Galactic Free Press

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~ Extremely Important Message~ All Spiritual egos will dissolve in our current Energy

Lia's picture



~Spiritual egos have dressed up so many fantasies as real, they "believed" them, and any "belief" is the old paradigm. The new paradigm has no beliefs, only Love and Truth.~

~ Spiritual egos approach life with their intellect, which is the left side of the brain, instead of the Heart, which is the Wholistic Brain, [Right and left side together], which is the Divine connection~

~Spiritual egos look at Love and Truth as a threat, because the Real Truth challenges their fantasies, and without their fantasies, they have to Face the Truth about the lies they told themselves~

~A Spiritual ego is just the old paradigm of power over, dressed up to look new.~

~Spiritual egos would rather be right, than be Happy, to be Truly Happy and in Joy, the ego has to be dissolved.~


We cannot do this Without YOU!

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We have a Special Request as we are currently 2400$ from our funding Goal for this Month and we have about 18 days left.  We have over 5500 Members Now here and over 4000 Now recieve our daily Newsletter. We are In Service Uncondtionally and In Complete Service but we cannot be here without your support. The cost of the site alone each month is a big chuck of our costs. We cannot do this without You. Thank You for sharing a simple $5 or10$ Donation In Support of Our 24 hour work in dedication to the Truth and The Divine Plan Manifesting NOW.

If Everyone shares a little we all have enough!

Thank You for Honoring us and Keeping us Up and running!

Change is in the Air Everyone, We will Have to see how it all unfolds! We are with You!

Love The Earth Allies


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