The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/21/2015

will's picture

Once your sexuality is repressed, your creativity is repressed, because sex energy is your creative energy. It is God's way of helping you becoming creative. Sex is creativity.

The man who has repressed his sex will not be able to create anything; he will be stuck.


GFP Newsletter - 10/20/2015

will's picture

He has become too attached to his mind, and his mind is the cause of all his problems. He wants to change those problems, but he clings to the mind. And that is not possible. First the mind has to be changed; only then will those problems disappear.


GFP Newsletter - 10/19/2015

will's picture

Freedom is the ultimate value. There is nothing higher than freedom, because it is through freedom that everything else becomes possible.


GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2015

will's picture

I am all for science. My religion is not against science; my religion absorbs science in itself. I believe in a scientific world. And through science a great religion, a greater religion than ever, is going to happen to man, because when man will be really free to be playful and there will be no need to work, tremendous creativity will be released. People will paint, and people will play music, and people will dance, and people will write poems, and people will pray, and people will meditate. Their whole energy will be free to soar high.

Only a small part of humanity has been creative, because all the other people have been forced to do futile things which can be done by machines more easily and without any trouble to anybody.

Millions of people are simply laboring their whole lives. Their whole lives consist only of perspiration, there is no inspiration. This is ugly, this should not be.

And this is possible only for the first time. Just think... the whole of humanity freed from the imprisonment of labor, then the energy will start moving in new directions. People will become adventurers, explorers, scientists, musicians, poets, painters, dancers, meditators. They will have to because the energy will need some expression. Millions of people can bloom like Buddhas.

I am tremendously hopeful about the future.


GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2015

will's picture

Slowly, slowly we had been growing more and more expert technologically, but we had not yet been able to destroy the natural balance; we were yet a very small force on the earth. Now for the first time our energy is bigger, far bigger, than the earth's energy to keep its balance. This is a great phenomenon. Man has become so powerful that he can destroy the natural balance. But he will not destroy it, because to destroy the natural balance means he will be destroyed himself.

He will find new ways; and new ways are being found. The way to regain the delicate balance of nature is not by renouncing technology. It is not by becoming hippies, it is not by becoming Gandhians, no, not at all. The way to regain the balance of nature is through superior technology, higher technology, more technology. If technology can destroy the balance, why can't technology regain it? Anything that can be destroyed can be created.

And now it is almost feasible to float cities in the sky, in the air, in big, enormous balloons! There is no need for man to live on the earth. And it will be really beautiful - floating cities in the air, and the green earth below you, huge forests again as the earth used to be before man started cutting forests. The earth can become the same again. You can come back to the earth for holidays.

It is possible now to float cities in the ocean, and that will be beautiful. It is possible now to make underground cities so the earth, its greenery, its beauty, is not destroyed. You can live in air- conditioned cities underneath the earth. You can come once in a while for your Sunday prayer to the earth, and go back. It is possible for man now to be transported to another planet. The moon may become our next colony, the moon may become our habitation.


GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2015

will's picture

Sooner or later science will go into the hands of computers; the scientist will be needed only to operate the computer, that's all. The computer can do it far more quickly, far more efficiently, with less and less possibility of making any errors. This is something tremendously significant. It can make you very much frightened, it can give you the idea that there is nothing left, man is a machine; but it can also fill you with great hope that now the computer has revealed that the head is not man's real reality.

Now we have to search for the heart, because the computer has no heart. Only by searching for our heart, only by allowing our heart to dance and sing and love, will we be able to retain the glory and dignity of being man; otherwise it is gone.

The future looks bleak to you because you only see the darker side of the phenomenon. You are not aware of its lighter side. I see the dawn coming very close. Yes, the night is very dark, but the future is not bleak, not at all.


GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2015

will's picture

Freedom exists only when you are utterly conscious. Only a Buddha is free. Freedom is in Buddhahood; nobody else is free, nobody else can be free. But people can believe... it is a very consoling illusion. The modern world has taken your illusion away from you; and it is good because now a great desire to be free will arise, a great longing to attain to something beyond the machine.


GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2015

will's picture

In the past we could have continued wars because our wars were so inefficient, there was no danger.

That's why, down the ages, in three thousand years we have fought five thousand wars. There was no problem; it was just a game. And the male egoistic mind has enjoyed it very much, it has needed it very much. And wars would have continued if there was no atom bomb. The atom bomb is the end of war.

The future is not bleak. The very existence of the atom bomb means, now, if you decide for war, it will be universal suicide. Who is ready to take that risk? Nobody can win and everybody will die.

Nobody can be the winner; then what is the point of the game?

War is significant if somebody can win and somebody is defeated. War becomes absurd if nobody can win and both are destroyed. It is only because of the existence of the atom bomb that Russia and America are prevented from war; otherwise there seems to be no other possibility except war.

Both are ready, absolutely ready, but the atom bomb is making it impossible.

It is ridiculous now to go to war. If both parties are going to be destroyed, then what is the point?

The atom bomb has made war pointless.


GFP Newsletter - 10/13/2015

will's picture

Each time a child is born the future looks bleak, because again the womb - the safe secure environment of the womb - is taken away from the child, and the helpless child is expelled. What do you think about the child? Psychoanalysts say that the greatest trauma is the birth trauma, and the person suffers it his whole life. The word "trauma" comes from a root which means "wound". The birth trauma is the greatest wound; it is very rare to find a person whose birth trauma is healed.

It heals only when a person becomes enlightened, because when a person becomes enlightened he is again in the eternal womb of God; otherwise the wound goes on and on hurting.

Your whole life you try to hide that wound, but by hiding it it cannot disappear. Each child being born, coming out of the birth canal, must be feeling the future is bleak; and each age has felt it. Because the future is unknown, that's why it looks bleak.


GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2015

will's picture

One has to remember it: don't come here to be supported in your ego and your expectations.

Come here to die!

If you love me, I am going to kill you. And only when you are killed, one day, will you have the opportunity to kill me. And that day is the greatest day: when the Master and disciple both are killed - then only that which is, is left. God is in the Master, God is in the disciple.

When the disciple and the Master have both disappeared, only God is left. And that is the goal of Sufism, and that is the goal of all religions, and that is the goal for which we are working here.



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