The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/31/2015

will's picture

No fish needs any teaching to swim. No man needs any religion whatsoever. All that is needed is to become simple. Drop your complexities, drop your unnecessary mind games. Be silent and still and you will find it at the very core of your being; it is waiting there, but it is a very still small voice. Your mind is creating so much noise; that's why you cannot hear it.


GFP Newsletter - 10/30/2015

will's picture

To seek is to lose, to search is not to find.

Seeking becomes more and more difficult; the farther away you reach, the more difficult it becomes, the more frustrating - because the more efforts you make to attain to God, the less is the possibility of attaining him.

God is already the case. God is the ocean, we are the fish. And there is no need for a fish to learn swimming.


GFP Newsletter - 10/29/2015

will's picture

Communication is through words, communion is through music. Communication is an intellectual process; communion is that of the heart, when two hearts meet and mingle and melt.

When my words start disappearing and you start hearing the gaps between the words, when you start hearing the gaps between the lines, you will be full of great music. That is my real message.


GFP Newsletter - 10/27/2015

will's picture

If you love a person, the person immediately becomes beautiful! Love is such an alchemical process.

Look at a person with loving eyes, and suddenly you will see his, her aura changing, the face becoming radiant, more blood coming to the face, eyes becoming more shiny, radiance, intelligence - and like a miracle. Love is a miracle, love is magical.


GFP Newsletter - 10/26/2015

will's picture

And it is never too late. Still life can be changed - but don' t hope that your wife should change. That is the wrong approach. You change. Change radically. Stop doing things that you have always been doing. Start doing things that you have never done. Change radically, become a new person, and you will be surprised. When you become a new person, your wife becomes a new person. She will have to, to respond to you. In the beginning she will find it hard because it will be almost like living with another husband, but slowly, slowly she will see that if you can change, why can't she? Never hope that the other should change. In every relationship start the change from your side.

Life can still become a paradise; it is never too late. But great courage is needed to change. All that is really needed is a little more awareness. De-automatize your behavior; just watch what you have been doing up to now. You do the same thing, and the wife reacts in the same way. It has become a settled pattern.


GFP Newsletter - 10/25/2015

will's picture

There is no hell somewhere else and no heaven either. Hell is here, heaven is here. Hell and heaven are your ways of being. They are your ways of living. You can live in such a way that the whole life is a benediction.


GFP Newsletter - 10/24/2015

will's picture

If you love a person and you hold hands and you hug each other and you kiss each other, it should be nobody's business. Why should others feel offended? If they feel offended, then something is wrong with them. Maybe they are feeling jealous, but they cannot show their jealousy, so they become angry. Maybe they would also like to hug somebody, but they don't have the courage; they are afraid of the society. Hence they feel very angry at you. What they cannot do, they would not like anybody else to do either.

And, because they are so sexually repressed, whenever they see somebody hugging, kissing, holding hands, showering so much love on each other, their repressed sexuality starts surfacing.

They become afraid of themselves.

They are not offended by your behavior; they are offended by their own unconscious tendencies because they suddenly start surfacing! All their repressed sexuality starts coming up, and they become frightened that, if it is allowed, they may do something. They are somehow controlling themselves. Now, here is a person who provokes them. Here are two persons in such a deep hug, they start losing control.


GFP Newsletter - 10/23/2015

will's picture

I must empty myself to others in tears and in kisses, in hugs and smiles.

That is the way one becomes empty and ready for God to enter in.

In a moment, when one is empty, suddenly all becomes full of God. When you kiss somebody with deep love, you are emptying yourself into the other. When you hug somebody ecstatically, you are pouring yourself into the other. This is the way of emptying yourself. And when you are utterly empty, God comes in. To be empty is to be in meditation.


GFP Newsletter - 10/22/2015

will's picture

Society is going to be offended if we want to change the society, if we want to change the mind of the society. People don't leave their old minds easily. They have invested so much in it, how can they leave it so easily? They will be offended.



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