Collective Evolution

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8 Ways The Global Elite Manipulate Our Perception of Reality

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We are all free-thinkers. We hold the ability to form our own opinions, daydream, overthink, critically think, and even conjure up tales of adventure and loss using our creative minds. Our minds are separate from the Self, so even though the mind is essentially an illusion, it can be thought to represent a portion of our individuality.

Have you ever thought about how much of your thoughts are truly and authentically your own? The fact of the matter is that we are subject to propaganda, false advertising, and other methods of manipulating our thoughts and perceptions every day. For a long time, the elite have used different tools to influence our thoughts and actions, a tactic often referred to as frequency control.

Here are 8 ways the elite manipulate our perception of reality:

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Colorado Sold Over $1.1 Billion In Cannabis Last Year — Money That Didn’t Go To Drug Cartels

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Since legalizing cannabis across the entire state, Colorado has seen some amazing profits. In 2016, the first state to legalize marijuana for medical as well as recreational use has sold nearly $1.1 billion worth of cannabis and related products. Wow.

Think about all that money that didn’t go to drug cartels and other various illegal dealers. And what about the tax? That is a lot of tax on $1 billion!

How Much Money Was Made From Taxes?

Colorado has three different kinds of taxes on its recreational cannabis sales: the standard 2.9% state tax, a 10% sales tax, and a 15% excise tax on wholesale transfers. In October alone, $6 billion was collected in excise tax off of a staggering $82.8 million in sales, bringing the yearly tax total to $49.7 million, well above the $40 million mark – a major point of discussion during the 2012’s Amendment 64 campaign.

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Venus Is Now Retrograde: A Time To Reflect On Our Relationships and Values

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

Venus is retrograde from March 4th until April 15th. It has been building up since January 30th, when Venus entered what is called the “pre-shadow” period. When a planet goes retrograde, our perspective here on Earth makes it appear to be going backwards in the sky.

Unlike Mercury Retrograde, Venus Retrogrades occur less frequently, every 19 months, but they last about twice as long. Although both retrogrades have some similarities in regards to how they might affect your social life, Venus still presents a much different vibe.

Retrogrades are a time to revisit, reflect on, and make adjustments to things represented by that planet. Venus rules over love, intimate relationships, friendships, values, money, beauty, and overall attractability. It is associated with our passions, creativity, pleasures, and tastes.

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Watch George W. Bush Refuse To Tell Jimmy Kimmel About UFOs

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Multiple presidents and presidential candidates have commented on UFOs over the decades. It started when president Truman went on national television to say that they discuss this topic at every conference they have with the military, explaining that “there is always stuff like that going on.”

This topic has gained even more attention now that there are thousands upon thousands of declassified UFO documents within the public domain, not to mention hundreds of whistleblowers with verified backgrounds speaking out.

Just as Jimmy Kimmel did with both the Clintons as well as Obama, he has now asked George Bush the UFO question. Bush responds in a serious manner, and refuses to talk about anything he may know. Bush Senior has also been asked this question before, stating that he knows a “fair amount.”

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Why You Should Be Concerned About George Soros' Investment In Netflix, Google, & More

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Full disclosure: I’m a huge fan of Netflix. I’ve been watching numerous Netflix-produced shows and movies lately, and I’m starting to notice more and more of them have consciousness rooted within them. However, I’ve also noticed some seriously strange forms of propaganda showing up on their platform. This got me thinking: Who funds Netflix?

Infamous investor and businessman George Soros reported at the end of 2015 that he owns 317,534 Netflix shares, which has an estimated worth of $32.79 million. If you’ve never heard of Soros, he is a key member of the elite, or the shadow government, disguised as a philanthropic billionaire. And Netflix isn’t his only concerning investment — he also holds shares in Google and numerous non-profits.

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New Method For Helping Those Struggling With Drug Addiction Is Giving Them Serious Hope

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s undeniable that the drug epidemic in America is out of control. But who is to blame, and how can we end it? There are various issues to look at concerning the war on drugs, but opioids remain a significant area of focus.

Doctors are undeniably overprescribing such drugs, and yet, when people find themselves addicted, their lives overturned and loved ones lost, they find themselves in a new form of addiction: incarceration. People in power find it all too easy to jail addicts, and yet many addicts find that it is their only avenue for dealing with their addiction.

But the prevalence of this problem is helping to instigate change more awareness about alternative options are out there. One police chief in Massachusetts thought a better option than the current model would be to actually help drug addicts instead of throwing them behind bars. And so the Angel Program came to be.

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This Beautiful Public Pool Is Totally Chlorine-Free & The First One Like It in the U.S.

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In a world filled with so many manmade products, it’s refreshing to see alternatives to some of our favourite things harnessing the beauty and power of nature.

Natural pools, for instance, are stunning creations that use plant life, rocks, and various biological filters in place of cleansing chemicals to keep pools clean and therefore safe (and inviting, too).

Such pools have existed in Europe for decades, with the first ones being introduced in Austria and Germany in the 1980s. Today, there are 20,000 natural pools in Europe, with many offered to the general public. Such an invention serves as a wonderful reminder that toxic chemicals are not the only way to enjoy swimming in a pool comfortably.

But you won’t find it easy to come across a naturally-filtered pool in the U.S. Having a pool built from the ground up in your own backyard is a prohibitively expensive luxury to begin with, and few homes come with natural pools already built in.

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Disrupt Censorship! How To Keep Seeing News That Matters To You

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Is it algorithms? Or maybe censorship? Or do people just not care anymore? These are the questions going through many people’s minds as it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay informed in our world.

Facebook became the top source for driving news and information to people in 2015. According to’s chief technical officer, Andrew Montalenti, latest estimates show that social media sources (of which Facebook is by far the largest) accounted for about 43% of the traffic to the network of media sites, while Google accounted for just 38%.

Now you might also have been hearing how Facebook’s algorithm has changed and many publishers are now seeing a decline in traffic from Facebook. There are likely a number of reasons for this and we will get to them shortly.

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Weird Life Form Found Trapped Inside Giant Underground Crystals

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Trapped inside massive crystals deep in a Mexican cave, creatures have been discovered that subsist on iron, sulfur, and other chemicals. The researchers say the microbial lifeforms are new to science, but have been tucked away for tens of thousands of years.

Should the discovery be verified, it will add to evidence that “microbial life on Earth can endure harsher conditions in isolated places than scientists previously thought possible.”

“These organisms have been dormant but viable for geologically significant periods of time, and they can be released due to other geological processes,” explains NASA Astrobiology Institute director Penelope Boston.“This has profound effects on how we try to understand the evolutionary history of microbial life on this planet.”

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How Banana Trees Are Recycled Into Vegan Leather Wallets In Micronesia (Video)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When it comes to animal welfare, vegan leather is a big win, but its environmental impact has been heavily questioned, with many wondering which is worse for the planet — real or faux leather. Though every manufactured product comes with an environmental cost, there are many aspects involved in every phase of the production of both leather and faux leather that must be considered.

The meat and leather industries are incredibly connected, and it’s been well-documented that animal agriculture wreaks havoc on the environment. In fact, the UN reports that the industry creates 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than all transport emissions combined.


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