Wes Annac

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Fear Drives Hesitation; Detach from Both Today

Credit: Behappy.me

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’ve been thinking a lot about hesitation, an important topic for anyone who’s discovered their life purpose. I notice that while I enjoy writing, music, meditation and other things, I sometimes resist them.

It’s easier to get distracted than sit at the computer and write or edit a document, and the commitment that comes with living with purpose will challenge us.

I’ve been wondering what drives hesitation, procrastination and other qualities that impede a life of purpose, and the best answer I can come up with is fear. Fear keeps us from the things we need the most in life, and if we can become aware of how it hinders the creative drive, we can take the first step to resolving it.

In order to do so, we have to look out for any fear or hesitation that surface during the creative process. We have to question if our commitment is strong enough to stop giving in to fear, and if the answer is yes, it should be easy to find the strength to keep moving.

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Christmas All Year Long

Credit: polartcenter.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Christmas is supposed to be a time for love, joy and being with the people who mean the most, but unfortunately, it’s become a time of stress and frustration for many. It doesn’t have to be this way, but to change anything about it will require us to change how we see it.

I don’t discourage getting gifts, but perhaps we should be aware of why we do it. When we are, we’ll see that the consumerism is out of hand and people have forgotten the holiday’s true intention.

It’s ingrained into our culture that the only way to show someone you love them on Christmas is to buy that perfect gift, no matter how expensive, but this isn’t what the holiday is meant to represent.

Ignoring for this post the apparent connection between Christmas and magic mushrooms, it’s generally supposed to be about love, family and giving.

Its intention should be to bring people together without the need for expensive gifts, and we can achieve this by changing our mindset and what we do during the holiday season.

For example: How many people have the thought to give a homemade gift instead of buying one?

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The World’s Darkness Mirrors Our Own

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

A thought recently came to me that I’d like to share with those of you who also want to expose and bring down oppression, whether in government, big corporations or anything else.

What if the darkness we witness in the world mirrors the darkness that lives within?

Maybe we reinforce mental and spiritual slavery by refusing to address and heal the issues that keep us from knowing ourselves, and if we could set ourselves free, we could make it easier for the world to be free too.

I don’t mean to say that one person’s liberation will automatically free the world, but I do think our inner and outer realities are one and this oneness is important when it comes to personal and societal change.

What we feed within will manifest in the world, and if we can set ourselves free, we can make it easier for others to be free too. It’ll be easier to share our love and good vibes with everyone unconditionally when we liberate ourselves, and we can make an undeniable impact on the world if we dedicate ourselves to giving good vibes freely.

We’ll realize along the way that the people in power want to control our freedom and social/spiritual awareness. Then, we can raise awareness by sharing our knowledge with a world that’s slowly opening up to what we have to say.

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Wake Up!

Credit: pennys-world.angelfire.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’d like to share some thoughts on the concept of a spiritual awakening for those who are confused about it.

We hear a lot in the conscious community about waking up, being a part of the awakening, etc., and like other concepts, it can be difficult to understand what it actually means; especially if you interpret it literally.

As you can probably guess, the term’s purpose isn’t to encourage people to physically awaken. It holds powerful metaphorical significance, however, because spiritual awakening can be likened to waking up in the morning.

Whereas there was only darkness, unconsciousness and maybe some dreams when we were asleep, we awaken to a reality filled with color and potential. We can have all kinds of adventures in this reality, but sadly, most people do the same unfulfilling things day in and day out.

Spiritual awakening is similar in that we become aware of a new reality with even more color and vibrancy (not to mention bliss), and most of us are inspired to share our awakening with anyone who’s willing to hear us out.

Credit: pinterest.com

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The Time Has Come for a Spiritual Revolution

Credit: globalone.tv

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Now that we’ve established this conscious community, the time has come to fan the flames of spiritual revolution.

I’ve been saying this for a while, and I feel the need to repeat it because the time is ripe for real social action (and spiritual evolution) and it’d be a shame to miss the opportunity.

Instead of complacently accepting the suppression of true spirituality and the denial of citizens’ rights, let’s rise up and do something about it.

Let’s show the world that we’re serious about change, and let’s encourage others to contribute too. Let’s make sure everyone’s involved, because a lot needs done and it’ll require everyone’s input.

If we can continue to raise social and spiritual awareness while encouraging others to play their part, we can show the world that we’re just as serious and willing to work hard as those who try to stifle this movement.

We’re no longer accepting our governments’ attempts to control us, and we know that despite what they try to do, we are free; as long as we strive to reclaim the freedom we’ve been denied.

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Awakening, Creativity and the Purpose of Life

Climbing the ladder of consciousness. Credit: inspirationfeed.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The moment we realize something isn’t right with this world is the moment we begin a journey of awakening.

For some, it starts with exposure to alternative news and social/geopolitical topics, and for others, it starts with exposure to alternative forms of spirituality.

The common theme that ties each awakening together is that someone realizes there’s something profoundly wrong with the world and they aren’t powerless to make a change.

When we discover that our governments have never really worked in our favor and certainly aren’t interested in doing it now, our entire programmed view of reality comes crashing down so we can replace it with something new.

We see the lies we previously accepted for what they truly are, and we no longer watch apathetically as our governments try to control us.

We actively contribute to the downfall of corruption and oppression while maintaining peace toward those who try to rule us, and we step onto a whole new level when we discover spiritual concepts that liberate us from within.

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The Teachers Speak: Krishnamurti on Quieting the Mind

The Teachers Speak (KEEP)By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’d like to introduce a new writing series entitled The Teachers Speak. Here, we’ll explore what various well-known spiritual figures have said about an array of subjects, including God, enlightenment, the spiritual path and the different ways we all travel it.

I’ve written reports like this before, but the intention is to share them more regularly with more diverse material. In doing so, we can discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between what various spiritual figures say while exploring the philosophical and spiritual meaning of their words.

It seems appropriate for this first article to share guidance from Jiddu Krishnamurti, a respected spiritual teacher who encouraged liberation from the distractions, desires and habits of the mind.

As we’ll learn here, the mind will go to any extent to reinforce its existence (thus reinforcing our existence as humans who are separate from the All), but passive awareness of everything we think, feel and experience can keep us from being susceptible to the mind’s conditioning.

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What Makes Tropical Fruits Healthy?

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Fruits and veggies are obvious choices for anyone who wants to eat healthy, because they come naturally from the earth and provide the nutrition the body needs.

The artificial, processed ‘food’ sold by corrupt food companies has hardly any nutritional benefits, which can make you wonder why they’re allowed to be sold in the first place. However, just because we’re inundated with so much bad food doesn’t mean all hope is lost for those who want to be healthy.

Depending on where you live, you can probably find organic fruits and veggies that have the proper nutrition. While they aren’t all as tasty as the unhealthy food so many of us are used to, they make up for it in the energy, vitality and mental clarity they give us.

The mind is clearer when we give the body the proper nutrition, and you’ll notice that you have more energy and you’re generally more willing to take on the day if you eat healthier. This isn’t the only benefit of healthy eating, but it’s the most appealing for a lot of people.

While there’s plenty to be written about all fruits and veggies, I’d like to focus on tropical fruit. I learned through research that there are all kinds of tropical fruits, most of which I’d never heard of, and they’re all beneficial for the reasons we’ll explore here.

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Hemp Is Healthy: Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp

Credit: 3hourspast.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We hear a lot these days about the medicinal benefits of marijuana, which were given hardly any attention just a few decades ago.

We used to treat marijuana as a dangerous drug that either makes its users lazy or encourages them to try harder drugs that are actually dangerous and addicting. While that kind of propaganda is still alive and well, the world is slowly realizing that marijuana can actually be good for the human body.

It would’ve been nearly impossible to get someone to acknowledge or accept this a short time ago, but with the power of the internet and alternative media, knowledge of the health benefits of cannabis has spread to the most skeptical corners of society.

Well-known doctors are coming out in favor of medical marijuana, and people are realizing it was a mistake to ignore scientifically proven facts and countless anecdotal accounts of how the plant has helped people.

The world is changing its stance on marijuana, but for this article, I’d like to put the spotlight on its cousin, hemp. Hemp is not an intoxicant, which means you can’t get high from it, but it’s illegal in the U.S. just like marijuana.

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Just Smile

Credit: listdose.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

When things aren’t going your way and you can’t seem to catch a break,  just smile. When negativity tries to take over, keep smiling and refuse to become another one of its victims.

Be happy regardless of how much you’re tempted to be sad, and see if your new attitude makes things better.

Don’t let the world’s negativity get the best of you, because it only makes things worse when you do. Even if it feels too optimistic or naive, keep smiling and know that it’s okay to be happy in negative circumstances.

We’re on a mission to bring this planet into the light, but we can’t achieve much if we let life’s stresses take us down.

We’ll always be challenged regardless of our attitude, and if we can learn from adversity instead of letting it depress us, we’ll realize that it’s here to teach us and help us grow.


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