Collective Evolution

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Neuroscience + Buddhism Uncovers How “Mindfulness” & “Open Focus” Can Drastically Change Your Life

by Sarah Gulland, Collective Evolution

Mindfulness is defined as an attention training which can benefit health and general well-being. There is a lot scientific research confirming it. It usually takes weeks to practice Mindfulness before experiencing noticeable benefits. In this article I will present you the other type of attention training called Open Focus. I believe, combining these two approaches may help to understand attention training better and to experience its benefits faster.

What Is Mindfulness?

In its most basic form, Mindfulness means to pay attention to what’s happening, on purpose, in the present moment, and to do so without judgement. Originally from Buddhist roots, it was introduced into the West by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zin and the University of Massachusetts. Since its appearance in the West around twenty years ago, many people have participated in the Mindfulness based stress reduction course and similar programs. Research shows that participants may experience profound benefits such as reduced stress, a greater sense of well-being, increased clarity and focus, and improved sleeping patterns.

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Massive Corruption Scandal Exposes 65 Elite Bankers & Former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Corrupt banking is nothing new, but it’s incredibly detrimental, which is why, in many countries it is taken seriously by their respective governments. It harms the livelihoods, economies, and democracies of countries. It ensures poor countries remain poor, promotes conflict and instability, and kicks weak environments to the ground.

The most recent example of corrupt baking comes out of Spain, where former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Rodrigo Rato received four years and six months behind bars for embezzlement during his time heading Caja Madrid and Bankia, which were both having difficulties at the time.

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Here Are The Popular Restaurants With The Most Antibiotic Drugs In Their Meat

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Nearly 70% of all antibiotics manufactured and sold in the U.S. are used in animal agriculture — a staggering amount, by any reckoning. Not only do these antibiotics end up in the meat we consume, but their necessity, and in such volume, leads to the obvious conclusion that the animals providing our meat are being raised in deplorable conditions.

Fortunately, people are becoming more aware of the potential dangers of consuming too many antibiotics, whether from meat and animal products or otherwise. The more that people opt out of consuming these types of meats and other animal products, the more manufacturers will be forced to change their practices, ideally to the point where antibiotics are not needed so routinely.

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4 Techniques For Reducing Ego In Your Daily Life

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The word “ego” has such a negative connotation. We refer to people with a detrimental amount of narcism as having big egos. And often, we find our ego is the biggest force between what we think we can do, and what we can actually do.

The ego is an energetic form or structure within our individual experiences that separates us from our higher self. It is, in a sense, a false sense of self. The ego hides behind the “I” and “me” in such statements as:

I am ugly.

I am perfect.

I could never do that.

No one can ever do that as good as me.

No one loves me.

Having such thoughts, and agreeing with even the faintest conviction that they define us, creates and supports the ego.

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Full Moon In Virgo: Seeking Solutions For Our Limitations, Wounds & Blockages

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Virgo on March 12th, however, for those in the Western part of the world it will appear the fullest on the night of March 11th. Full Moons are the peak of the Moon cycle when both the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, with this case being Virgo and Pisces.

The opposition between the two signs can bring up situations in which we need to learn to work with both sides of the polarity, and in many situations it can be in a challenging or emotionally charged way. In this case, however, the South Node is in Pisces (where we also had the last solar eclipse) and the North Node is in Virgo, which started in November 2015 and will finish in May.

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This Restaurant Hasn’t Produced Trash In Over 2 Years

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

First a statistic, the average restaurant produces about 100,000 lbs of garbage per year. That is 273 lbs a day on average! This garbage can range from paper, plastics, metals, packaging and so on. Most restaurants are using ridiculous amounts of products and or packaging that could easily be cut down with a little bit of thought and effort. One of our main issues is that we don’t think of these things because we usually are just repeating someone else’s model, hence why we are about to destroy our entire world. It seems all we care about is success and money. So much so that we’d rather have money than a planet, yet without the planet we can’t have money… go figure.

The good news is, people are changing and the consciousness on this planet is shifting! More and more people are starting to look at things in a new light and are dropping the old destructive habits. Of course big businesses do get in on it from time to time as they attempt to market all their “green” strategies and products, but most of this is just so they can sell more of whatever they produce. The real passion lies in people like Justin Vrany who runs a restaurant called Sandwich Me In which to date has produced ZERO waste.

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There’s A Massive Never-Before-Seen Explosion Of Minerals & Crystals Happening On Earth Right Now

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

There’s no doubt that humans have made quite an impact on Planet Earth, especially due to global development. Now, scientists have identified an explosion of newly formed minerals created as a direct result of our influence on the chemical makeup of the planet.

What’s most intriguing about this is that never before has a species defined their existence by creating new, naturally forming minerals.

“This is a spike of mineral novelty that is so rapid – most of it in the last 200 years, compared to the 4.5bn year history of Earth. There is nothing like it in Earth’s history,” study team member Robert Hazen from the Carnegie Institution for Science told The Guardian“This is a blink of an eye, it is just a surge and of course we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.”

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X DARPA Director & Google Exec Pushes Microchipping Human Beings

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

With the recent revelations by NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden, it’s no secret that we live on a planet characterized by mass surveillance and virtually zero privacy. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with the idea that we face threats, that a high level of national security is needed in order to keep us safe. Think about it, the United States pumps a large majority of their money into the Department of Defense. A state of fear, war and terror is needed to keep those funds flowing in that direction. Many people are starting to wake up and realize a lot of the so called threats we face and have been facing are largely manufactured and fabricated in order to justify a specific agenda, agendas that deal with the black budget world.

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Iceland Knows How To Stop Teen Substance Abuse But The Rest Of The World Isn’t Listening

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

I think it’s safe to say that most teenagers have tried and/or abused alcohol or illegal drugs, yet teen substance abuse rarely gets the attention it needs. Drugs and alcohol have a more detrimental effect on the underdeveloped brain, particularly since teens lack the ability to adequately assess risk, making them more likely to overindulge in substances. It’s this same lack that explains why people tend to be braver and more open to trying new experiences as teens than as adults. But this courage comes at a cost, as teens cannot adequately assess the risks of the substances they are taking. And schools aren’t doing nearly enough to educate them.

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What If You Could Trade Your Skills With Others For Goods & Services Without The Use Of Money?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Back in the day, not even that long ago really, people would trade services with each other. Maybe Jim Bob was an excellent mechanic and Mary Lou could make nice warm quilts. If they both needed the service that the other was able to offer, they would do a trade. This way, no money was needed and both parties got what they wanted. When exactly did we stop working for each other, and for corporations?

Everyone has something to offer, but not everyone has the same skillset. What if we could trade our skills for services or things that we need, without the use or need for money? We could certainly start to do this right now with our neighbours, friends and family members. Now, thanks to technology, this idea is easier than ever and you can become a part of this new amazing network known as Simbi.


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