Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

Short Update: Lets Transform this Planet Into Love! Its Time! Love Party!

Lia's picture

~ Love Party To Begin At 1:30pm Pacific~ Preparty On NOW!

You can Join Us At this Link:



Greetings Love Beings, We are In an Intense Period on the Planet Right Now, where alot of dense energy is coming up to the surface quickly to be transformed to prepare for the Galactic Alignment and Birth of the New Paradigm. The Oneness River is Flowing fast Now, at an Unstoppable Rate. Those who are trying to hang onto the shore, which is the old paradigm will be swept away in this energy transformation. One Way or the Other Love is Transforming this Planet. Nothing can stop the inevitable. Humanity has Chosen Yes To Love, and This is Exactly what they are getting whether any egos like it or NOT. Those who Have stepped Into the River of Oneness Are Having Amazing Magical Experiences of Intense Joy, this Will continue up, up and away.....

Join us Live NOW! Its Going to Be a High Vibrational ONE!

Step Into The River Of Oneness With US! We Are There!

Love The Earth Allies

Supporting The Divine Mission~ The Universal Government

Lia's picture


The Universal Government is a Network of Light on the Planet which Serves the Whole Truth, Light, and Unconditional Love Across Planet Earth=Heart. THAT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE! WE are Now in the Beginning Stages of this. AS THE ENERGY IS Now READY. Besides Gathering Together in Support of this, our Goal is taking the power away from those who have been abusing their powers, We ARE HERE TO ASSIST THIS ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. We Accomplish this By Being a Flow of Energy, that Gives to Love in Support of Love and The Greatest Good in All Moments on this Planet. Our Intention is that Money Now will be used to support Love and Truth, until all money dissolves. The illuminati’s manipulation of the cash flow was their current power over method that kept Humanity struggling in survival and competition. We Have already Begun changing this energy flow to the direction of equality and abundance for all. Love truly does Win.

This is why we ask for Donations, without them we cannot Assist all of you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Work In Complete and Total Unconditional Service Every Moment and we dont ask for much just what our needs are.

For the Month of November we have 6 days remaining and we are $1400 behind, not only does this support us, but we share with other bloggers who need support as well to keep going.

The Most Important Song For Humanity Right NOW~

Lia's picture

"The Wandering Soul"
In this magic hour of softening light
The moments in between the day and the night
The instant when all shadows disappear
The distance in between the love and the fear

There's a longing deep within the wandering soul
It's like the half that understands it once was whole
Like the two who only dream of being one
Like the moon whose only light is in the sun

There's a danger in forever looking outside
You start to believe that all your prayers have been denied
And you forget the sound of your own name
And thus begins the suffering and the pain

I wanted an answer, I wanted a way
I wanted to know just what to do and what to say
I wanted a reason, I want(ed) to know why
Can there never be heaven right here on Earth and peace inside

Inside my heart
Deep in my soul
Within each part
And in the whole

There's a promise in the journeys of the mind
You begin to believe that there are miracles you will find
And that someday you'll remember who you are
The seed within a bright and shining star

That's like the flame that lives within a hungering heart
That only awaits a gift of love for it to spark
Into a fire that burns forever, endlessly
Like the river that can't help but meet the sea

In this magic hour between the dark and the dawn
In the space between the silence and the song
Suddenly the mystery is clear

Heaven is Within, Happy Ascension Day Brilliant Repost for Today's Energies

Lia's picture
Now the Truth is Revealing itself....
     A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace 

Heaven an awakened dream manifesting before our eyes...Just a Fantasy
most believed by the old controllers of the game... Now is Real and is
coming in.... as the New Stage of creation.... A Garden of Eden Now all
may play....and re-member each as Divinity and Magical Celestial
beings....The Truth of Real Love will burst forth this treasury...this
Love gift for all of Humanity.... Eternity becomes the new Name of the
game and death will no longer exist as it now is in the Dual
reality....Heaven is a state of HEART in which you see...pleasure and
perfection inside of ones being...True freedom and Living Life
spiritually. ..The Highest Possible outcome is being called from within
our inner the Old story ends....and a smooth transition
has been requested for a Supreme Divine plan which is this....All
Karma[ego/mind] and Negativity is to be forgiven with Grace and
Forgiveness. ..This is the Law of Love and of Light...Humans must
realize that they have all come here by contract all are Angels in
Disguise...and everyone came to earth for this Grand opportunity. ..all
must wake up and see this has all been just a game, a Dream...of
Duality and Seperation.. ..Now ALL of it is be FORGIVEN...Earth is a

~ Gratitude Prayer~

Lia's picture


Good Morning Love~ Thank You for The Miracles Today, Thank You for The Joy, Thank You for The Magical Synchronostic Events, Thank You for My Every thought,  spoken words and actions serving Love and The Greater Good of All In All Moments.

I Surrender and Trust Love In Every Moment and I am a Full Participant in my Life in Service to Love and Unity!





WOW!!!The energy has Turned for Sure~ Nothing Stopping Us NOW~ JOIN US Live

Lia's picture



Nothing can Stand In Love's Way! Love is On the Move! Love Bomb to Hit Planet Earth=Heart on 11~22~

We Are Hosting a Love Party To Support Our Incoming Energy after several Days of Intense Clearing on the Planet! We still have alot to go in this cleansing, but we are well on our WAY! LOVE WINS!


You Can Join us Live At this LINK:


Love The Earth Allies



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