Collective Evolution

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Blind Woman Regains Her Sight After A Controversial Stem Cell Treatment

Jeffrey N. Weiss, an American ophthalmologist, has been performing procedures that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for some time now. In fact, all he had to do was register his human trials with the US National Institutes of Health (which usually requires approval from the FDA).

He was able to bypass the approval process because the procedure he was performing on patients had nothing to do with drugs. When a new drug is introduced claiming potential benefits to patients, it must face a rigorous approval process, although the many harmful drugs which still make their way onto the market would seem to belie this fact.

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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs & How Much They Make – Look How Ridiculous This Is

CEO pay continues to skyrocket at an exponential pace, as do the wages of the top executives beneath them. This is that ‘rat race’ we all live in, which sees all of us chasing money — at the expense of nearly everything else. While money is admittedly necessary at this moment to survive and put food on the table, how much is enough? If you view social issues like poverty to be the result of a lack of resources and money, why do so few of us question the current wealth allocation and distribution on the planet? If we were to take very small percentages of pay from the elite ‘1’ percent, we could use that money to feed, clothe, and house everybody on the planet.

As a result of this skyrocketing trend, the money of millions of people with pensions, IRAs, and 401 (k) plans continues to be expropriated, and there appears to be nothing we can do about it. Robert Reich, an American political economist, explains the severity of the situation in a recent post on his Facebook page:

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The Age of Toxicity: The Link Between Stress, Magnesium, & Disease

Our world is invaded with toxicity, radiation, and synthetic materials thanks to toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, GMO foods, and more. And while mainstream media continues to live under the barrage of government-approved laws, labels, and ideals, there is constant research disapproving the safety of so many things occurring in our world.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 60 percent of adults in the United States aren’t getting the estimated average requirement for magnesium. The recommended daily dietary amount of magnesium is a mere 300-400 mg, however, which is far below how much of this precious and paramount mineral people actually require. This means the average American adult is truly starved of it, leading to both malnourishment and disease.

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Are You Missing The World’s Beauty? Try Seeing The World In The Most Beautiful Way Possible

Life can change in an instant. My first instance was when I got diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease five years ago. My second was October 15th, 2013, the day I collapsed from undiagnosed co-infections. My third happened just last week. It involved a balinese bead cap, a mischievous cat, and a lecture by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

It was a Wednesday afternoon. I sat at my kitchen table with tears streaming down my face, a pair of jeweler’s pliers lying forgotten in my hands. Snow fell lightly outside the window as I sat in hushed silence, listening to Dyer recount the story of holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, a man who willed himself to survive by forcing himself to find the beauty in everything.

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Feel Like A Slave To The System? 6 Ways You Can Unplug Yourself From The Matrix

There is a popular meme that is shared by many alternative media outlets all the time which reads: “There is no way I was born to just pay bills and die.” Another popular one expresses a similar sentiment: “Get a job, go to work, get married, have children, follow fashion, watch tv, act normal, obey the law, save for old age… Now repeat after me: ‘I am free.’ ” While there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things – we all want to be contributing members of society, and saving money for our old age is a wise course of action — there is also nothing wrong with feeling like this type of experience isn’t for you. In fact, many people can’t stand it. Whether it’s spending the majority of your growing life inside a classroom, or spending the majority of your adult life working, it can often feel like the realities of modern life force us to neglect ourselves. As a result, many of us begin to feel depressed, because we are not putting time towards the things that ignite our soul.

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What Happened When A Texas School Tripled Its Recess Time

To most teachers, the idea of fitting in more recess time seems scary, especially given how much most curriculums require them to get across in such a short period of time.

To most students, more recess time is a desirable figment of their imagination, as I truly believe you will be hard pressed to find a kid who doesn’t enjoy their daily time outside of the classroom.

To Eagle Mountain Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas, more recess time was an initiative worth pursuing and several months into the program, it’s proving to be a strong decision.

The school recently decided to start giving their students four recess periods a day: two fifteen minute breaks every morning and two fifteen minute breaks every afternoon. The results so far have been incredible, and teachers, students, and parents have all chimed in with nothing but praise for the new system.

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The Best Fermented Foods To Heal Your Gut

If you have been trying to figure out the cause of an ongoing health issue such as acne, brittle hair, or dry skin, or even mental health issues such as ADHD or depression, without success, you may be missing a very simple piece of the puzzle. Most people do not realize the important role fermented foods can play in your overall health. A balanced gut is the foundation of health and what you eat directly determines how healthy your gut will be.

Fermented foods are the key to a robust digestive system and gut; they balance gut flora and maintain the proper levels of good bacteria in your body. If you consistently experience any of the above health issues or digestive complaints like bloating, constipation, and gas, you may want to consider adding some or all of these five fermented foods into your diet.

You can learn about these types of things and how diet and nutrition can transform your body through this free class.

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Scientists Discover Vessels That Connect The Immune System & Brain

History has proved to make some incredible discoveries that have made their way into teachings that we, as a society, are taught to absorb as true statements and must believe, memorize, and analyze. The human anatomy is no exception.

We already know the brain is a complex organ, so it should come as no surprise to us that scientific research continues to reveal new information about it, and that old ideas we thought to be true must often be rejected.

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Johnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay $72 Million For Ovarian Cancer Death Linked To Baby Powder – Here Are The Details

Johnson & Johnson, an American multinational corporation that specializes in developing medical devices and selling pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods, has been ordered to pay $72 million US dollars to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her decades-long use of the company’s talc-based Baby Powder and Shower.

The decision was made last Monday by a Missouri state jury, and The Globe & Mail has shared details of the verdict:

Jurors in the circuit court of St. Louis awarded the family of Jacqueline Fox $10-million of actual damages and $62 million of punitive damages, according to the family’s lawyers and court records. . . . Johnson & Johnson faces claims that it, in an effort to boost sales, failed for decades to warn consumers that its talc-based products could cause cancer.

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At This Library You Can Borrow A Human Instead Of A Book

Imagine walking into a library full of breathing, blinking, crying, laughing, thinking, speaking – even walking —  books! Imagine being able to ask any question you like of these books and getting an answer tailored to the nuances of your request; only, they aren’t really books, they are actual people! Now, thanks to the work of an incredible organization, you can check out a person as you would a book to find out more about their unique stories.

How Does A Human Library Work?

A human library is set up quite similarly to a normal library, in that you pick a topic which you would like to know more about and have an allotted time with your ‘book’ to learn about it before it must be returned. The downside is, unlike a book, you don’t get to take that person home with you.

“It’s meant to be a safe space to ask difficult questions and not to be judged,” Ronni Abergel, founder of The Human Library, told Upworthy. “To try and gain an important insight into the life of someone you think you know something about, but… You don’t.”


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