Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

Join us Live today for The 11~11 Internal Lights Coming On

Lia's picture

We were not kidden, when we said Internal Lights were Coming On!

Welcome to The 11~11 Magical Portal of Peace for Planet Earth=Heart!



  Meditations at 11:11am Pacific and 1:11pm Pacific.

These Will Be Unfolding Within the Flow of the Oneness Energy


The Room is Already Open and meditations and Music has Begun!

You can Partipate at this Link:




Love Party!!! Preparing for the 11~11 Energies

Lia's picture


We will be hosting our Live Love Party today at 1:30pm pacific until 4:30pm Pacific. You can Join us at this Link!

Also this same Link and room will be open all day for the 11~11 Meditations. Our Focus Will Be Peace for Planet Earth=Heart.

We need planetwide peace for our craft to decloak! Thank You for Participating and Adding Your Energies for this Powerful Day!



Love The Earth Allies

This Is "The Announcment" which is still spiraling Around the Grid~ Yeehaw~

Lia's picture

Humanity’s Awakening is InEvitable



~Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth=HEART~


~Blessed is The Love Called God Everywhere Present Equally Within US ALL~


Our Love Song To You From a Distance



Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and from Galactic CentraL~THE GALACTIC HEART. We are Your Family of Light, The Elohim, and Your Earth Allies and Representatives. WE are also The Ground Crew, Medical Team for First Contact. Also Present here in the Physical Manifest is Us, Mother and Father God, Thank you for Honoring Our Presence Here with YOU as We Honor Your Presence Here witn US.



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