Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

~ Join us for a Very Important Meeting~ and a Christmas Party Love STYLE!

Lia's picture

What the world didn't end? Or did it?

Greetings Love Beings, Join us Live Today for an Important Love Meeting and a Christmas Party Love Style!!!!

You can Join us Live at this Link beginning at 10:30am Pacific:



All We want for Christmas is Your JOY and Your True Awakening! YOU!


We Will Be Discussing the Energies and Intend to clear up any confusion some are having as to what is happening as well as share Ascension Stories! Plus Much More!!! Join us beginning at 10:30am Pacific till?......... Its a Love Party!


Love The Earth Allies

~ Internet Love Party~ The Day After!!! You can Join us Live NOW!~

Lia's picture


The Day After Party!!! Reports Are coming IN, We are Processing a WHole Bunch of Light Energy. It will be interesting to see what these Nexts Days, Weeks, and Months bring to us. You can Join us Live for the FIrst Day of The Age Of Aqauarius!

We cna Share, We will have alot of changing happening in our Next Year! WHich Represents the HigherSelves! 13!


Love The Earth Allies



~ Stop The Press~ Important Council Meeting! What is December 21st really About?

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Everyone is welcome to join us for a Very Important Council Meeting where we will be discussing what December 21st 2012 is all about and beyond! We will also be discussing many recent messages about this date as well and how important unity is during these Moments! You can Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific! At this Link:

PS, We will also explain why Our Craft have not decloaked yet and How you can Assist Humanity in this event!

PPS If You have questions we will also be answering these!


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