Collective Evolution

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Scientists Develop World’s First “Lab-Grown Meat” & No Animals Were Harmed

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Are you someone who considers themselves a “hardcore carnivore” and absolutely loves a good steak or burger (or literally anything so long as there’s meat involved in some way)? Are you also someone who can’t stand the thought of millions of animals being slaughtered at this expense? Well then, the team at Memphis Meats has developed something that may be perfect for you!

Memphis Meats is a San Francisco startup company that has dedicated their time to creating meat that is grown in a lab from animal cells – without any animals having to be harmed in the process. The company released a video on Tuesday that showcased the “world’s first cultured meatball” being fried up in a pan, just like the real deal.

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The TPP Will Be Signed Today: Here’s Why You’ve Never Heard About It & How We Can Still Stop It

Today is the day that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will be signed, but it won’t become law until Congress approves it, which means there is still time to stop it. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest trade agreement since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the United States has been engaged in discussion with eight Pacific nations to come to an agreement on the terms of the TPP. It is a free trade contract that would, ostensibly, allow for a more open system of exchange between the United States and less developed nations, and it has been wrapped in secrecy since discussions began within the Bush administration in 2005. This is one of many examples of global economic/political partnerships and deals that are happening underneath public radar.

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Rick Simpson Challenges ‘Rockefeller Medicine’ & Big Pharma

“The crisis in today’s health care system is deeply rooted in the interwoven history of modern medicine and corporate capitalism. The major groups and forces that shaped the medical system sowed the seeds of the crisis we now face. The medical profession and other medical interest groups each tried to make medicine serve their own narrow economic and social interests. Foundations and other corporate class institutions insisted that medicine serve the needs of ‘their’ corporate capitalist society. The dialectic of their common efforts and their clashes, and the economic and political forces set in motion by their actions, shaped the system as it grew. Out of this history emerged a medical system that poorly serves society’s health needs.”

A few years ago, the above statement would most likely have been greeted with harsh criticism and even disbelief. Thanks to recent revelations from medical industry insiders, as well as the availability of documentation detailing scientific fraud, more people are starting to become aware of some very disturbing realities that plague the modern day medical industry.

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How Writing Can Improve Your Mental & Physical Health

The benefits of writing extend beyond the way it creatively engages the intellect. Writing can be an emotionally rewarding way of letting go of pent up stress and sorrow. It’s good to control and override stressful emotional impulses but it serves no benefit if we keep them inside of us.  Exercise or talking to loved ones about how you feel can help in this regard, but you may find yourself in a situation where you might not have a voice to hear you or you prefer to keep how you feel to yourself but still need a way to release your emotions. Writing in this case can be very helpful.

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6 Hard-Hitting Facts About Life From The ‘World’s Poorest President’ That Will Make You Question Everything

“To succeed in your professional life isn’t that hard, but to succeed in your personal life is a lot harder. To really be a human is a lot harder. We forget about that.”

These are the words of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, director of the film Human, from which the clip below was taken. The gentleman in the clip is Jose Mujica. Dubbed ‘the world’s poorest president,’ he recently retired after a five year run as the president of Uruguay. In the 60’s and 70’s, he was a Tupamaros freedom fighter, and was subsequently detained and put in solitary confinement for 13 years. After holding several positions within the Uruguayan government, he eventually became the president of his country, serving from 2010 to 2015. Over the course of his life he has endured the unimaginable, and he offers us today some wisdom borne of his incredible experiences.

“I dedicated myself to the struggle for change, to improve life in my society. And now, I am the president.” 

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British Labour Leader Tells The World Who’s Really Funding ISIS

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook

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Is Miramir the New Social Media Platform We All Wished Existed?

I remember the feeling of frustration I had the first time I tried to delete my profile from Facebook. I was absolutely blown away that deactivation was my only option; I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. How could Facebook justify something which so clearly goes against our right to privacy and to choice? I eventually had to let it go, because there was really nothing I could do about it, but that definitely was not the last I asked myself, “Why, Facebook?”

Max Sidorov asked himself the same question some time ago, but the difference is he actually did something about it. He started developing Miramir, a revolutionary social media platform “of the people, by the people and for the people.” It is currently in its beta launch. It has the look and feel of everything we like about Facebook but does a much better job at keeping our information private. Miramir strives to integrate the current leading social media platforms into a unified, secure, and completely private system.

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Watch: 7-Year-Old Children Mining Cobalt For Apple, Microsoft, & Samsung Products

A recent report issued by human rights organization Amnesty International exposes a large group of underage workers in the African cobalt mining sector.

In today’s tech-heavy world, the demand for key component minerals has been climbing rapidly. These precious minerals are commonly mined in developing countries, where multi-national corporations such as Apple and Samsung employ the locals for “economical” wages. What these mega-companies rarely speak about and what consumers usually do not see or hear about, however, are the deplorable working conditions and shocking number of underage children working within the mining industry.

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New Statue in Germany Illustrates How Much The Rest of the World Opposes US Secrecy

We go through life choosing to believe in the good. We trust, we protect, we communicate, and we love. But there are constant reminders lurking about in our world that show us how little we may know; how much information is withheld from us from political powers who wish to control how we treat our bodies, our bank accounts, and our planet.

Marianne Williamson, a spiritual activist, said it best when she said, “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”

To be reminded that we are given so little information, and instead brainwashed into believing certain things, is disheartening, even angering, which is why when activists take a stand for global freedom, it is  important to acknowledge and praise them.

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Watch: Dad Uses Cannabis Oil To Treat Three Year Old Epileptic Daughter

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

Alex Repetski is your average dad, but to his three year old daughter, Gwenevere, he could be a hero. He’s spent the last 18 months and more than 800 hours reading through studies and medical journals, researching CBD and its healing properties, to help her with the tonic, myoclonic, and clinical seizures she was having — sometimes up to 50 a day. She was diagnosed with epilepsy and, as her EEGs revealed, was experiencing constant subclinical seizure activity throughout the day. It may not have looked like she was having a seizure from the outside, but at the brain level there were neurons firing constantly, and such activity can produce significant brain damage.


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