness inside is. He is ignorant because he is ignoring the MOST fundamental thing in life: he is ignoring himself. He is keeping himself occupied with the non-essential. He is ignorant -- full of knowledge, yet utterly ignorant.


GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2016

will's picture

It is very difficult to pull them out. They live in their own words. They have forgotten that reality has anything else in it but words. They are utterly deaf, utterly blind. They can't see, they can't hear, they can't feel. Words are words. You can't see them, you can't feel them, but they can give you great ego.

A cannibal rushed into his village to spread the word that a hunting party had captured a Christian theologian.

"Good," said one of the cannibals enthusiastically, "I have always wanted to try a baloney sandwich."

Beware of getting lost in philosophy and religion if you really want to know what truth is.

Beware of being Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan, because they are all ways of being deaf, blind, insensitive.


GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2016

will's picture

You become so much obsessed with the word "love" that you forget that love is an experience, not a word. You become so obsessed with the word "God" that you forget that God is an experience, not a word. The word "God" is not God, and the word "fire" is not fire, and the word "love" is not love either.

The Master liberates you from words, he liberates you from all kinds of imaginative philosophies. He brings you to a state of wordless silence. The failure of religion and philosophy is that they all become substitutes for real experience. Beware of it!

Marlene and Florence, two Denver secretaries, were chatting over lunch.

"I was raped last night by a scholar," whispered Marlene.

"Really?" said Florence. "How did you know he was a scholar?"

"I had to help him."


GFP Newsletter - 2/29/2016

will's picture

You know how to approach a teacher, you know how to approach a book, you know how to approach dead information, but you don't know how to approach a Master. It is a totally different way of communing. It is not communication, it is communion -- because the Master is not a proof but an evidence. He is not an argument for God, he is a witness for God. He does not possess great knowledge about God, he knows. He is not knowledgeable, he simply knows.


GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2016

will's picture

Daie is right. He says:

All the teachings the sages expounded are no more than commentaries on your sudden cry, "AH, THIS!"

The whole heart saving "Aha!" And the silence that follows it, and the peace, and the joy, and the meeting, and the merger, and the orgasmic experience, the ecstasy...!

Masters don't teach the truth; there is no way to teach it. It is a transmission beyond scriptures, beyond words. It is a transmission. It is energy provoking energy in you. It is a kind of synchronicity.


GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2016

will's picture

The beauty of this, the beauty of now, the joy that existence is and the closeness of it....

Yes, stars come down from the rafters. They are so close you can just touch them; you can hold them in your hands.


GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2016

will's picture

The great Master Daie says: "All the teachings of the sages, of the saints, of the masters, have expounded no more than this: they are commentaries on your sudden cry, 'Ah, This!'"

When suddenly you are clear and a great joy and rejoicing arises in you, and your whole being, every fiber of your body, mind and soul dances, and you say, "Ah, this! Alleluia!"

A great shout of joy arises in your being, that is enlightenment. Suddenly stars come down from the rafters. You become part of the eternal dance of existence.



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