Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

In Honor of the Waves Of Intense Energy and Recent Events! Love WINS!

Lia's picture

You Can Join Us Live At this Link right NOW:



Galactic Free Press~Our Deep Love and Compassion Goes out to the Children, their parents and The Staff at the School in the United States this morning! May this Open Eyes and Open Hearts! The illusion is over, the powers who were are done! This event is just another way for them to distract and cause unneeded pain and suffering. However, the Amazing Aspect is when something like this occurs, It Makes The Light Grow Stronger! Let this be their last event and attempt! Lets Grab Hands, Hearts and Souls and Stand Up and Shine The Light Of Truth! So Be it, Love The Earth Allies


12~12~12 Celebrations, Meditations, and Council Meeting~ Join Us In The Oneness Energies

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Much Anticipated Energies of the 12~12~12 Vibrational Upgrade and the Opening of the Stargate. Huge Amounts of Love Oneness~ Energy are Pouring IN!

Missions Were Completed for Today's Activations and Celebrations and we have recieved Validation for this!


You can Join us Live in the Tiny Chat Room Now and we will begin around 10:00am Pacific with a Meditation at 12:12pm Pacific! With Much More to Follow with a Discussion from The Earth Allies On Recent Accomplishments, the broadcast system and what is Unfolding In the Divine Plan Now.


Mt Shasta Crystal


The Final Activations are Underway:


~ Stop The Press~ Important Staff Meeting!~ You can Join us Live at 10:30am Pacific

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We are having a Very Important Staff Meeting to discuss recent Events and Accomplishments preparing the Way for the 12 12 12 Portal. We have Made it Everyone! We are In Historic Moments! You can Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link:

Love The Earth Allies

2012 Prophecy ~ Urgent Call To Action! ~With a Special Message About the Prophecy Coming True

Lia's picture

A Special Message from The Earth Allies with an Excerpt from Ken Carey's Book "Return of the Bird Tribe"


Photo Of an Eagle Craft By Earth Ally Will Harader


WE are The Bird Tribe, and Humanity's Awakening is Truly inevitable. Father God= Great GrandFather is "Great Spirit", The Creator, and I, Mother God, am "White Buffalo Woman"=Great GrandMother, The Mother of Creation. We Are Here Present with you on Planet Earth=Heart~


Why are We Here?



Planet Earth=Heart is NOW Immersed in Pure Light and Love!! Enraptured in the Wings of White Buffalo Calf Woman and Connected Directly to The Sun=Father God.


An Excerpt of "The Return of The Bird Tribes" By Ken Carey

From The Chapter "White Buffalo Calf Woman"

Petition Obama to Declassify Tesla's Papers

will's picture

we petition the obama administration to:

Declassify Tesla papers and donate them to the new Tesla science center at Wardenclyfe

We the People hereby petition President Obama to issue an executive order for the immeadiate declassification, and release of all personal effects, memoirs, and diarys in the possession of the federal government having belonged to one Nikola Tesla

To: the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyfe

For: the enjoyment and education of the american public

And to be made available for all on the internet

Page to sign the petition

~ Mt Shasta Ships Arrive~ Love Party Greetings!

Lia's picture

12~7 Cloudship Mt Shasta By Earth Ally Will Harader


 Join us Live Today for a Pre~12~12~12 Celebration and Love Party for The Birth of The New Paradigm!

Thank You for Joining us and Participating in these Grand Events!

Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific at this Link



Last Night on 12~7~12 We Drove Into Mt Shasta and Captured this Amazing CloudShip which was transforming before us. The Energy Emitting from this was A WOW!  At One Point the Center lit up like a fireball in the shape of the Merkabah.



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