The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 11/10/2015

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The moment I say I am God, I am not saying that I have become God - I have been God all along; now just the recognition has come. When I say you are God, I am not saying that you have to become God. If you are not you cannot become. One can become only that which one is, which one already is. You become only that which you are, never anything else. So it is not a question of becoming, it is only a question of awakening to your being, to your facticity, to your truth.


GFP Newsletter - 11/9/2015

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Pir means one who has arrived - arrived to the place from where he had never gone in the first place, arrived home, arrived to that home which he had never left, which even if he had wanted to leave, he could not.

To leave your nature is impossible. Then what happens? People only dream that they have left their home. It is like in the night you sleep and you dream; you dream a thousand and one things, but in the morning you find yourself lying in your bedroom. All those dreams, that you had been to Peking and to Philadelphia and to Timbuktu and to Constantinople, and you have been in Poona all the time and nowhere else; but only in the morning will you recognize the fact, when you are awake, that all that was just dreaming. You had never left you bed, you were always here.

That is the situation: nobody has lost God, nobody can. It is impossible. God is your very being, how can we lose him? And if we can lose him we will immediately die, because he is our life. If we lose him then there is no possibility of finding him; so the question is not of finding God, the question is only of remembering. We have only forgotten.


GFP Newsletter - 11/8/2015

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The teachers who give you paths are pseudo-teachers; they are dangerous people. They have created much chaos in the world, but they are very logical and they appeal to your ordinary mind.

The real teacher is one who takes all paths away. The real teacher is one who takes all teachings away. The real teacher is one who unburdens you, who destroys all your knowledge and makes you again ignorant, innocent, like a child. The real teacher is very destructive. When all knowledge is taken away, all paths withdrawn, you don't know a thing, you are left in your ignorance, naked, nowhere to hide, suddenly the great explosion happens. It always happens in innocence.

That's why Jesus goes on saying, "Unless you are like small children you will not enter into my kingdom of God."

The real teacher makes you like small babes. The real teacher does not teach you information. The real teacher does not inform, he transforms. He does not convey doctrines and dogmas; on the contrary, he takes a sword and cuts your very head. He makes you headless.


GFP Newsletter - 11/7/2015

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What is the right path? You will be surprised to know - right path means no path. All paths are wrong, because a path is needed if there is a distance between you and your goal. The path is relevant only when there is distance. But there is no distance between you and God, so there is no need of any path. No path is the right path.

It will look paradoxical, but nothing can be done about it - existence is paradoxical. All paths are wrong paths, because a path will take you farther away. You are not to go anywhere, hence no path is required.

And you are being taught so many paths, and the people who teach you paths look very logical. It appeals to your mind. Naturally you think, "We don't know God, We don't know where he is, so a path is needed. We don't know where God is so unless a path is given to us how are we ever going to reach?" But you are completely oblivious to the fact that God is not there but here, not then but now, that God is not the sought but the seeker. So any path is going to take you astray, any path will misguide you.


GFP Newsletter - 11/6/2015

will's picture

It is said:

"Who are you?" somebody asked Bayazid.

He said, "I lost him years ago. The more I seek him, the less I find."

"Who are you?" the person asked again.

Bayazid said, "There is nothing under my cloak but Allah. Except God, there is nobody within me, so the question 'who are you?' is meaningless. I am not, God is. And God is always blissful. God is blissfulness, so the question is irrelevant. There is nobody, nothing under my cloak, except Allah."

God is not there to be found somewhere else - in Kaaba, in Kailash, in Girnar, in Jerusalem. God has to be found under your cloak. And the reality is this: that there is nobody except God within you.

But you have not turned upon yourself, your eyes are fixed at distant goals. Your eyes are roaming there somewhere in the future; and God is here, and you are not here. Hence the meeting is difficult.

Otherwise there is no difficulty at all.


GFP Newsletter - 11/5/2015

will's picture

By creating the temples and the mosques and the churches we have deceived people. We have given them a wrong notion of God, as if God is something separate from life. It is not so. And it is because of this mis-education that has been perpetuated for centuries, because of this wrong conditioning, that whenever people think of God they think of a statue, a temple, a holy place; they never think of themselves.

Standing before a mirror, looking into your own eyes reflected in the mirror, has the idea ever arisen in you that this is God? No, your priests have destroyed that possibility. And this is the real phenomenon: to recognize God as your own being, pulsating in you, in the very beat of your heart.

So the first thing I would like to say to you: God is not difficult to find. The difficulty consists in losing yourself. And this is the statement not of one enlightened person, this is the statement of all the enlightened people of the world. They may have been born in India, in China, in Japan, in Israel, or anywhere else - about this they all agree.


GFP Newsletter - 11/4/2015

will's picture

God cannot be possessed. God is not a property. You cannot own God. God is a love affair; you can only dissolve into him. And remember again: the dissolution is not into some thou, the dissolution is simply a let-go into your own being. When you disappear into your own being and there is no Center left which can say "I", you have known what God is.

Man is like an ice cube, frozen. God is nothing but the melting of the ice cube. Then you lose your solidity, you become fluid. Then you lose your stagnancy and you become flowing. That flow, yes, that flow is another name for God. Life is another name for God.


GFP Newsletter - 11/3/2015

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The myth, the beautiful myth of the phoenix, the bird who becomes alive only through death, who renews itself by burning itself, utterly burning itself, whose death becomes resurrection... The myth of the phoenix bird is the myth of all the awakened people.

Jesus is another representation of the same myth: crucifixion and resurrection.


GFP Newsletter - 11/2/2015

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There are only three steps. The first step: becoming aware that this world is nothing but games, becoming aware that this world is nothing but our projections; and the second step, becoming aware that the other world, heaven, paradise, is also nothing but our unfulfilled dreams, our unfulfilled desires projected in time, in the future; and the third step, when this world is dropped and that world is dropped, then all that is left is you. Then all that is left is the faculty of projection, the mind, the ego. And the third step consists of dropping the ego. And suddenly you are back home. Suddenly nothing is needed any more, all is available. And then one starts laughing, because this had always been so - all had always been available. Just because we were searching and searching, and we were in such a frantic search that We never looked within; We never looked at the treasure that we are already carrying, we became too much obsessed with the outside world; we forgot the language of the inner, we forgot that there is an interior in us and that interiority is God.


GFP Newsletter - 11/1/2015

will's picture

The bell is ringing in you. You are the temple, and the bell is continuously ringing in you - it is your life - but there is so much noise. The mind has become a marketplace. You have lost all contact with yourself; that's why you have lost contact with God. It is not that you have to search for God.

Where are you going to search for him? In what direction? You don't have any address. You don't know his form, his name. Even if you come across him you will not be able to recognize him, so please don't start any journey towards God. That is utterly doomed from the very beginning.

On the contrary, move inwards, become more silent, become more relaxed, and suddenly one day you will start hearing those beautiful chimes ringing in you. You will start hearing that still, small voice. It is there, you have never lost it for a single moment. It cannot be lost.

That's why all the great seers of the world have insisted that God is your nature. God is within you, his kingdom is within you. There is no need to seek and search.

Then what is needed? - to fall into silence, to fall into a harmonious, a melodious state of being; to be a no-mind.



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