The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2015

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Yes, if you are in scientific research work, doubt is intelligent, but if you are inquiring within your consciousness, then trust is intelligent. Intelligence knows what method is needed, and where.

Intelligence never messes around with different methods which are useful in different directions.

Intelligence knows what to do in a certain situation - when to use your eyes and when to use your ears, and when to use your doubt and when to use your trust.


GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2015

will's picture

You should leave at least a small corner of your inner being as a shrine for trust. If you become full of doubt, then you are full of illnesses, then you don't have any source of well-being in you. Whenever you can trust a person you feel great joy. That's why love is so joyous - because you can trust a person.


GFP Newsletter - 10/9/2015

will's picture

A bibulous person issued from a saloon in a state of melancholy intoxication, and outside the door he encountered the parson of his church.

The pastor exclaimed mournfully, "Oh, John, I am so sorry to see you come out of such a place as that."

The bibulous one wept sympathetically. "Then", he declared huskily, "I will go right back." And he did.


GFP Newsletter - 10/8/2015

will's picture

The meaning is not in the words, never; you read the words but the meaning is supplied by you. The meaning is always yours. Words come to you, empty, and then you pour your meaning into those words.

To understand Hafez you will have to be a Hafez, to understand Jesus you will have to be a Jesus; there is no other way. If you think you can understand Jesus without becoming a Jesus, you are utterly wrong. This is not the way to approach great statements, the statements of the realized ones.


GFP Newsletter - 10/7/2015

will's picture

Remember always, existence functions through opposites, it can only function through opposites. It is through the opposites that existence creates momentum, dynamism. It is by polar opposites that the existence creates a dialectical process; otherwise there would be no dialectical process.

Just think: a world only of men and no women - it would not be rich, it would be very very flat; or a world where only women exist - that too would be ugly, that too would be very very stagnant. From where will the movement come? The opposite is the challenge, and because of the challenge the movement arises. Because of the challenge you cannot become asleep, you become awakened.


GFP Newsletter - 10/6/2015

will's picture

In the past your intelligence was not trusted, hence you were told either to doubt and become scientific, or to trust and become religious. Neither the so-called religious people have trusted your intelligence and its transcending quality, nor have the scientists trusted your intelligence and its transcending quality. Both were afraid because the other looked opposite. All complementaries look opposite.

There is no need to be afraid of the opposite. The opposite has to be absorbed, not denied, because whatsoever is denied will take revenge in its own time. Never deny anything: let that be a fundamental law. Absorb, go on absorbing, howsoever opposite something looks to you.


GFP Newsletter - 10/5/2015

will's picture

What do I mean when I say a great harmony has to be achieved? I mean that when you are moving outwards, use doubt as your methodology, trust doubt when you are moving outwards. When you are enquiring into the world of objects trust doubt. Doubt is beautiful, immensely beautiful. And when you are moving inwards put your doubt aside: trust trust. And the man who can manage this I call a really intelligent person.

It is like you are seeing me, you are seeing me through your eyes, but you are also listening to me, you are listening to me through your ears. The ears cannot see and the eyes cannot hear, but still there is a tremendous coordination happening in you: you know you are hearing the same person that you are seeing. This is intelligence, this coordination is intelligence. Deep down a synthesis is happening constantly. The ears are pouring one information, the eyes are pouring another information; both are unrelated - as far as ears and eyes are concerned, both are unrelated - but your intelligence is creating a relationship between them: you are hearing the same person you are seeing.


GFP Newsletter - 10/4/2015

will's picture

It is like inhalation and exhalation: you breathe in, you breathe out. When you breathe in it is one process, the breath goes inwards; when you breathe out it is just the opposite process, the breath goes outwards, but it is the same breath. Inhalation and exhalation are two aspects of the same phenomenon, opposites and yet complementary; so are religion and science, so are doubt and trust.

Because it has not been understood in the past a great calamity has happened to humanity, the greatest calamity, I call it - the calamity that has kept religion and science not only separate but inimical. In the past we have not been able to bring a synthesis between science and religion.

Because of that incapability the world has become split and the man who is trained in science becomes anti-religious; and vice versa, the person who moves into the world of religion becomes anti-scientific. This need not happen, this should not happen.

If you are really intelligent you will be able to coordinate between these opposites. You will be able to bring a harmony between these two, doubt and trust, and then arises the real total human being.


GFP Newsletter - 10/3/2015

will's picture

The journey of science is outwards, the journey of religion is inwards. Science means going outward, religion means going inward; their directions are diametrically opposite. Although they are diametrically opposite they are complementary too, as all opposites always are.

There is a harmony between the opposites. The inner and the outer are not enemies, they are in utter coordination. The body and the soul are not enemies, they befriend each other; in fact they cannot exist separately, they can exist only in a togetherness. Man and woman, darkness and light, summer and winter, positive and negative - they are all together, although they are opposites. But they are not enemies, this has to be understood: opposites and yet complementaries... and there is utter harmony in existence.


GFP Newsletter - 10/2/2015

will's picture

"...Whenever a wave of such divine rapture strikes the heart of the Sufi, it creates great waves in the lake of his inner being..." He is just a receptacle. To say that the Sufi is dancing is not right. The Sufi is being danced. He cannot help it, he is helpless. Something is pouring into him and it is too much; it starts overflowing in his dancing and singing.

"This, in turn, causes his body to move. Upon seeing such movement non-Sufis have often supposed that the Sufi is dancing. In reality, however, it is the waves of the ocean of God that are tossing and turning the anchorless vessel that is the heart of the Sufi."

On the surface, from the outside, the Sufi seems to be dancing. But he is not dancing, because there is no dancer. It is pure dance. God has taken possession of him. The Sufi is drunk, intoxicated. His state is that of non-being. He is anchorless. The waves of the ocean toss and turn. First his inner being is stirred, great joy arises there; and then it starts spreading towards his body.

...Remember it: forget the dancer and be the dance.

The way of the Sufi is the way of dance, song, celebration.



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