Collective Evolution

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These Objects Have Been Investigated By Several Laboratories – Who Is Putting Them Inside Of Humans?

Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defence and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. For example, you can view the UK’s latest release of files from June 2013 here. You can find out more information about that from CE by clicking here. Ask yourself, why is there such a high level of interest from government and military agencies?

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This Is What WIFI, Cell Phones, iPads & More Are Doing Your Child’s Brain – 100 + Scientists Are Now Petitioning The UN

*This article only represents a very small fraction of the research regarding the dangers associated with these devices. We encourage you to further your own research, and just wanted to provide a base to let you know that it’s something more of us need to pay attention to.

Did you know that a child’s brain absorbs much more radiation than that of an adult?

Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University, has joined a group of scientists from around the world who are making an international appeal to the United Nations regarding the dangers associated with the use of various electromagnetic emitting devices, like cells phones and WiFi.

Below is a video of him outlining the various dangers associated with these devices.

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Full Moon In Virgo: Striving To Be More Productive And Healthy

We are having a Full Moon in Virgo on February 22nd at 6:20pm Universal Time (February 23rd in the East). Full Moons are a time when we can feel a push and pull by the energy of two opposing signs. In this case it is the polarity of Virgo and Pisces.

The themes build up in the 2 weeks leading up to it and then resolve themselves in the 2 weeks following by facilitating changes and/or some sort of release. The actual days of the Full Moon are generally the most lively, revelatory, and emotionally charged periods of this process.

During these next two weeks, we are also leading up to a total Solar Eclipse which will occur on March 8th/9th in Pisces. This represents powerful changes and new beginnings that could of begun as early as 6 weeks before and develop during the following 6 months. Much of what transpires in our lives these coming weeks will play an important role in the buildup of this specific eclipse.

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The Top 6 Reasons Why Parents Should Never Be Forced To Vaccinate Their Children

More and more parents around the globe are choosing to opt out of vaccinating themselves and their children. As a result of this trend that’s been gaining more and more momentum, a harsh response has come from the “pro-vaccine” community -criticizing parents for their decision to not vaccinate. At the end of the day it’s not really about “pro-vaccination” or “anti-vaccination,” it’s not one “against” the other or about pointing fingers and judgement, it’s simply about looking at all of the information from a neutral standpoint. It’s about asking questions and communicating so people can make the best possible decisions for themselves and their children. Parents love their kids and the vaccine “controversy” has made it difficult for many parents to know what to do.

It’s not just parents, it’s doctors too.

A new study published in the journal EbioMedicine outlines this point, stating in the introduction:

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Researchers Discover That Conventional Pasteurized Cow’s Milk Does NOT Do The Body Good

***This article is about pasteurized cow’s, not raw milk

Below is some information regarding milk that you probably won’t hear about. It’s not something that will be taught to your children in school, in fact, they are taught the complete opposite.

A large study coming from researchers at the Uppsala University in Sweden found that drinking milk led to an increased mortality rate and actually made bones more prone to fracturing, not less.(1)

The study was recently published in the peer reviewed British Medical Journaland was specifically conducted to examine whether high milk consumption is associated with mortality and fractures in both men and women.

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Still Think There’s Is No Difference Between Conventional Food & Organic Food? Think Again – Here’s The Science

Is there any way to tell the difference between organic food and conventional food? One way to tell is by simply observing both of them, organic food tends to go bad much quicker than conventional food. Another way is to simply do the research, which has shown that yes, there is a big difference, especially when it comes to pesticide accumulation in the body.

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Physicists Examine The Structure Of Time: Reality Could Be An Illusion & ‘Time’ Might Not Exist

Time: it’s no doubt a confusing topic, and it gets even more confusing the more we try to unearth its secrets. Physicists have been examining the workings of time for decades, and the results published about it are mind-altering to contemplate, to say the least, and show that time might not exist as we think it does.

A new paper titled Time crystals from minimum time uncertainty” that was recently revised and re-published in The European Physical Journal marks just one example of the astonishing research being conducted on this subject. In it, the researchers have proposed that the shortest physically meaningful length of time might really be multiple orders of magnitude longer than Planck time. Planck time refers to the time required for light to travel, in a vacuum, which would be a distance of 1 Planck length. The unit is named after Max Planck, who was the first to propose the theory.

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Meet The Doctor Who Says Prescription Drugs Are Killing Us – And He’s Not The Only One

When it comes to our health, taking one person’s word as doctrine might not be the best idea, whether they are a doctor or not. What one person truly believes to be the best course of action in treating an illness may be the last thing someone else recommends, depending on a complex range of factors, including where and how they were educated, and, in particular, who funded that education. Indeed, many concerns have been raised about the use of industry-accepted pharmaceuticals, often by the very doctors who were told to use them. We now have, moreover, an overwhelming amount of evidence to corroborate what many of these professionals have been trying to tell us for decades:

The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.

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Shoes That Grow: Man Invents Sandals That Grow 5 Sizes In 5 Years To Help Children In Poverty

Sometimes it’s the simplest inventions that are capable of changing millions of lives, and that’s certainly the case with The Shoe That Grows. Invented by Kenton Lee, this sandal can adjust its size to the wearer, allowing children living in impoverished nations to grow up knowing they’ll have shoes to wear for years at a time. These remarkable shoes can stretch 5 sizes and last at least 5 years.

Research shows there are over 300 million children around the world who do not have shoes and countless more with shoes that do not fit. Children who do not have shoes are more susceptible to injuries and to parasites that infect humans through the feet. While many shoes are donated on a regular basis, they do not last, and the developing children quickly outgrow them.

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Study Finds Dogs Can Actually Read Human Emotions & Show Empathy

We’ve all heard it before: Dogs are man’s best friend. They are extremely loyal, loving, and sensitive, always seeming to know when you need some cheering up. Well, a new study shows that they do in fact know when you are feeling down, or happy, or any other emotion, because they have the ability to read human emotion. They do this through interpreting various stimuli, such as visual and auditory cues, and they are the only creatures aside from humans that have been shown to have this ability.


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