GFP Newsletter - 4/15/2016

will's picture

We live in the form and in the formal; we change everything into a formality. Love becomes marriage. Christ becomes the church. Buddha is reduced to stone statues. Great truths become ordinary scriptures to be worshipped. We are really very skillful in reducing every higher thing to the lowest possible. We bring everything to our level.

Rather than going to the level of the Buddhas, of the Masters, we bring the Masters, once they have left the world.... Of course, when they are alive you cannot bring them to your level; they live without any compromise. You have to surrender to them. But once they are gone, then it is very easy: you can make their statues and temples and you can worship them, and everything becomes formal -- Sunday religion -- comfortable, convenient, but meaningless.



  1. THE AWARENESS IS YOU, BY THE WAY - Galactic Free Press Original
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  2. Whatever the Future of Your Love… - Heavenletters
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  3. Industry Whistleblower Claims This is What’s Really Killing Honeybees - Waking Times
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  4. Lights in the Night Skies - Heavenletters
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  5. Daily Message ~ Friday April 15, 2016 - Trinity Esoterics
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  6. Releasing Fear - The Creator Writings
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