Collective Evolution

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Five Practices To Help Activate The Heart Chakra

Energy healers tell us that love is the highest form of vibration attainable. It has the power to heal, to unify our soul, and to connect us to those whose paths entwine with ours, and surround us with a divine wholeness. But before we can bring love into our lives, we must first learn to attract love. How? By becoming love ourselves. We can do this by learning to live from our heart chakras: functioning from a place of all-encompassing love.

We must activate Anahata.

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5 Non-Toxic Product Swaps For A Healthy Lifestyle

You don’t scour the aisles of the store looking for toxic products, right? That’s because no one is looking to harm themselves by being exposed to toxic chemicals that can wreak havoc on their health both in the short term as well as the long term. But unfortunately, you don’t have to look for such things, because the chances are, as you pick up your usual go-tos in the home goods, personal hygiene, and beauty products sections, they’re already filled with them. It’s a sad truth that is becoming increasingly apparent in our society, with more and more information being released on this very subject. From cleaning products to cosmetics and so much more, becoming informed will help alert you to the necessity of switching to the healthy alternatives.

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7 Great Exercises To Build A Healthy Spine

In our current age of excessive sitting and sedentary lifestyles, back pain is an incredibly common problem — one that I experience myself quite a bit when I don’t take the necessary steps to keep my body loose.

About 10 years ago I was digging a pond in my backyard. The project involved an incredible about of digging, lifting, and moving of over 1000 lbs of rock, and I managed to push hundreds of pounds of rock at a time in my wheelbarrow, day in and day out, from my front driveway, down the hill, to my backyard.

You can imagine the effect this had on my back.

I ended up in physio for several months trying to repair the damage I had done; between all the excessive lifting and failing to properly rest in between, I had really done a number on my back. The worst part? My back never fully healed, even after all my appointments.

I was left with what appeared to be chronic back pain and it never really went away. My back would feel tired and fragile while I stood, my core was incredibly weak, and it became completely normal to live with that dull ache sitting in my lower back at all times.

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Some Scientific Facts About Crop Circles That Nobody Really Knows About

Crop circles have been appearing around the globe for a very long time, and while some might represent the sloppy and obvious work of a few pranksters, others are so elaborate, so clever, so intricate, and so meaningful that their creation would require the use of highly advanced technology. It’s truly difficult to imagine how some of these designs could be done in the dead of night, with no footprints left behind, in just a few hours of time.

“Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason. And after all these decades, none of the perpetrators have been caught in the act of making any of the truly extraordinary formations.” – Richard Dolan, historian, academic, author, and one of the world’s leading UFO researchers (source)

The circles that are most likely to be genuine have actually been being studied by reputable scientists from all over the world for decades. For example, Richard Taylor, a University of Oregon physicist, published a paper on them in the 2011 issue of Physics World, stating:

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What Eastern Philosophy & Zen Teach Us: The Absurdity Of Seeking Only “High Energy”

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by Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

During the current Presidential campaign Donald Trump accused Jeb Bush of being “low energy” and the description seems to have stuck, and to have hurt his rival.

As one looks around social media, it also seems that everywhere the notion of high energy is reinforced; many posts memorialize activity and movement, and many times there are photos of experiences that are challenging, dangerous, or adventurous.  The implication seems to be that if you aren’t always doing amazing things you aren’t really living.

This can take its toll on people leading a “normal” life where they have many responsibilities and little or no opportunity to do amazing stuff.  Holding a job, raising a family, or just getting through the day seem like significant achievements.

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Scientists Discover People Who Are Awake Can Influence Dreams Of Sleeping People Using Telepathy

Dream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are dreaming. This isn’t a new concept, scientific interest in telepathy dates back to the fathers of the psychoanalytic movement. Freud, for example, looked at the implications of telepathy on psychoanalytic thought. He also considered dream telepathy, or the telepathic influence of thought on dreaming, on multiple occasions. Carl Jung believed in the telepathic hypothesis without question, and even developed a theoretical system to explain “paranormal” events of this nature. (2)

It seems that all great minds encourage the study of various types of non-physical phenomena.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

According to Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. and professor of psychology at Saybrook University in California:

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New Moon In Aquarius: Innovation and Collaboration

We are entering a New Moon phase in the sign of Aquarius, which is the beginning of the 29.5 day Moon cycle. It will also mark the Chinese New Year of the ‘Fire Monkey,’ which is associated with adventure, imagination, inventiveness, and versatility, as well as irritability and volatility. The New Moon will take place on February 8th at 2:39pm Universal Time (Click here for your time zone).

The first week of this Moon cycle is occurring during the final week of the post-Mercury Retrograde period, which signifies this month as a time to move forward with new adjustments and/or realizations regarding either our careers, ambitions, structures, available resources, or the way we manage our lives. (Click here to read my Mercury Retrograde article.)

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5 Hidden Truths About Mainstream News Media

There is a growing trend of skepticism on the internet right now as people start to call out mainstream media for its honesty (or rather, lack thereof). It’s an important move for people in general, as there are good reasons to question the talking heads that are gifted with such a reach and influence, via a brand whose survival is based upon getting and keeping your attention. To give someone, or some brand, the authority to tell you what is true, is one of the greatest mistakes a human being can make. Here’s why.

Yes, of course, I know I’m about to tell you how to think in this article, being written on a brand you recognize, that survives on getting and keeping your attention. But at least I’m honest about that. I’m not going to attempt to prove that I know everything about every newsroom on the planet. I can only tell you about some of the common things that I have seen, in the newsrooms I have been in.

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Young Gorillas Spotted Dismantling Poachers’ Traps For The First Time

Not long after a poacher’s trap killed a young mountain gorilla in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, researchers actually witnessed a couple of four year old gorillas working together to take apart other traps in the area. Large gorillas are able to use their strength to do this, but the younger ones aren’t.

“This is absolutely the first time that we’ve seen juveniles doing that . . . I don’t know of any other reports in the world of juveniles destroying snares. We are the largest database and observer of wild gorillas . . . so I would be very surprised if somebody else has seen that.” – Veronica Vecellio from the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund’s Karisoke Research Centre in Rwanda

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Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Reveals Real Intentions Behind The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been seeking refuge for close to three years inside Ecuador’s Embassy in London where he has political asylum. Facing both investigations in Sweden and the US, he claims that he is doing well despite his circumstances.

Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning on claims of sexual misconduct, however no charges have been formally filed against him. In the US, a secret grand jury is investigating him for his role in publishing a collection of leaked documents regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well as state department modes of communication known as cables.


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